"Your moves are good, the meaning is also very good, and you are full of righteousness, but do you really have righteousness in your heart?"

Jiuhan shook his head.

I have to say, Lord Grim's sword is very good.

Sword Qi is full of righteousness, and those who have evil in their hearts are most afraid of such attacks.

But Jiu Hun didn't take it seriously, there was evil in his heart, even very evil.

However, Lord Grim's Sword Qi couldn't hurt him at all.

Jiu Hun could see what was in Lord Grim's heart.

Lord Grim's sword is full of righteousness, but there is still some evil in his heart.

Even Lord Grim's justice is not justice, it's just what he thinks is justice.

"I am justice incarnate, and my Sword Qi can wash away all evil."

Lord Grim's face was full of indifference, and he didn't take Jiuhun in his eyes at all.

"Really? Is that the justice in your heart? Or the real justice? Is everything you do worthy of your heart?"

Jiu Hun continued.

Lord Grim's face changed greatly, and a sentence kept circling in his mind.

"Is everything you do worthy of your heart?"

"Is it worthy of your heart?"

"Is it worthy of my heart?"

Don't ask yourself.

Thinking about what you do, is it really for justice?

Who would feel justice for what he did?

The more Jun Mo thinks about it, the more he gets into the horns.

Soon, a trace of black appeared in Lord Grim's snow-white Sword Qi.

And this trace of black is growing.

Soon, black occupied half of Sword Qi, which made Lord Grim's heart chaotic.

"Is what I'm doing really for justice?"

"Back then, I beheaded a mother and daughter for the sake of the disciples of Qingshengong. The girl was so young at that time, and her eyes were full of hatred. Am I really righteous?"

"I once killed an old man because an old man killed a disciple of Qingshen Palace. Is this also for justice?"

"Am I insisting on justice?"

Lord Grim doubted himself.

Jiuhun took me for the Milky Way.

Jun Mo has been abandoned.

Even if he died without Qi Deviation this time, he would not be able to grow up again, and he would be even less likely to be Tang Chen's opponent.

"What Tang Chen taught is quite useful. Arrange the nine laws, and then use the overlapping parts to connect them, and finally make me stronger for the galaxy."

"Tang Chen is really a prodigy, and he can think of such a method, but unfortunately it is too difficult to integrate."

Jiuhun glanced at Lord Grim, then turned and left.

He didn't have to watch Lord Grim dead yet, already in this situation, Lord Grim didn't have a chance to escape.

"Everyone obeys the order, do it!"

Tian Jizi didn't know that Lord Grim had been taken down, and he still wanted to kill Tang Chen, and then take Tang Chen's head to receive the reward.

Countless smart clan powerhouses immediately took out all the means.

Some of the smart people turned into huge machine guns, some of them turned into cannons, and some even turned into battleships. All the smart people launched the most powerful attack at a time.

"Clever clan, you are courting death! Die for me!"

Tang Chen kept dodging the attacks of the clever clan, and at the same time beheaded those clever clan with one sword.

All the clever people did not insist on a move in Tang Chen's hands, and all the clever people became a pile of scrap metal.

"What's the situation? How can this guy be so powerful? Shouldn't he be killed by us?"

Tianji was stunned.

He still thought about such a dense attack, Tang Chen should not survive.

Who knew that Tang Chen had nothing to do, but instead beheaded a lot of their smart clan powerhouses.

"It can't go on like this, Tang Chen must be destroyed."

Tian Jizi thought of this, and unknowingly came to Tang Chen.

When Tang Chen attacked a smart clan strongman, Tianjizi immediately started, wanting to hit Tang Chen by surprise.

"You rubbish, you still want to sneak attack? I really don't know how your Cultivation Base was cultivated, so kill me!"

Without a word, Tang Chen covered the whole body with the Great Desolate Dragon Shield, and slashed towards the target with a ruthless sword.


The corpse of the Ghost Race fell to the ground.

At the same time, Tianjizi's attack also fell on Tang Chen.

It's a pity that Tianjizi's attack didn't fall on Tang Chen at all due to the blocking of the Honghuang Dragon Shield.

"On this little bit of ability, you still want to do something to me. Now let you know that doing it to me will cost you a price."

Tang Chen smiled and slashed at Tianjizi with a fierce sword.

"Tang Chen, although your strength is good, you are not qualified to do anything to me."

Tianji said disdainfully.

One of his hands suddenly turned into a shield, trying to block Tang Chen's attack.

Tang Chen didn't give him a chance at all. When Tianjizi's shield appeared, the sword in his hand had already landed on one of Tianjizi's arms.

"One arm! Next is your right leg!"

Tang Chen said to Tianjizi.

Tian Jizi didn't care about restoring his own arm, and immediately focused his attention, trying to block Tang Chen's attack.

"Break me!"

Tang Chen didn't stop, and immediately struck another sword, slashing at Tian Jizi's thigh.

Tianjizi saw that Tang Chen was going to attack his own thigh, and immediately wanted to protect his right leg.

He remembered that Tang Chen said that he was going to do something to his right leg.

However, when he put all his energy into preventing his right leg from being cut off by Tang Chen, Tai Ajian landed on Tian Jizi's left leg.

"Ah! You are not trustworthy!"

Tian Jizi shouted unwillingly.

Tang Chen smiled, laughing at how naive the machine was.

"I believe the enemy's words? Is there shit in my head?"

Tang Chen said disdainfully.

Tian Jizi looked at Tang Chen with resentment in his eyes, and he could not wait to slap Tang Chen to death.

At his peak, he didn't kill Tang Chen. Now that he has lost an arm and a leg, he is no longer Tang Chen's opponent.

"Next is your other arm."

Tang Chen said, and he slashed out with another sword.

This time, Tian Jizi was smart, he didn't fully defend his own arm, and he also noticed his remaining leg.


With another scream, Tianjizi's remaining arm was cut off by Tang Chen, making Tianjizi lose his fighting ability all of a sudden.

"What a piece of shit, I said I would cut off your remaining arm, why don't you believe it?"

Tang Chen laughed like a flower.

It had been a long time since he had seen such an innocent man.

This person's Cultivation Base is so good that Tang Chen wonders how Tianjizi has survived until now.

If the front is tough, Tang Chen is not necessarily an opponent of Tianjizi.

Fortunately, Tianjizi has no brains at all!

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