Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 252 Lemon Essence In Groups, Are You Tired Of Living?

Since the Yuanjin Royal Family had not yet arrived, Tang Chen and others had to continue to recuperate in the Silver Moon Forest.

However, Tang Chen was not boring during this time.

It's good to have a beautiful girl who can be trained at will.

"The current social atmosphere is so bad, it's not a good thing to be arrogant and self-willed, I'm helping Qiyang Holy Maiden!"

"As the old saying goes, whoever enters The Underworld if I don't enter The Underworld."

"Leave this responsibility to me!"

Tang Chen said in his heart.

Inside the Great Hall.

Qiyang Holy Maiden is pinching Tang Chen's shoulders, his fingers are slender, and he asks in a low voice, "Master, is this strength enough?"

Tang Chen closed his eyes and enjoyed it, and said casually, "It's okay."

Qiyang Holy Maiden was overjoyed.

But at the same time, she felt ashamed.

There are other monsters nearby, and once it spreads, this reputation will definitely be affected...

"What? Do you want to be lazy again?" Tang Chen glanced at Qiyang Holy Maiden, a little displeased.

Tang Chen's current appearance, in the eyes of many young demon clansmen, is a complete devil, who is repeatedly bullying Qiyang Holy Maiden.

"No no!" Qiyang Holy Maiden pursed his red lips aggrieved.

At this time, Ye Qingrou came over with Tuntun in her arms, and nodded with satisfaction when she saw the performance of Qiyang Holy Maiden.

"Go and apologize to Qingrou, don't fool around." Tang Chen pointed at Ye Qingrou and ordered.

Qiyang Holy Maiden's saucy personality slowly faded away under Tang Chen's training. He walked over very obediently and said, "Miss Ye, it was my fault last time."

Tang Chen smiled and looked at Ye Qingrou, who smiled like a flower.

"Okay, this girl forgives you, restrain your temper, and don't make trouble for the little uncle again." Ye Qingrou didn't make things difficult for her, and accepted the apology happily.

Hearing this, Qiyang Holy Maiden showed an excited smile.

"Reward you for a hug."

Tang Chen gave both kindness and power, and waved his hands lightly.

Tun Tun rolled his eyes, and seemed to be reluctantly held in his arms by the Seven Suns Holy Maiden.

The next moment——

Qiyang Holy Maiden felt that his own blood was being awakened little by little, and his beautiful eyes instantly widened, and there was an inexplicable moving.

The awakening here is not the blood of the Holy Sun!

But a trace of gluttonous blood hidden in the body!

"I now understand why the little eight ancestors scolded me."

Qiyang Holy Maiden was moved to tears, it turned out that he was so stupid.

"From now on, I will definitely serve the young master well!" Qi Yang Holy Maiden vowed in his heart that he must follow Tang Chen's side.

"Master, from now on, I will warm your bed every day."

She turned around, showing a gentle and virtuous smile, and looked at Tang Chen shyly.


The monster cultivator who was watching secretly was so angry that he vomited blood.

A heart completely turned into nothingness.

They felt that Qiyang Holy Maiden was forced to do business because of the orders of the little eighth ancestor, so he stooped to be Tang Chen's maid.

But now, Seven Suns Holy Maiden has become willing under Tang Chen's candy and sticks.

This is completely different!

"It's over, Holy Maiden has fallen..."

Tai Kong, who also asked Jiuzhao royal family, also turned into a lemon essence because of jealousy.

He thought about it and finally decided to contact Long Yue of the Yuanjin Royal Family.

If Tang Chen is not stopped, I am afraid that the Seven Suns Holy Maiden will become the shape of Tang Chen!

the same moment.

The news that the Seven Suns Holy Maiden was willing to surrender to Tang Chen spread at an extremely fast speed.

The youth of the demon race who wanted to crusade against Tang Chen also skyrocketed at an extremely fast rate.

There is no other reason, Tang Chen has too many beauties!

Three of them are the goddess of Nanling!

"Have you heard that Qiyang Holy Maiden takes the initiative to warm Tang Chen's bed every day, not to mention how obedient he is!"

"It's more than that, Gu Lin'er is taking care of Tang Chen's life, and seeing each other sincerely every day, I... I'm not convinced!"

"The three golden flowers in Nanling have become unique to Tang Chen. What's so good about this person? Isn't he handsome, strong, and well-connected!"

In the Silvermoon Forest, lemon essences swarmed in groups.

But having said that, Tang Chen is not the brain of a sperm, but simply wants to train the Holy Maiden of Qiyang.

After all, it's too boring, always looking for something to do.

As for the Seven Suns Holy Maiden staying, he has no objection.

Beauty, it can be seductive when you take it with you, why not do it.

Gu Mo, Shikuang and Lu Shenhao all had wry smiles on their faces when they learned of this.

But they also understood that this was the privilege of the strong, and they quickly accepted it.

"This girl is finally enlightened, and the old man can rest assured."

The Little Eighth Patriarch heard this and stroked his long beard with satisfaction.

All the clansmen's eyes widened: "Xiaozu, shouldn't we teach this human race a lesson?"

"Be presumptuous, if you dare to say such things again in the future, I will expel him from the clan with my own hands. Tang Xiaoyou is a close friend of the Jiu Zhao royal family!" Xiao Bazu scolded.

"Xiaozu, we were wrong."

The people of the Jiu Zhao royal family agreed with embarrassment.


Nanling, the territory of the Yuanjin royal family.

At this time, Long Yue still didn't know what happened in Yinyue Forest.

At this moment, a follower hurried in and said in a trembling voice, "Master, something happened to the Seven Suns Holy Maiden in the Silver Moon Forest!"


Long Yue suddenly opened his eyes, golden light burst out, and shouted: "Speak!"

"I heard that Seven Suns Holy Maiden is warming the bed for a human named Tang Chen, and... he is very happy." The follower replied quickly.

The Longyue man was stunned on the spot, slumped on the futon, and couldn't turn his mind around for a while.

This information is too shocking.

His brain shut down.

After a while, a rage from the bottom of his heart rushed into Long Yue's heart.

I saw that his face was extremely ferocious, and he shouted: "This human race will die, how dare you touch my woman!"

Ever since Long Yue became the first arrogant of the Yuanjin royal family, how has he ever suffered such a big loss, a woman was robbed and her bed was warmed by others.

Although Qiyang Holy Maiden had never been very interested in Longyue, the latter didn't think so.

Long Yue thought about his sincerity, and he would definitely be able to exchange for true love, but in the end, it was a green hat.

"Tell Uncle Long Jun to go to Yinyue Forest immediately, I will kill this person!"

Long Yue was very angry.

A roar resembling a dragon's roar echoed inside and outside the Great Hall.


Nanling, Yinyue Forest.

For the late arrival of the Yuanjin Royal Family, everyone has long been used to it.

The little eighth ancestor of the Jiu Zhao royal family felt that it didn't matter, seeing the reincarnation of the old ancestor was the biggest gain.


On this day, a heavy and distant dragon roar sounded over the Silver Moon Forest.

The lion laughed wildly: "It's finally here."

Everyone went out, ready to meet the Yuanjin Royal Family.

above the sky.

A touch of golden light blooms, like the rising sun, illuminating the darkness and forming a thousand inextinguishable divine lights.

The leader is a middle-aged man, wearing a golden robe, honorable and proud, cupped hands smiled: "Everyone, I'm sorry, some things in the clan were delayed, so I came a little late."

"Really?" Lu Shenhao said casually.

Long Yue is standing beside the middle-aged Long Hao.

At this moment, he was so angry that he shouted: "Who is Tang Chen, get out of this deity!"

The shout was like a long howl of an angry dragon, echoing over the Silvermoon Forest, and it also contained a divine might that stunned the spirit beast.

Everyone raised their heads subconsciously, looking in astonishment.

Which guy without long eyes dares to provoke Tang Chen.

Are you tired of living?


The author says:

There is one more later, later...

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