Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 1896 Death Is Just A Scar The Size Of A Bowl

Jiuhun's idea is not wrong, but he still suffered a big loss because he did not understand the characteristics of the Queen of Blades.

Sword Qi fell on the Queen of Blades, leaving no foundation behind.

On the contrary, because Sword Qi angered the Queen of Blades, the two knives in his hand slashed at everyone fiercely.


When Jiu Hun saw the Queen of Blades' movements, he didn't even think about it, and immediately flashed aside.

Fortunately, Jiu Hun reminded others, otherwise, if the Queen of Blades goes down, I don't know how many overlords will stay here forever.

"No, I can't fight her head-on, I'm not an opponent at all, I have to leave quickly."

Jiu Hun embarrassedly avoided the attack of the Queen of Blades, looking at Luo Qingyun who was also embarrassed and said.

"I want to leave too, but do you think we have a chance to leave?"

"Why do I think we have no chance at all."

Luo Qingyun said helplessly.

He also wanted to get out of here quickly.

Judging from the strength of the Queen of Blades, they have no chance of winning.

Rather than wasting time here, it's better to get out of here quickly.

But obviously, they have absolutely no chance to leave here.

The Queen of Blades is not only powerful, but also very fast, and their speed is simply impossible to escape the pursuit of the Queen of Blades.

It is almost impossible to escape here alive.

"In this way, I will delay the time here first, and you will take the others to find the emperor."

"With the strength of the emperor, it should be very easy to destroy the Queen of Blades."

Luo Qingyun said to Jiuhun.

Jiuhun didn't speak, but rolled his eyes at Luo Qingyun.

Jiu Hun didn't know what Luo Qingyun wanted to do.

Resisting the Queen of Blades here, with Luo Qingyun's strength, how could it be possible to stop the Queen of Blades.

Even if Luo Qingyun tried his best, he probably wouldn't have the slightest chance to block it.

Unless Luo Qingyun loses his life and fights with the Queen of Blades, it may be able to block it for a while.

However, Luo Qingyun's final result is only one, and that is to die here.

"Don't even think about it, even if you really need someone to resist here, it's me, not you, and you don't even think about it, are you still alone now?"

Jiuhun said to Luo Qingyun.

"I have made a military order with the emperor. I will definitely not hurt my brothers this time, so I must stay here."

Luo Qingyun said firmly.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, I know what I'm doing, and I know what I should do. You're not qualified to ask me to do anything."

"Remember, even in terms of status, my status with the emperor is much higher than yours, so don't think about arranging me."

"You still leave here with many brothers honestly, and this crazy woman will be handed over to me."

After Jiu Hun finished speaking, he rushed towards the Queen of Blades without waiting for Luo Qingyun to speak.

"Reptile, you are courting death, I must let you understand what it means to die without a burial place."

When the Queen of Blades saw Jiu Hun, she showed a cruel smile.

As for Jiu Hun, she can't wait to cut it into pieces now.

If it wasn't for Jiu Hun's reminder just now, how could she have not touched anyone with the knife just now.

This is a shame for the Queen of Blades.

It was hard to break through, and the first shot didn't hit anything.


Jiu Hun was like a rag bag, and was kicked out by the Queen of Blades.

A wound that almost cut Jiu Hun in half appeared on Jiu Hun's stomach.

"Nine Hun!"

When Luo Qingyun saw Jiu Hun's appearance, he immediately wanted to rush up.

However, it was stopped by Jiu Hun.

"Leave quickly and don't waste my time."

Jiu Hun used Magic power to recover the wound, and rushed to the Queen of Blades again.


Jiu Hun was knocked out again.

"Jiu Hun, take them away and leave the rest to me!"

Luo Qingyun said, ignoring Jiu Hun's stop, he picked up the spear and rushed to the blade again.

"Yi, do you really think you can stop me?"

The Queen of Blades looked at Luo Qingyun with disdain.

With a slight wave of the long knife in his hand, he slashed at Luo Qingyun.

Luo Qingyun seemed to have slammed into the sword of the Queen of Blades.

One arm fell to the ground, and Luo Qingyun immediately gave birth to another arm.

"This guy is so terrifying, I'm afraid the two of us won't be able to stop him for long."

"It is necessary to bring other people back to the emperor safely. This is what I promised the emperor, and I must do it."

Luo Qingyun didn't care to sigh, and flew to the Queen of Blades again.

"Yuhuo, the rest of the brothers will be handed over to you."

"Be sure to bring them back to the emperor's side, and let me be a useful person."

Luo Qingyun's eyes were full of death wishes.

He didn't think he would survive this time.

In the current situation, it is almost impossible for him to survive, unless the Queen of Blades takes pity on him.

Or Tang Chen could come and save him.

"Impossible, you pretend to be heroes here and let me send my brothers back. What should the emperor think of me?"

"If you want to go, let's go together, if you want to fight, let's fight together."

"A person's death is just a scar the size of a bowl. Who would be afraid of this?"

Firelord felt insulted.

Why can Luo Qingyun and the others be heroes here, and he has to take others back.

Luo Qingyun and Jiuhun were afraid of Tang Chen's scolding. Could it be that he wasn't worried?

If you want him to go back and be scolded, don't even think about it, and no one wants him to go back.

"Yuhuo, listen to me, the three of us are here, and it's not much different from me here alone. You leave here with your brothers, and you must not let your brothers make any mistakes."

Luo Qingyun also wanted to persuade Yuhuo Overlord.

However, the Fire Overlord ignored him at all, and rushed directly to the Queen of Blades.

Facing the Queen of Blades, a flame was thrown in the past.


The flames fell on the Queen of Blades, leaving no foundation, not even a piece of black.

This kind of situation made the heart of Yuhuo Overlord suddenly cool.

"Just kidding, mine is Li Huo, and it has no foundation on the Queen of Blade's Edge. How is this possible?"

What else did the Fire Overlord want to say.

It's just that before he could continue to speak, the blade of the Queen of Blades fell.

The Fire Overlord tried his best to dodge, and finally avoided the fatal attack.

But he also lost half his life, and his head was cut in half.

"Fighting fire!"

Luo Qingyun quickly pulled Yuhuo Overlord aside.

This is too dangerous. If the Queen of Blades is attacked again, I am afraid that the life of the Fire Overlord will be lost here.

"Be careful, her attack is very sharp, we can't stop it, we can only keep dodging, just pester her and don't let her attack others."

Luo Qingyun said to Yuhuo.

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