Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 1067 The Ridicule Is Completely Full, Tang Chen Is Simply A Pervert

In the vast snow field, the Three Thousand Domain Realm and the extraterritorial strange clan were completely caught in a fierce battle.

In the white-hot stage, the two sides fought with all their might.

But the extraterritorial strange clan is already showing a sign of defeat, the strong have fallen too much, and the only remaining people can't make any climate at all.

The Lord of Ten Thousand Kingdoms must avoid the reach of Immortal Wang Qiang from the Three Thousand Realms.

He is indeed one of the strongest Immortal Kings in the world outside the realm, but he cannot fight so many people alone, and will be crushed unilaterally.

So he was looking for a perfect opportunity, and destroying Tang Chen was enough.

"I have to wait, no rush!"

He was hidden in the void, his expression was cold, but his eyes were full of endless irritability.

If even he is defeated together, then the entire world outside the domain will completely fall into the hands of Tang Chen.

In such a fierce battle, Tang Chen seemed to come here to watch a play and go shopping, not in a hurry at all, very relaxed.

He chuckled: "Tuntun, Shi Potian, go and help solve some people."

Tun Tun jumped out of Qi Yang Holy Maiden's arms, made a cute haha ​​sound, and swept to the sky with a wagging tail.

Shi Potian emerged from Tang Chen's body and turned into a round golden jelly.

It looks cute, but it is actually dull, with some kind of inexplicable sarcasm.

The main function of Shi Potian is to protect and prevent the powerhouses on the side of the Three Thousand Domains from being fatally wounded.

Tuntun didn't have so many worries, the abyss opened its huge mouth, and everything was swallowed up.

For it, as long as it doesn't make the owner angry, it can be eaten!

The battle is already one-sided. The alien tribe fought bloody battles, but was crushed by a deep sense of powerlessness. Dao heart.

"This is impossible, we are the kings of this world!"

"No, all of this is false, the alien tribe is where Wudi is!"

"Roar! Death will not let you step into the world beyond the realm."

The alien tribe roared wildly.

Jin Liezhang shook the divine bell violently, the bell roared, and the ripples surged in the void like a stormy wave, shattering the flesh of countless people.

He said indifferently: "Wudi? Then I would like to have a real experience."

The situation has collapsed, and the Three Thousand Territories are no longer the ones that were suppressed in the past, but they have beaten the alien tribes and fled, throwing away their armor and armor.


At this time, the death battle arena exuded a strong divine power, and it came to the final battle.

What Slaughter Immortal ancestors, what Secret Kings, all perished in the deathmatch arena.

Countless people noticed this breath and couldn't help raising their heads, suddenly showing a stunned look.

Because the face-to-face in the arena is the ancient demon god and the Immortal emperor, the strongest against the strongest!

The whole face of the ancient demon god was so gloomy that it was shocking, showing how angry he was deep in his heart.

Immortal Emperor Tianzun's face was distorted, and he stared at Tang Chen with malice, without saying a word.

"You guys beat you, what do you think I do?" Tang Chen nibbled melon seeds in confusion and shrugged.

The ancient demon god said deeply: "I didn't expect this result."

"Devil, no matter who we live or die, don't blame each other." Tianzun Immortal said Senran.

The ancient devil nodded, and he would also vent all the resentment of the dead to Tang Chen to avenge his revenge.

Emperor Immortal of Tianzun took the lead in attacking and killing, and launched the most powerful martial arts secret technique.

The Primordial Demon God uses his physical body to cultivate to the ultimate level of combat power to compete, and it can be seen that he is going all the way as a body cultivator.

In this battle, the death battle arena was shattered, and it was extremely terrifying.

The wisps of breath that penetrated made many people's souls jump.

It was too scary, but Tang Chen rested his chin in his hand and looked at it lightly.

It was only after stepping into the Immortal King realm that he realized that these people were too much.

Thousands of rounds of fighting continued in the deathmatch arena, and blood stained every inch of the walls.

Immortal Emperor Tianzun was caught by the neck of the ancient demon god, dripping blood, very tragic and solemn.

"I... don't blame you." Emperor Immortal said bitterly.


The ancient demon god let out a roar of grief and anger, forcibly destroying the body and soul of Emperor Immortal.

After seeing the powerhouses of the extraterritorial strange clan, they couldn't help but burst into tears. This is for the sacrifice of the 'Master'!

"It's not bad, it's quite exciting." Tang Chen clapped his hands slowly.

After he finished speaking, he yawned, as if he was dealing with relatives during the Chinese New Year.

The ancient demon god's hands were stained with the blood of his companions, his whole body trembled, his eyes widened with anger, and the whole sky was shaking violently.

The deathmatch arena made a mechanical voice: "The deathmatch is over, thank you for watching."

This sentence is completely full of ridicule to the extraterritorial strange clan!


The deathmatch arena dissipated, and there was a shower of minced meat and blood in the sky.

It was the stump and the broken arm of the dead person, and it was extremely infiltrative.

"Tang Chen, get out of here, I'm going to cramp and peel you today, and kill this forever!"

The incessant demonic energy above the head of the ancient demon god, such as Shura Venerable, who had returned from the demon world, rushed into the sky with murderous aura and said furiously.

Tang Chen clapped his hands, stood up from the bench, and sneered: "I will fulfill you."

Everyone was shocked, the two were about to start a decisive battle!

"Magic Cloud Magic Fist!"

The ancient demon god roared up to the sky, wearing gauntlets on both arms, shining with a cold and arrogant brilliance, and waving fiercely.

Iron fist is unparalleled, blasting out divine power into the magic cloud.

The magic cloud twisted and turned, and suddenly one hole after another appeared.


The fist is majestic, like stars falling, killing Tang Chen.

From this, it can be seen that the ancient demon god just wanted to kill Tang Chen with all his abilities.

Tang Chen stood with his hands behind his back, flat and indifferent, facing the falling fist, like a leaf crossing a river, unable to protect himself.

The next moment, his star eyes opened and closed, and the resounding sound of elephants shook the Ninth Stage.

He held the infinity glove, and the power gem burst into purple light.

The nine-headed idol was born, stepped on the void, made a deafening cry, and swept into Tang Chen's arms one after another.

His arms swelled, his muscles bulged, and the dao pattern of the idol spread all over, and he struck out into the sky.

The space vibrated, and the layers of depressions went down, unable to withstand this power.

Emperor Xuan, who was fighting against the alien clan, felt the familiar aura in his body, and couldn't help but let out a long howl.


Fist power exploded, Immortal Qi surged like a hurricane, rushing towards Liuhe Bahuang.

Primordial Demon God's fists shattered, blood dripped, gauntlets dimmed, and a scream was made.

Tang Chen's fist is unparalleled in the world, and he smashes into Tianyu like a broken bamboo.

The magic cloud dissipates, repeating the light!

"You have insulted us for so many years, and this time we want all of you to repay!"

Tang Chen jumped up, his body was crystal clear, his eyes showed murderous intent, and he shouted loudly.

He clenched the Infinity Gloves fiercely, the gems of power were dazzling, and a Qilin foot was transformed into the sky, going up to the star field, and down to the underworld.

The ancient devil finally tasted what despair and powerlessness mean, Tang Chen is simply a pervert!

"I'm not reconciled!"

He roared and was trampled to the ground by Qilin's feet.

After seeing the aliens, the aliens completely lost their voices, why is this happening?

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