Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 245 You Don't Talk About Martial Arts, Is This A Human Language?

The Yinyue Royal Family is going crazy!

The Shenyue Great Array they were so proud of was actually knocked out in front of the two little birds!

What is this!

"Ancestor, something happened!"

The wolf sacrificed a lot of hair, and shouted loudly.

Ancestor Sirius was almost scared to death, just when he was about to go back to Closed Door Training, he heard this scream and ran out quickly.

"Who did this?" He looked at the Shenyue Great Formation in anger, his voice sharp like that of an evil spirit.

Ancestor Sirius subconsciously thought that the other party had invited some great master of the formation to break the formation.

The wolf sacrifice wanted to cry without tears, and pointed to the high ramp outside: "Tang Chen...he broke the big formation with two little birds!"


Ancestor Sirius is just stupid, what kind of bird is so domineering?

Not only the Yinyue Royal Family was shocked, but all the monsters who came to crusade were also dumbfounded.

"I've never heard of this kind of bird?" Gu Mo was at a loss.

Lion Kuang observed the Angry Birds and wondered: "There is no trace of blood, Lao Lu, do you have an impression?"

Lu Shenhao rolled his eyes.

They are the noble Golden-winged Great Peng clan, and they are not ordinary birds.

"You really deserve to be Mr. Tang, you are so handsome and charming when you play with slingshots." Palace Master You Lian and the other girls murmured, and their beautiful eyes stared at Tang Chen.

Gu Lin'er, Shi Lingmei and Ye Qingrou glanced at Palace Master You Lian, how dare they snatch their husband at such an old age?

Shiba said hesitantly: "Good brother-in-law, a slingshot can play with flowers."

When everyone was shocked, Tang Chen had already picked up the yellow bird and slowly opened the slingshot, pinpointing the weakness of the Shenyue Great Array.

"No accident, if I hit this time, I can definitely defeat the Shenyue Great Array." He secretly said in his heart.

"Old Ancestor, we must fight it down, otherwise, the great formation will collapse!" Wolf Festival shouted anxiously.

Ancestor Sirius couldn't understand what it meant for a while, could it be possible for a bird to be heaven-defying?

call out!

The yellow bird catapulted out, pointing directly at the silver moon formation.

"I'm mad at me! Don't think that everything can break the formation!"

Ancestor Sirius felt that he was humiliated, the wolf claws were raised, and the power of the law was surging in the void, and he was about to crush the yellow bird.


Tang Chen smiled lightly and tapped the ground with his toes.

The yellow bird suddenly accelerated in front of the power of law, and fled into the void like a flash.

When it reappeared, it had already landed on the Shenyue Great Array.


The Shenyue Great Array that enveloped the entire Yinyue Forest instantly burst into majestic moonlight, rushing towards the Nine Heavens like a trend.

Countless monsters were overturned to the ground in an instant, but their expressions were immersed in sluggishness and stunned, unable to return to their senses for a long time.

Three birds destroyed the Yinyue Imperial Family's Shenyue Great Array!

The face of the real person in yellow was swollen and stunned. Could it be that this is a new breaking posture?

At this moment, the scene looked very strange.

The formation was broken, but no one attacked.

The members of the Yinyue Royal Family were also silent.

Everyone was stunned, motionless.

"It's a pity, I haven't had enough." Tang Chen looked at the birds behind him and sighed regretfully.

Angry Birds completed their mission, looked at Tang Chen firmly, quacked, and finally dissipated.

At this time, countless eyes fell on Tang Chen, as if looking at a god, full of curiosity, but also afraid to approach casually.

Tang Chen coughed lightly and said with a serious expression: "The great formation has been broken, please attack the Silver Moon Forest!"

When these words landed, everyone reacted and immediately showed excitement.


The sound of killing shook the sky, and the demon clan and the human clan roared in the sky, and charged towards the Silver Moon Forest as if they were crazy.

The Qinggu Snake Clan, the Nine-Headed Golden Lion Clan and the Golden-winged Great Peng Clan were at the forefront, once reaching the peak of their momentum.

The people of the Yinyue Royal Family were so angry that they vomited blood.

The dignified formation was actually broken by three little birds. If this spread out, it would really become a laughing stock.

"Sirius, weren't you very arrogant just now?" Gu Mo sneered.

"You're not wanting face when you hide behind the big formation, and you're talking nonsense!" Lion laughed madly.

"Why don't you talk now?" Lu Shenhao smiled fiercely.

"What are you talking about, kill!" Gucci shouted.

The four besieged the ancestor of Sirius, venting their grievances to the fullest.

"If you have the ability, one-on-one, four-on-one don't talk about martial arts!" The old ancestor of Sirius was beaten and vomited blood, screaming.

"Damn Wude, have you told me?" The four of them ignored it at all and continued to attack and move forward.

The blood of the ancestor of Sirius fell in large swathes, like a rain of blood, which was enough to dye the earth red.

The blood of Sage is unbearable for all things, and it is terrible.

The Yinyue Royal Family was chased and killed by others, screaming incessantly, and was beaten to the point of defeat.

The other party's momentum was too great, and they had no choice but to run away.

However, this time, the purpose of the crusade against the Yinyue Royal Family is to drive them out and kill them. Even if some people flee, the killings will continue.

Tang Chen walked slowly behind, as if walking in a garden

At this moment, this battle no longer needs him to take action.


Ancestor Sirius was severely injured, like a silver mountain smashed to the ground, the smoke and dust filled the air and rolled in all directions.


The people of the Yinyue Royal Family cried out in grief.

If it is one-on-one, the ancestor of Sirius still has a chance to win.

One-on-four, he still doesn't have that ability, and can only be ruthlessly suppressed.

The huge body of the ancestor of Sirius trembled, and the wolf mouth continued to vomit blood.

Gu Mo fell to the ground and sneered: "Don't touch the bottom line of Nanling in the next life, otherwise, even the royal family will be destroyed here."

"I... won't... let go... yours!"

The beast pupil of the ancestor of Sirius was losing his vitality, looking at Tang Chen who was coming, he said while vomiting blood.

"Seniors, how's it going?" Tang Chen walked over with a light smile.

He seemed to be at ease, but in fact, he was holding the Evil Emperor's severed fingers tightly in his hand to prevent accidents.

"He won't live long." Lu Shenhao chuckled.


Suddenly, the ancestor of Sirius, who was about to die, suddenly erupted, turning all Spirit Power into a touch of moonlight and killing Tang Chen.

The speed was so fast that no one could react.

"Little thief, accompany me to death!" Ancestor Sirius laughed wildly, with the pleasure of revenge like a madman.

However, Tang Chen's hair and body were surrounded by a faint silver light, like Immortal blooming.

Zi Zai Ji Gong exerted himself, driving the Evil Emperor to cut off his fingers in one fell swoop.


A ray of evil light shot out, easily defeated Yuehua, and killed the ancestor of Sirius in one fell swoop!

The whole place fell silent for a moment.

Both the crusade and the Yinyue Royal Family were stunned.

"Let's go, it's just a waste dog." Tang Chen lifted the Zi Zai Ji Yi Gong and walked forward calmly.

Ancestor Sirius had a blood hole in his head, gurgling scarlet blood, and finally died tragically on the spot.

Countless people were horrified.

One blow kills the Xuanwei Xiaosheng, how did this happen?

"I can't see through him more and more." Shi Kuang was stunned.

Gu Mo, Lu Shenhao and Gucci also nodded stupidly.

"Master, are you alright?" Gu Lin'er hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

Tang Chen smiled and said, "It's okay, the dog jumped off the wall in a hurry. He fell down before I even exerted my strength."

"Master is mighty." Gu Lin'er shyly praised in a low voice, so beautiful and cute that it made people intoxicated.


The only remaining members of the Yinyue Royal family vomited blood and died.

Tang Chen is too arrogant, not only calling their ancestors a dog, but also... talking like that!

Is this human?

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