Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 1661 The Test Is Coming, I Don't Know How Many Swords You Can Escape

"We will deal with the wormhole. As for other things, we can't help."

The King of the Clever Clan shrugged at Emperor Xuanyuan.

The demon king didn't even say a word.

The grievances between the three clans have reached an uncontrollable level.

It is already very difficult for the three of them to sit here.

"I didn't expect you to help the Terran, just to remind you that this time the Death Zerg will be aggressive. Be prepared and don't let our Terran help you."

Emperor Xuanyuan said indifferently.

Emperor Xuanyuan never thought that the clever clan and the demon clan could help the human clan. This time, he just wanted to explore the bottom of the two clans.

If the other two clans didn't appear impulsive, he had to be careful.

"Okay, if I have nothing to do, I'll go first. We have a lot of things to do with the demon clan, and we don't have time to accompany you here."

After the demon king finished speaking, he left.

The King of the Clever Clan didn't stop either. He didn't even look at Emperor Xuanyuan, and left immediately.

"There are wormholes in the three clans, is it possible that the Death Zerg is preparing to invade this world on a large scale?"

Emperor Xuanyuan frowned.

Although their strength is good, if the Death Zerg invades on a large scale, it is really dangerous for them to block it.

There is no shortage of heroes among the human race, but there is also no shortage of bears.

Death Zerg invasion, it is very likely that some people will take refuge in Death Zerg.

It's not a good thing for him to be attacked by the enemy at that time.

"I don't know how Tang Chen is doing now. With the Zerg Queen here, he should be fine."

Emperor Xuanyuan looked at the location of the wormhole.

After Tang Chen talked about the wormhole, he immediately sent his disciples to the Terran site, hoping to find all the wormholes.

Death Zerg invasion, certainly not only a wormhole.

As more and more wormholes were found, Emperor Xuanyuan's heart became more gloomy.

He knew that the test of the human race was coming!

"Ana, is this the site of the Death Zerg?"

Looking at the desolate surroundings, Tang Chen couldn't believe that this was the site of the Death Zerg.

As a race that likes to invade other worlds, the Death Zerg's territory should be very majestic.

After all, every invasion can bring a lot of good things to the Death Zerg.

However, the truth is not what he imagined, there is nothing here.

Even the most desolate place of the human race may not be as desolate here.

"This is the place of the Death Zerg. The Death Zerg is a race full of violence."

"The world they invaded will die directly, and the place they are in is similar."

Anna was not surprised. She still knew what the Death Zerg looked like. She would find it strange to have a complete stone.

"This Death Zerg is really terrifying. You don't even know how to manage your own site properly."

Tang Chen said with lingering fears.

"Really? Otherwise, how about you help us run it?"

A faint voice came from behind Tang Chen.

I don't know when, a lot of Death Zerg appeared behind them.

A Death bug will lead them to stare at Tang Chen and others.

"What the hell? When did it appear? Why is it behind us?"

A lot of question marks immediately appeared in Tang Chen's head.

Where did these Death Zerg come from? He didn't feel anything at all.


The Death Zerg was not polite at all, he waved his hand directly, and immediately let those Death Zerg rush towards Tang Chen and others.

Tang Chen and others were also welcome, and immediately summoned the aliens to fight with those Death Zerg.

"That's also the Death Zerg? Strange, how are they different, and they seem to be more ferocious."

When the Death bug will see the alien, it will immediately be attracted to the alien.

He could feel that those aliens were also a type of Death Zerg.

And the aliens are even more ferocious, even the most ferocious Death Zerg are not necessarily comparable to these aliens.

"Boy, hand over those aliens, and I can spare you from dying."

Death bugs will take their fancy to those aliens.

He could see that these aliens were controlled by Tang Chen.

Although he didn't know how Tang Chen and the others came to their world, he knew that if he could get these aliens, his status in the Death Zerg would immediately rise to Ascension.

It is even possible to go even higher, when he will not be a Death bug, but a more advanced being.

"Want my opposite sex? Do you have the ability? Or do you want to subvert the Death Zerg family."

Tang Chen said sinisterly.

The Death bug will no longer speak. He knows that if he talks nonsense, he will probably be taken into the ditch by Tang Chen, so he should hurry up and catch Tang Chen.

As long as he catches Tang Chen, he has a way to let Tang Chen give him the alien.

"I just got the Holy Spirit Sword Technique before, and today I will use you all to test the power of my Holy Spirit Sword Technique."

Tang Chen thought of the Holy Spirit Sword Technique he had drawn before, and wanted to try them out.

Holy Spirit Sword Technique, a kind of unpredictable Sword Technique, the most powerful sword twenty-three has surpassed the category of human beings.

Even Tang Chen didn't dare to use it easily, at least he didn't dare to use it if he didn't reach the Realm of the Immortal tyrant.

"Sword One!"

A very ordinary stab.

The Death bug didn't take Tang Chen's move seriously at all, and he didn't even have the idea of ​​resisting it.

But when Tang Chen's sword was about to fall on him, he finally knew the horror of this sword.

"What the hell Sword Technique, how can you control time and space!"

The Death worm avoided Jian Yi, and the cold sweat broke out in fright.

"Not bad, you can dodge my sword one, and there are twenty-one swords to come. I wonder how many swords you can dodge?"

"Sword II!"

Tang Chen smiled, and the Tai A sword in his hand immediately slashed out again.

The same is the frozen time and space, the Death bug will be able to clearly feel that this sword is even more terrifying.

At the cost of a wound, the Death bug will dodge Tang Chen's Sword Technique.

"I'm still not familiar with it, otherwise this sword could kill him."

"Wait until the Holy Spirit Sword Technique is mature, and then integrate the Holy Spirit Sword Technique into Jinghong, plus I am Universe, I believe that even the Master can't stand it."

Tang Chen looked at the Death bug general with some pity.

The Holy Spirit Sword Technique was obtained by him signing in some time ago, and he was not very skilled, so the Death worm escaped.

"Boy, your Sword Technique is powerful, but I don't know if your divine power is very terrifying."

The Death bug will back up again and again, no longer fighting Tang Chen.

Death Zerg's strength is good, but he relies more on Death Zerg warriors.

Unless forced, it will not face the enemy.

They will use the endless Death Zerg to wipe out their opponents.

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