Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 1060 You Don't Have That Chance For The Time Being, Your Muscles Are Atrophied From Sor

The world of spirits.

The Lord of Wan Yu had already dispatched the eight god-tier cavalry to kill or capture Tang Chen alive.

So he doesn't pay attention to the others now, and concentrates on the fusion of blood and physique.

But at this moment, the blood-robed Tang Chen, who was hidden in the dark, appeared slowly, and he didn't care whether the Lord of Ten Thousand Imperials could detect it.

He raised the launcher in his hand, matched the Fatty nuclear bomb, aimed at the Great Hall where the Lord of the Lords was, and pulled the trigger ruthlessly.


With a light sound, the Fatty nuclear bomb drew a trajectory in the sky and threw it towards the temple.

Suddenly, the hair of the Lord of Wan Yu exploded all over his body, and he shuttled through the void without hesitation to escape.


Suddenly, a huge mushroom cloud that appeared to be crimson steamed up.

Burn all directions, annihilate everything!

The blazing and terrifying high temperature spreads in all directions like a mad beast.

Whether it's buildings, patterns, appliances, etc., they can't bear this power and are swallowed directly.

The earth is cracking, the space is trembling, and the site of the Lord of Wan Yu has turned to ashes at this moment.

Including those slaves who submitted to him, all died.

Although the Lord of Wanyu was not injured, seeing all this in front of him, the whole person was completely stunned.

But what followed was a rage that hit the heart and soul.


He let out an angry roar, shattering Liuhe Bahuang and bursting the sky.

All the achievements of the Lord of Wan Yu for so long have all vanished at this moment.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Hearty and ironic laughter sounded in this scorched place.

The Lord of Wan Yu glanced over with blood-red eyes, his blood pressure suddenly soared, and he shouted, "Tang Chen!"

"Every life is born with its own path, what qualifications do you have to tamper with them!" Blood-robed Tang Chen sneered.

The Lord of Wan Yu looked gloomy and said coldly: "When I catch you, I will definitely taste what pain you will experience."

"No, you don't have that chance for now."

The blood-robed Tang Chen's body turned into a radiance and dissipated between heaven and earth.

The Lord of Wan Yu realized that this is just a Taoist body, and the real body is farther away.

He raised his head and shouted, "I'm not willing!"


Dark World.

Blood Moon in the night, Great Hall, everything is in the most rigorous and solemn atmosphere.

The black robe Tang Chen had been hiding for a long time, but now he stood up and matched the Fatty nuclear bomb on the launcher.

He pulled the trigger and watched as the Fatty nuclear bomb landed on the base camp of the Ancient Demon God.


The mushroom cloud rose, and the violent and ferocious impact and high temperature completely devoured everything.

Some people didn't even have time to escape, and they disappeared completely before screaming.

No matter how sturdy the pattern, the powerful equipment, in front of the Fatty nuclear bomb is like a turkey.

Only a small number of people are still alive, staring stupidly at the engulfed building.

"What the hell is going on?" they murmured in disbelief.

Heipao Tang Chen completed the task, showed a smile, and drifted away.


At the border, everyone surrounded Tang Chen and the three of them, not giving them any chance to escape.

Only the ancient demon god suddenly changed color, and countless things related to him lost their sense at this moment.

Tang Chen seemed to see through the heart of the ancient devil, and grinned: "Is the own base camp gone?"

"You... you... bastard!"

The Primordial Demon God roared with a hideous expression.

Tang Chen laughed wildly: "Hahaha, these are just interest."

Emperor Immortal breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, but fortunately it wasn't himself.

In fact, if Tang Chen hadn't drawn three Fatty nuclear bombs, even Emperor Immortal's territory would have been taken over.

"Kill! No one is allowed to stay!" The ancient demon roared violently.


Immediately, the strong men came out and rushed towards Tang Chen and the three of them.

Tang Chen didn't care, and joked: "Idiot, do you really think you can trap us?"

The space gems rotated, enveloped the three, and then teleported away.

Even if there is a blockade and the blessing of treasures, they still have no way to stop Tang Chen!

So many powerhouses couldn't stop Tang Chen, and it was like eating a lemon in his heart, so sour that his muscles atrophied.

Painful and distressed!

Emperor Immortal's guilt towards the "Lord" became more and more serious in his heart, and he looked at the distant border of the Three Thousand Domains, revealing a deep slaughter.

The primordial demon god is also like this, and it is urgent to regain the body of the 'lord'.

Even if it is to use all the power to attack the three thousand domains.

"Beast! Beast! Played with us for so long!"

"It turns out that he was able to leave a long time ago, but he was just playing tricks on us here, you bastard!"

"You must knock the three thousand domains and gather all your strength, otherwise, I can't swallow this breath!"

The powerhouses were so furious that they wished that Tang Chen would be cramped and skinned, drinking blood and eating meat!

Tang Chen really deserves to be the most hated person in the entire alien clan.

Deserved first enemy.

When the news spread, the world outside the territory shook again.

So many people can't besiege three people, it's a big joke.

But there is no way, it is now a foregone conclusion.

And judging from the current situation, the one who initiated the final decisive battle must be the alien clan.


Three thousand domains, the border of the Tianshan Mountains.

In the haze, Tang Chen and the others walked out, and when they turned their heads, they could see the familiar pass.

It was rare for Chi Lin and Chi Jin to show a touch of excitement, and they finally came back.

When they were taken away, they never thought that they would be able to come back again. They just wanted to take away a few extraterritorial monsters before they died.

"Go home."

Tang Chen looked at the border of Tianshan Mountain with emotion, the snow-capped scenery filled his pupils, and said softly.

The huge gate of the border gate opened slowly, and the aborigines and the cultivators saw the three of them and showed a horrified look on the spot.

"It's Tang Jiao."

"That's right, it was Tang Sect who returned with the two War Great Emperors of the Chaos God of War tribe!"

"How did Tang Jiao do it?"

Exclamations and shouts continued to resound.

Suddenly, the powerhouses in the pass heard the sound and looked at Tang Chen in shock.

This mysterious man, is there anything he can't do?

Chi Huang and the others were even more excited with tears in their eyes, and knelt down kowtow towards Chi Lin.

Chi Lin helped them up, his eyes full of tenderness.

It is really rare for this iron man to show such an appearance.

Chi Jin smiled and watched, silently wiping away tears.


The tender voice sounded, and Yu Mian and Hua Linglong rushed towards Tang Chen and hugged Tang Chen's neck.

Tang Chen hugged them with a chuckle, like two big cuties hanging on his body, smelling the fragrance of his body, his heart was warm and moved.

It's great to be abroad, and no family love is more important.

Ye Qingrou, Gu Lin'er and the others looked at Tang Chen with reddish eyes, indescribably tender.

Old Ancestor Chunyang and the others also came, and said with a wry smile: "Stinky boy, do you know how much trouble you have made?"

"If I don't make trouble, what am I going to do there?" Tang Chen chuckled.

Old Ancestor Chunyang laughed and reached out and rubbed his black hair.

Others couldn't help but asked: "Tang Jiao, what's going on next?"

Tang Chen's eyes revealed awe, which made everyone nervous.

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