Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 1620 A Group Of Old Kings, Does He Want To Give Up Tang Chen?

Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and the people of the demon clan also came to the residence of the clever clan.

Of course, the clever people are already here, so there is no need to run more.

"Welcome to the Spirit Clan, congratulations to you all for passing the first level, and now I'll announce the rules for the second level."

Mo Liqing stood on the ring and looked at the people below.

Seeing Tang Chen and others all looking like they were about to die, an arc was drawn at the corners of their mouths.

Whether it is a human race or a monster race, in addition to the participating people, some strong people also rushed over.

After all, this is the clever clan. If only the new generation of powerhouses of various ethnic groups are allowed to come, the powerhouses of various ethnic groups will definitely not be happy.

In the unlikely event that the Spirit Clan did anything wrong, their new generation of powerhouses would fall into the Spirit Clan, which was not what everyone wanted to see.

"This second level is very simple. Every race has an opportunity to challenge other races. If you win, you can go down. If you lose, you can change someone and continue to challenge."

"Of course, you don't have to go after you win, but no matter what you choose, you only have one chance."

Magic Green said.

"Damn, this group of old bastards just want to kill a few of us."

Zhuge Zhen gritted his teeth resentfully.

It's a pity that no matter what he thinks, it's useless, and no one will pay attention to them at all.

The powerhouses of the demon clan and the smart clan glanced at each other, revealing a hint of insidiousness.

This rule is absolutely the best for them.

They can completely destroy the human race first, and then the two races will fight again.

No matter who wins this competition in the end, the race will definitely not be able to win this competition.

"Okay, the last place last time was the Terran, now the Terran can choose an opponent first."

"Whoever of you should do it first, choose your opponent."

After Mo Liqing finished speaking, he looked at Tang Chen and others.

At this time, everyone's eyes fell on Tang Chen and others.

"I'll come first."

Xiaoyao Jinnan stood up with difficulty and walked towards the ring step by step.

"Xiaoyao, how are you? Can you fight?"

Zhuge Zhen looked at Xiaoyao Jinnan and said with some worry.

"It's nothing, there's nothing you can't fight, it's just some stinky rotten potatoes."

Although Xiaoyao Jinnan said so, but looking at his appearance, he knew that he was very bad now.

"Damn it, damn smart people, dare to use such a method to deal with the powerhouses of my human race."

"Luojun has already caught it, and he explained that Mo Liqing asked him to do it!"

An overlord said angrily.

Now he can't wait to slap the magic green to death.

However, the powerhouses of the smart clan have also been exposed, and now they have been sending people to protect Mo Liqing, so that they cannot attack.

"You are also trash. You know that this is the territory of the clever clan, and you haven't taken any precautions yet."

"It doesn't matter if you lose, even if you die, it doesn't matter. Now that you have caused the human race to lose this competition, your sins are unforgivable."

Qingfeng's domineering can't be done, I can't wait to slap Tang Chen and several people to death.

It took so much effort to rescue Tang Chen from Prison Zero.

Who knows that Tang Chen has been poisoned by the smart people before he has done anything.

Now let alone fighting, it is very difficult to stand up.

"Hehe, is there no one in the human race, and actually sent a few of you soft-footed shrimp here." Seeing Xiaoyao Jinnan walking towards the ring step by step, as if he would fall down at any time, everyone couldn't help laughing.

"The human race is originally a soft-footed shrimp, who can you send?"

Said one of the smart people.

"Despicable, Luo Jun has already said everything, just wait and bear the wrath of Emperor Xuanyuan."

A human overlord said.

However, the strong man of the clever clan glanced at him disdainfully.

"I don't know if it's the poison of the fallen army, but I know that there is no strong person called the fallen army among our smart people."

The smart clan powerhouse said disdainfully.

The overlord of the human race tickles his teeth with hatred, but he can't do anything with these smart clan powerhouses.

"What's the matter with Emperor Xuanyuan? His apprentice was poisoned, and he's not in a hurry. Does he want to give up Tang Chen?"

Fengyue Overlord said in doubt.

"I don't know what's going on with Emperor Xuanyuan, but I know that this time our human race is probably going to be number one."

The Time and Space Overlord was so angry that he didn't want to see Tang Chen and others at all.

"No, I have to send another message to Emperor Xuanyuan. If he doesn't come, I'm afraid Tang Chen will die."

When the Qingfeng Overlord said this, he began to send a message to the Emperor Xuanyuan.

At this time, Xiaoyao Jinnan also walked to the ring.

"Come up!"

Xiaoyao Jinnan pointed to a smart clan strongman.

The strong man of the smart family was also stunned for a moment, and immediately stepped onto the ring.

"I thought you wouldn't dare to do it, but I didn't expect that you not only dared to do it, but also dared to compete with me."

The smart clan powerhouse looked at Xiaoyao Jinnan who could not stand still with disdain.

"Haha, what is there to be afraid of for a small clever clan scumbag?"

Xiaoyao Jinnan said swayingly.

The smart clan expert no longer talked nonsense, and rushed directly to Xiaoyao Jinnan.

"It's over!"

Seeing that clever clan rushing towards Xiaoyao Jinnan, almost all clans closed their eyes.

The state of Xiaoyao Jinnan is completely incomparable with that of the smart clan expert.

That smart clan powerhouse can completely kill Xiaoyao Jinnan with one slap.


A scream came, and everyone couldn't help but open their eyes.

Although they didn't want to see their own people die in the ring, they also knew that this was something they had to face.

However, all the races rubbed their eyes in disbelief, completely never expecting such a situation to occur on the ring.

"How is that possible? I must have read it wrong. How could Xiaoyao Jinnan win?"

An overlord said in disbelief.

"Anyway, if Xiaoyao Jinnan wins, we still have a chance."

The Qingfeng Overlord laughed.

On the arena, Xiaoyao Jinnan was lying on the ground, a spear appeared in his hand, and the spear pierced into the core of the smart clan powerhouse.

"Damit, this damned human race, luck is too good, this made him run into it."

Magic Green slapped the mount fiercely.

When the smart clan powerhouse rushed towards Xiaoyao Jinnan, Xiaoyao Jinnan wanted to step back, but unexpectedly fell directly to the ground.

At this time, Xiaoyao Jinnan took out a spear and wanted to stand up.

Who knew that the clever clan just rushed to Xiaoyao Jinnan's side, and the spear stabbed into the core of the intelligent clan without knowing what was going on.

This smart clan powerhouse just died.

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