Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 1675 There Is No Omen At All! There's A Problem Over There

"I can feel her breath."

There was a strange look in Anna's eyes.

She was certain that Tang Chen was leading them around.

And this must be a direction that Tang Chen randomly chose. What he didn't expect was that he really felt the breath of the Death Zerg Queen.

"Have you felt it? I just said it, how could it not be found?"

Tang Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

The time for this lucky potion is running out, and if he hasn't found it, he should think of other ways.

Fortunately, Ana was more powerful and sensed the breath of the Death Zerg.

"Come on, we must stop the Death Zerg Queen from completing the life transition."

Tang Chen asked Anna to lead the way, and everyone walked in the direction of the sea.

"There are Zerg queens coming this way, you stop them, you must not let them destroy my breakthrough."

When Anna felt the breath of the Death Zerg Queen, the Death Zerg Queen also felt Anna's breath.

The Death Zerg Queen and the like asked her own men to stop Anna and prevent Anna from coming to destroy it.

Her breakthrough this time is very important, and she must not be disturbed. If she is disturbed, there will be great hidden dangers.

And as the Zerg Queen, she also knew that Anna would definitely not let her complete the life transition, otherwise Anna would have to die.

But she also has her own trump card.

After she knew the importance of this breakthrough, she immediately asked her subordinates to come over to protect her.

Unless there is a force that can reach the strength of the Death Zerg, no one can stop her life transition.

"Your Majesty, your breakthrough is about to begin. Isn't it inappropriate to stop those people at this time?"

said a Death Zerg marshal.

"Don't worry, there will be no problem with this breakthrough. As long as no one destroys the altar, I will not be interrupted."

"Remember, in the next two days, no one can go to the altar."

With that said, the Zerg Queen of Death flew to the altar.

When she landed on the altar, the entire altar suddenly flooded with red light.

All the red light enveloped the Death Zerg Queen like a blood-colored cocoon.

"Master, the Death Zerg Queen has begun to break through, we must stop her quickly, otherwise it will be too late."

Anna's face changed greatly.

She didn't expect that the Death Zerg Queen suddenly began to break through.

No warning at all!

It was as if the Death Zerg Queen was just getting ready.

"How long will breakthrough take?"

Tang Chen's face was a little ugly.

He doesn't know how long it will take for the Death Zerg Queen to break through. If the time required is very short, they will not have time to destroy it, and the Death Zerg Queen will break through.

At that time, they can only die on the insect star.

"The shortest one day, the longest two days."

Anna said seriously.

This time is not long, they are still some distance from the altar, and the Death Zerg Queen will definitely send someone to delay the time.

If the Death Zerg Queen really succeeds, they really don't have a chance to survive.

"Is one day? It's enough, we're going all out, we must get there before the Death Zerg Queen breaks through."

After Tang Chen finished speaking, he immediately brought Su Zhe Ascension up.

"Strange, why do I feel a sense of unease?"

Early this morning, Emperor Xuanyuan felt an uneasy feeling, as if something big was about to happen.

But he thought about it carefully, and it seemed that nothing major happened.

The wormholes in the human race area have been found, and they have been sent to guard.

A Death Zerg wouldn't even want to fly out of a wormhole.

The powerhouses of the clever clan and the demon clan also surrounded the wormhole.

The Ghost King also blew up a wormhole.

However, instead of diminishing with the passage of time, this uneasy feeling intensified.

"What's the situation? Wouldn't it be the Death Zerg attacking in a large area?"

Emperor Xuanyuan couldn't grasp it.

If the Death Zerg attacked on a large scale, maybe their Terran might not be able to resist.

But now there is no news that the number of wormholes has increased.

With only so few wormholes, it is almost impossible for the Death Zerg to attack on a large scale.

"Emperor Lord, could there be a problem on the Emperor's side?"

Shadow interjected at this time.

Emperor Xuanyuan suddenly reacted, and he still has an emperor waiting in the insect star, which is very dangerous.

"Let Tianming take a look at those wormholes and see if there is any movement from the Death Zerg."

Emperor Xuanyuan can already be sure that the problem is on Tang Chen's side.

But he wasn't sure what would go wrong on Tang Chen's side, so he could only see if there was any problem with the wormhole.

"I've already asked, it's been a long time since the Death Zerg appeared in the wormhole, as if the Death Zerg were afraid."

Shadow said to Emperor Xuanyuan.

"Why didn't you tell me this earlier?"

Emperor Xuanyuan's face was very ugly.

He has already guessed what happened over the insect star.

"Do you think there's something wrong with the insect star?"

Shadow wasn't stupid either. After following Emperor Xuanyuan for so long, he still knew something.

"There must be a problem with the bug star. No, I have to go. Although Tang Chen's strength is good, he has too little experience. I'm afraid there is a big problem there."

As soon as Emperor Xuanyuan said that, he was ready to go to Insect Star.

Shadow quickly grabbed Emperor Xuanyuan.

"Emperor Lord, even if you are going to Insect Star, can you arrange the affairs of Xuanyuan Realm first, don't wait for you to leave, it's a mess here again."

Shadow reminded Emperor Xuanyuan.

At this time, where is Emperor Xuanyuan in the mood to manage these things? He guessed that there must be a big problem on the insect star.

Either Tang Chen thought of a way to hold back the Death Zerg, so that the Death Zerg had no time to invade their world.

Either something big happened in the Death Zerg, and the Death Zerg didn't have time to take care of them.

Compared to Tang Chen who held the Death Zerg, Emperor Xuanyuan felt that there was a big problem on the Death Zerg side, so that the Death Zerg had no time to control them.

No matter what the possibility is, Tang Chen will definitely be very dangerous now, and he must go to the insect star quickly.

"Okay, I know what to do, you don't have to worry, I have arranged it long ago."

"You won't go this time, and you will sit in the Xuanyuan Realm, so I can rest assured."

After Emperor Xuanyuan finished speaking, he left without giving Shadow a chance to speak.

"Why are you in such a hurry? You don't know where the emperor is in the insect star."

Shadow silently looked at Emperor Xuanyuan who left, but he obeyed Emperor Xuanyuan's arrangement and sat in the Xuanyuan Realm.

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