Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 1057 Is The Monkey Show Finished? Too Bad It's Rubbish

Prison Demon Pond is not a pool problem at all, but a small lake.

For Tang Chen and the others, what should they do?

"Master, just suck the essence out of here?"

"It's not very good, this small lake has Immortal roots, and it is also an important foundation of Hell Demon Pool."

"Then what to do now, I can't just let it go."

The three discussed and came up with various ideas.

Tang Chen rubbed his chin to observe the Prison Demon Pond, and finally thought that he should just take it all away.

After Chi Lin and Chi knew the master's method, they all widened their eyes.

Wouldn't this attract the attention of Ancestor Immortal and others?

Tang Chen laughed and said, "Didn't he take this as a reward for killing me? I won't give him a chance!"

He stretched out his right hand wearing the infinity glove, and the space gem turned, shining a dazzling blue divine light.


The entire prison pool vibrated violently, and the ground cracked and was forcibly stripped out of the space.

The prison demon pool of about a hundred feet was raised alive in the sky.

In the original position, there was a deep pit, and even an Immortal root was pulled out together.

To forcibly take away the prison magic pool is a difficult job, not just poaching it.

It has Immortal roots in its depths, and if it is not handled properly, it will destroy the entire Infernal Pool.

That's why Tang Chen used the space gem wholeheartedly and dug it out perfectly.

At this moment, the ancestor of Immortal, Wanfa Venerable, and the Secret King noticed a wave of spatial fluctuations and frowned deeply.

The next moment, the ancestor of Immortal slaughtered: "No, someone infiltrated my prison pool!"

He let out a long whistle, and the blood burst out, almost tearing apart the space and stepping into the deepest part.

Wanfa Venerable and others followed closely, thinking in their hearts: it can't be that crazy Tang Chen.

When the ancestors of Immortal and the others came, they were all dumbfounded, and their eyes were about to pop out of their sockets.

Especially the ancestor who killed Immortal, looking at the deep pit without words, where is the prison pool as big as me?


He was so angry that he sprayed blood mist up to the sky, and was extremely angry.

Because the ancestor of Immortal noticed that all his own treasures had been looted, not even a root hair was left.

Others saw the skin twitching in the back, who was the one who attacked so hard, everything!

Wanfa Venerable's eyebrows cracked, and three divine eyes appeared.

One eye is space, one eye is time, one eye is lightning.

The three eyes merged into one, and a splendid and dazzling light burst out, like the dawn of a newborn, sweeping across the area.

Tang Chen and the three originally planned to hide, but they were swept out directly.

Among them, Tang Chen was a little surprised. It seems that there are still some capable people in the alien clan.

"There they are!"

"Catch them, Immortal Emperor ordered!"

"Good guy, it turned out to be hidden here!"

The cultivators hurriedly shouted, imposing like a rainbow, fiercely pressing over.

Ancestor Immortal slaughtered blood on the corners of his mouth, looked at Tang Chen horribly, and shouted: "Hand over my prison demon pool!"

"Isn't it just a small prison magic pool, it's not a big deal, give it to me." Tang Chen stood on the spot with his arms folded, and said with a smile.

Slaughter Immortal's ancestors almost didn't have the blood vessels to burst, and he cultivated the prison demon pool that took so many years to form. ?

Wanfa Venerable said coldly: "Tang Chen, how dare you come here, knowing that all the worlds outside the territory are arresting you."

"It doesn't matter, if you bastards could catch me, I'd be gone." Tang Chen mocked.

After these people heard the blue veins wriggling on their faces, it was harmless, but it was extremely insulting! Once upon a time, the people of the Three Thousand Territories dared to be presumptuous in front of their extraterritorial strange clan?

Tang Chen is definitely the first person, and the first person to break into the world alone to ridicule the Immortal King.


Suddenly, the Blood Immortal Mountains was centered on the forbidden land where the ancestors of Immortal were killed, and the space was completely blocked.

The magic energy is vertical and horizontal, converging into chains, and crossing the sky.

Immortal Xia surged, and the colors were flying, forming a second different power, superimposing the power to block the space.

Slaughtering the Immortal ancestors, they showed surprise, and said loudly: "It's the ancient devil and the Immortal Emperor!"

At the same time, these people were a little shocked that two overlords came to arrest Tang Chen.

But it also shows one thing, the threat level of Tang Chen made the Taikoo Demon God and the others have to take action.

"See how you escaped this time." The Secret King sneered.

In the sky, the magic power is overwhelming, and the ancient demon god stepped on the mighty black air, like a Death Lord coming, despising Tang Chen and the three.

Immortal Emperor Tianzun also looked down at Tang Chen, standing with his hands behind his back, his handsome face was cold and the corners of his mouth raised.

However, in such a dangerous situation, Tang Chen did not look worried at all, but raised his eyebrows and said, "Is the monkey play finished?"

"You are in the Three Thousand Domains, and I can't cross it, but here, you represent nothing." Taikoo Demon God Sen said coldly.

Tianzun Immortal said coldly: "Don't talk nonsense with him, just do it."


After all, the two overlords are like the rulers of the world, turning their hands into clouds and covering their hands into rain, like the palms of Dingding Qiankun pressing down on Tang Chen and the three of them.

At this moment, the gust of wind roared, the divine light burst, and a wisp of Taoist power mixed into it.

Time and space are in chaos, and it contains the will to kill.

The three Immortal ancestors were also Immortal Kings, but in front of the Immortal Emperor Immortal, the ancient demon god, they looked like ants. I don't know why.

But they backed off so quickly that they didn't want to stay where they were.

Chi Lin and Chi tried their best to increase the pressure, but they did not show any signs of timidity, and they deeply knew the master's ability.

Tang Chen is rummaging for treasures, what to use to resist.

He suddenly saw the severed finger in his mysterious Immortal realm.

Chi Lin widened their eyes and asked in unison, "Master, what do you want?"

"Try to see how this thing works." Tang Chen chuckled.

He took out his severed fingers and met the two divine powers that were killing him.

When the severed finger felt the killing intent, it released immeasurable Immortal light, like an invisible mouth, swallowing and refining the ultimate moves of the Immortal Demon God and Immortal Emperor.


The sky and the ground are clean, and everything has been classified into the most primitive state.

Ancestor Slaughter Immortal and others who were sneering at first, their smiles solidified, and they were gradually replaced by stunned. What is this?

The ancient demon god and Immortal Emperor frowned deeply when he looked at the severed finger in Tang Chen's hand.

The soul trembled violently, and the urge to worship and kiss devoutly could not be contained.

Their pupils showed excitement and ecstasy, and shouted: "Tang Chen, hand it over!"

Some people who were also tainted with Immortal blood also had this urge, walking forward involuntarily, staring at the severed finger.

Tang Chen saw the appearance and attitude of these people, narrowed his eyes and thought, and immediately realized that this thing has something to do with the blood of Immortal.

Therefore, these polluted people, who are worshipped as gods, naturally have to take it for themselves.

If so, it is even more impossible for him to give it.

"It would be nice if it were chicken feet. I can make tiger skin chicken feet, but it's a waste." Tang Chen exclaimed.

He carelessly threw it back to the mysterious Immortal realm.

With this attitude, the Immortal Emperor Immortal and the others roared furiously, as if they were going crazy!

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