Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 1599 A Trap That Puts Tang Chen In A Dilemma

"Tang Chen of Liger Gate betrayed human beings. I heard that he was found a few days ago to join forces with a strong man of the Spiritual Race to kill a strong human being."

"That's not right, how did I hear that Tang Chen joined forces with the demon clan to kill a human powerhouse."

"Are you joking? What beheaded a human powerhouse, Tang Chen colluded with the smart clan and the demon clan, and killed an unknown number of human powerhouses."


A group of people were discussing in a low voice, while constantly looking around, as if they were afraid that someone would suddenly appear and destroy them.

"I said that you guys are quite courageous. You dare to say such a thing, don't you know? Because of this incident, Tang Chen has already killed a lot of people."

A human looked around before speaking to the people around him.

"What are you afraid of, we didn't tell lies, and besides, he really dared to do something to us?"

A strong man said with too much concern.

"Okay, don't make trouble for yourself, if Tang Chen finds out, we probably won't have a chance to continue talking."

"Some people discussed this matter before, and Tang Chen found out. Those people died the next day. We should be careful."

One of the strong men said.

However, as soon as their voices fell, a group of people came to them.

"Dare to speak ill of our Tang Chen senior, you guys don't want to live, do you die for me!"

Those people didn't even give the person who spoke just now a chance to explain, they just slashed and killed those people.

"Who are you? It's too domineering. We have a backstage. Do you want to live by doing this?"

said the person who spoke first.

However, as soon as his words fell, the head was chopped off.

"There's a lot of nonsense. Tang Chen is our demon clan's best friend, how can you arrange it?"

A monster strong man with a tiger's head started killing people directly.

Those people panicked all of a sudden, they just wanted to have a good time with their mouths, who knew it would lead to murder.

"Hey, dare to slander our friends of the smart family, you don't want to live, do you die for me!"

A manipulator rushed towards a human powerhouse, and under the incredible gaze of the powerhouse, the smart clan powerhouse grabbed the human powerhouse's heart.

The scene suddenly became chaotic, and a strong human being here beheaded a strong man of the clever race.

Immediately afterwards, another monster strongman suddenly jumped out, and with a single claw, he killed the clever strongman.

Such scenes are constantly being staged in Prison Zero.

There will be a mini-fight event at each appearance.

At first, everyone thought that this matter was played by people from the clever clan and the demon clan, in order to slander Tang Chen.

However, after many battles, it was found that many people died whether it was humans, clever people, or monsters, and now everyone believed it.

The most important thing is that this news has been circulating in Prison No. 0 for a long time, and no one from Tang Chen or the clever clan, or even the demon clan has come out to refute the rumor.

Almost everyone believed that Tang Chen had betrayed human beings. When Tang Chen was walking on the road for a while, he felt that those people kept pointing at him.

"Senior, should we ignore these rumors?"

After hearing the news, Hunter was very angry, and could not wait to kill the person who passed the news immediately.

"What do they do? The more we explain, the more they won't believe it."

"Do you think this news came out inadvertently? Someone must want to do something to me. To be honest, I also want to see what else they can do."

Tang Chen said disdainfully.

For these means, Tang Chen didn't care at all.

At this time, no matter whether he explained it or not, those people will proceed to the next step.

Those people can't just let this thing go on like this, they will definitely have a next step.

Tang Chen thought that after those people show up, it's enough to find trouble with those people.

"Senior, are we really not doing anything? If it continues like this, it may be bad for you."

Hunter thought for a while, and felt that it would not be good to keep the rumors going like this.

"Don't worry, if we don't move, those people will definitely do it. Here, no one is our opponent."

Tang Chen waved his hand and said to Hunter.

"Is it really?"

Hunter has some doubts, he really wants to help Tang Chen.

"Go back to Liger Gate first, I don't care. If Nasir of Liger Gate is implicated, I'm really a little sorry."

Tang Chen lost interest in wandering around when he saw everyone pointing at him.

Being looked at like a monkey, Tang Chen was still very upset.

Of course, whoever puts this matter on, I'm afraid everyone will be unhappy.

After all, he is not a monkey, why should people watch it like this?

"Bah! Traitor of humanity, if there is a chance, I will definitely kill you."

A human powerhouse walked up to Tang Chen and spat out a mouthful of saliva at Tang Chen, almost landing on Tang Chen.

"you wanna die!"

Seeing that the man dared to insult Tang Chen like this, Hunter immediately rushed up, and with a light stroke of the dagger in his hand, the strong human became a corpse.

"Monster hunter!"

Tang Chen knew it was going to be broken when he saw the demon hunter.

He didn't expect that Hunter would suddenly make a move, and he didn't stop it for a while, that strong man directly became the soul of Hunter's subordinates.

"senior, I..."

The hunter regretted it after he started.

This is a trap!

A trap that puts Tang Chen in a dilemma.

If he hadn't been carried away with anger, he would have discovered the trap.

It's too late to say anything now.

Immediately after the human powerhouse died, a large group of people rushed up and surrounded Tang Chen.

"Tang Chen, you really betrayed human beings. We didn't believe it at first. We didn't expect you to condone the killing of human powerhouses. Are you still human?"

A strong human pointed to Tang Chen's nose and cursed.

Tang Chen just glanced at the man, and the man broke out in a cold sweat.

After looking at the people around him, the strong man immediately gained confidence.

He believed that with so many human powerhouses, Tang Chen would never dare to do it.

As long as he was among these people, his life would not be in danger.

He still doesn't believe it.

Tang Chen dared to take the risk and directly killed all these human powerhouses.

At this moment, a large group of monsters rushed over.

Some came with a tiger's head, some with a leopard's head, and even one with a giraffe's head.

After these people came, they immediately attacked the strong human beings, and they also shouted.

"Tang Chen is a friend of our demon clan. If you dare to disrespect him, this is courting death!"

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