Inside the barracks, on the wide playground, there were a large number of light green boxes.

Chen Mo is instructing the soldiers to open it, and you can see that cyber-level ordnance is neatly placed inside.

When Tang Chen and others came, Cesar saluted and led all the soldiers to perform this action, neat and disciplined.

Just this little detail, Tang Chen nodded with satisfaction.

"Master, second-level cyber guns and Immortal King-level armor." Chen Mo smiled.

Tang Chen watched the soldiers put on uniform color armor, at least with a certain degree of defense.

After seeing the cyber-level ordnance, Sui Yan showed a puzzled look.

She couldn't help complaining: "Your military power is too bad."

"You think it's like your home, you have everything, I'm starting from scratch, and I don't have back pain when I stand and talk." Tang Chen rolled her eyes at her and pouted.

Su Yan spread her hands and said, "Second-level cyber, it can only target the Immortal King realm powerhouses in the upper and mysterious positions."

"Enough is enough, I will change a batch of equipment when I have money in the future. What kind of bike do you want." Tang Chen grinned with satisfaction.

The level division of ordnance was passed down from the Spiritual Race, and it was also something they made.

Later, after the changes and self-manufacturing of the human race, there were weapons belonging to the human race.

The first-level cyber can easily shoot and penetrate the body of the lower median Immortal King, and the highest is sixth-level.

If you want to improve it, you have to choose stronger Crazy Bo-level ordnance, but the price is absolutely ridiculous.

The average city army can't be equipped at all, and it is terrifyingly expensive.

Sui Yan thought about what Tang Chen said, it was true, it would be nice to have equipment.

"Chen Mo, Xisa, let people get equipped and practice immediately, there may be a war soon." Tang Chen ordered.

The two understand that 10,000 soldiers are in action.

Wearing Immortal King-level armor and weapons, and wielding second-level cyber guns, they move in unison without any hindrance.

Practice quickly, you can master these things as soon as possible.

At the same time, Tang Chen was going to ask Liu Min and the others to disperse the pedestrians, what happened to the province.

But suddenly the Canglong Building sounded an alarm: "There are warships invading, there are warships invading!"

Tang Chen's expression changed slightly when he heard the words, and he said in a low voice, "Go, someone is here!"

The eyes of the girls immediately became sharp.

Sui Yan followed closely, clenching her pink fist slightly, she really didn't want to see anyone hurt because of her.


The sky was originally blue and vast, but now there was a roaring and heavy sound, and the thick and deep fluctuations fell like the power of the sky.

All the creatures in the sand city raised their heads to look, showing stunned, and then a trace of fear spread in their pupils.

The Black Dragon Fleet is notorious in the nine psychic worlds, no one knows it, no one knows it!


The cyber-level equipment of the nine battleships turned, and a dense laser rain shone up, bombarding the mountains and forests below.

The earth shook, trees shattered, and crimson light shone, igniting a sea of ​​surging fire.

"Black Dragon Fleet! It's Lei Cha's group of star thieves!"

"Why did they come here, doesn't the Alliance of Demons know about it?"

"What to do, once they attack, this place will be completely wiped out!"

The crowd screamed in panic.

The city was in panic, and countless people fled.

But they dared not flee to the vehicle park, for fear of being shot.

The star thief is ruthless and doesn't care about other people's lives at all.

The Black Dragon battleship slowly drove out and hovered above the sand city.

Lei Cha walked out of it, with a smile on his bright silver face, and said, "Everyone, we're just passing by temporarily, don't panic."

Having said that, everyone trembled with fear when they saw the Black Dragon Fleet.

Immediately, Tang Chen commanded the city army to leap up, guarding the city like the strongest shield.

"Where did the dog come from, and dare to be presumptuous in the uncle's territory?"

Tang Chen saw the fire outside the city, the fire reflected in his eyes, and scolded with killing intent.

The eight captains gathered behind Lei Cha, overlooking Tang Chen, and said contemptuously: "Oh, you are Tang Chen that the alliance held up, I wonder if they will feel distressed if they kill you?"

"I've taken a fancy to your fleet, and all of them will stay when the time comes!"

Tang Chen glanced at the Black Dragon Fleet and grinned.


Suddenly, the nine battleships burst into laughter, full of sarcasm and disdain.

At this time, Chanlie appeared with an excited expression on his face, and said, "What? Are you going to fight? When will you shoot?"

The girls grabbed him angrily, don't mess around.

Lei looked at Tang Chen as if he was looking at garbage, and sneered: "You should be lucky, daddy's goal today is not you."

After finishing speaking, he raised his hand and threw out the image of Sui Yan, which was branded in the void.

"I only give you one chance to choose, hand over this person, or I will destroy the entire sand city!" He ordered with fierce eyes.


At this moment, the muzzles of all the warships were shifted, all aiming at various places in Shacheng.

The cold and pitch-black muzzle, like the scythe of the god of death, is quietly harvesting the souls of living beings.

"How to do?"

"I'm so scared!"

"Hurry up and hand over this man, or we'll die!"

Creatures are screaming, unwilling to lose their lives for a stranger.

Tang Chen glanced at Sui Yan, and it seemed that her hunter had sent the Black Dragon Fleet.

The invisible pressure turned into a drop of pressure on the field, squeezing everyone's hearts, as if they were about to collapse completely.

Chen Mo gritted his teeth and said, "Master, we can rush up to fight with him!"

"Eight Immortal gods, one Immortal emperor, and a large number of Immortal emperors and Immortal kings." Tang Chen narrowed his eyes and said softly.

These words put a lot of pressure on the city army, but they took a deep breath and prepared to fight recklessly.

But Tang Chen was thinking about using the God-destroying vine, can he kill all of them in seconds?

At this moment, Su Yan opened her slightly closed eyes and smiled lightly: "Okay, I won't drag you down."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, see you again."

Her bright eyes and teeth showed a smile, and she was about to move forward.

The girls were a little anxious, and now they are caught in a dilemma.

Chanyeol looked at him and scratched his head, why did he make it so tragic, what did he do?

Tang Chen was also confused.

He was still thinking about how to collect the Black Dragon Fleet, this girl arranged it on her own?

Sui Yan is a very responsible and responsible person, and she is even more reluctant to have a large number of casualties because of her.

Suddenly, her wrist was pulled by a big warm hand, Su Yan turned her head slightly, and saw Tang Chen, who smiled bitterly: "Are you stupid, when did I say I wanted you to go out?"

"But they will bomb here." Su Yan said with a frown.

Tang Chen let go of her, stretched his body, and said lazily, "Then let's blow it up."

Not to mention these four words, even the girls and people in the city, including the star thieves of the Black Dragon Fleet, were stunned.

"Boy, you can think clearly."

Lei Cha came back to his senses and said sensibly.

Tang Chen sneered: "If you can't open daddy's sand city today, you are my grandson!"


Lei Cha was furious and shouted loudly.


Nine battleships, the muzzles of the guns gushed brightly, spewing out the energy of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, and slammed into the sand city below.

In an instant, countless people screamed and squatted down with their heads up.

A voice sounded from the Canglong Building: "Start the guardian mode of the dragon plate."

On the appearance of the dragon scale barrier, the boundless and vigorous body of the blue dragon emerged, covering the entire sand city and enduring the bombardment of energy, but it was as safe as Mount Tai, completely fine.

At this moment, the atmosphere was extremely quiet, especially Lei Cha and the others, who were all dumbfounded.


"The check-in location is refreshed, Shacheng."

"Mission requirement: Protect Suyan."

system hint.

Tang Chen laughed and said, "Grandson, call me grandpa!"

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