Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 1022 Is This The Source Of Everything?

The giant is tens of thousands of feet tall, holding a battle ge in his hand, and his skin is dark gray, as if he is a guardian coming from the deepest part of the underworld.

Its huge body waved its battle ge like a rainbow light that cut off Xingyu, and slashed towards Tang Chen below.

Tang Chen kept dodging, one because he didn't want to be contaminated with the rotten rain, and the other because there was not just one giant.

There are three giants in total.

A sword that can pierce the sky.

The third one was holding a divine spear like a Pillar of Optimus, killing Tang Chen in succession.

[Grey Veined Giant: Extinct, domineering in the flesh, with wings on his back, he is the king among them. 】

"It's the existence of extinction again, this place is too weird." Tang Chen frowned.

He really didn't expect to come to such a place after stepping into Tongyue Pond, and he had to find out.


Immortal Dao Yuling stick appeared, Tang Chen no longer backed down, and fiercely confronted him.

When Immortal sticks and swords clashed, the sky exploded, sparks flew, and fireworks fell, beautiful and terrifying.


The gray-veined giant roared with a sound like thunder, shaking the rotten rain around him, and the battle knife contained enormous power, crushing it frantically.

What Tang Chen has encountered now is all the creatures of the past, and the combat power is by no means what the world can face.

"I want to see how strong you guys are from ancient times." He didn't panic, but said excitedly.

Immortal Dao Yuling Stick blooms and shines Immortal Xia, swinging a hundred and eight stick shadows in his hand, fierce and unparalleled.

clang clang...

The gray-veined giant's sword frequently blocked, and the deafening golden iron sound seemed to be incessant.

The dragon and phoenix Immortal wings were derived from Tang Chen's back, which grew thousands of feet and burst into a blazing divine light, shouting: "Broken!"

The shouting sounded, and Immortal Dao Yuling Cudgel charged like a thousand troops, crushing the sword down.

The head of the gray-veined giant burst like a watermelon, and black blood flowed out unexpectedly!

Tang Chen can see at a glance that this is the blood of Immortal, and it can never be wrong.


Suddenly, the Ninth Stage was in the sky, the war fighters and the spear were intertwined, and thousands of rays of light fell, and thousands of strands collapsed, shocking Tang Chen's body.

"I'm old as a returnee from the east."

Tang Chen fell to the ground, his eyes became cloudy, and his hair changed from black to white in just an instant.

His body seemed to be dying, full of dead colors and lifeless youth.

But the older one gets, the stronger the stamina is, just like pure old wine.

Immortal Dao Yuling Stick's original dim light, but at this moment slowly glowed, like a qualitative change of light energy, from dark to bright like the change of life.


Tang Chen clenched the Immortal Dao Yuling stick and struck the sky, about to shatter the sky.

The two gray-veined giants roared and roared, trying to suppress this divine power, but found that there was no way.

The sharp spear and Zhan Ge were blasted out directly, thrown thousands of miles away, smashed the ground, and the gully extended.

But the grey veined giant didn't stop fighting, instead he swung a huge fist like the mountain.

The fist exploded like a star, smashing Tang Chen angrily.


Tang Chen looked old, and his eyes were cloudy, but he still made an earth-shattering scream.

Immortal Dao Yuling Cudgel rose against the storm, heaven-defying rose, and slammed into the giant fist of the gray-veined giant.

puff puff!

The arms of the two gray-veined giants turned into blood mist, and the force was so strong that they fell to the ground and leaned against the mountain.

Tang Chen's strength was unforgiving, and he stepped forward with a stick and smashed their heads. The blood was like a flowing waterfall, which was really terrifying.

"Blood of Immortal, is this the source of everything?"

Tang Chen frowned, looked at the dead gray-veined giant, and said to himself.

But this answer may be able to answer him in the deepest part. Tang Chen clenched the Immortal Dao Yuling stick tightly, and charged up quickly.

After walking through the rotten rain area, he looked at the thunder in front of him, and the deafening thunder echoed incessantly.


Suddenly, a giant thunder resounded in the thick dark cloud, and a thick thunder light was drawn towards Tang Chen, as if to hinder his progress.

Tang Chen appeared golden jelly on his body and swallowed the thunder light without causing any damage.

[Ferocious Thunder Immortal: The ancient Thunder Gods have no soul, and the blood of Immortal is controlling their flesh. 】

Tang Chen used his heavenly eyes, but what he saw was a sturdy man with a ferocious appearance.

He was dressed in animal skin, holding a thunder hammer and a thunder cone, and behind him were nine thunder drums, filled with thunder, staring at Tang Chen.

"It's all extinct and unheard of."

Tang Chen has a headache, these people are not only strong, but also not afraid of life and death.


Ferocious Thunder Immortal held the thunder hammer high and slammed the thunder cone. The clouds moved in all directions, and the thunder light burst into the root of the thunder cone, lasing a terrifying thunder light.

This thunder light contains the supreme thunder path, and the aura of destroying the sky and destroying the earth deeply crushes the earth and flocks to Tang Chen.


Tang Chen said lightly.

The magic circle appeared, and it turned into a crack of nearly ten thousand zhang.

Its rock-solid shape is enough to pierce the sky and hit the thunder light.


The giant horn broke the thunder light and stirred, and the light of thunder and lightning floated in all directions, beautiful and dangerous.

Sky Splitting stared fiercely at Ferocious Immortal, taking heavy and slow steps.

But once it goes out, the surrounding space becomes sticky like a swamp, making it difficult for people to move.

dong dong dong.

Ferocious Thunder Immortal danced the thunder hammer and smashed the thunder drum behind him, making a heavy drum sound.

Every time the drum sounded, a ball of lightning appeared beside him, crackling, dazzling, and powerful.


Ferocious Lei Immortal faced the rushing Sky Crack and struck the Thunder Cone.

Ninety-nine ball lightnings fell like comets, and the trajectory of their movements was unpredictable, and they blasted towards the sky.

"Ferocious and breaking the sky!" Tang Chen said in a deep voice, surging Celestial Immortals in his body.

Sky-splitting roared, and the giant horns were bright and lingering with dense ancient rune, spinning and bursting with mysterious energy.

Its head swayed, and its huge horns were like a divine sword that pierced through the sky, bursting out with terrifying divine might.

The ball lightning could not be blocked and exploded directly.

Ferocious Lei Immortal couldn't resist, and was pierced by the big horn of Sky Splitting Si, and the blood flowed non-stop.

It shook suddenly, and Ferocious Thunder Immortal's body exploded, extremely tragic.

After solving the ferocious Lei Immortal, Tang Chen wanted to continue to move forward, but found that the space gradually showed traces of Tongyue Pond, this is to send him back!

"Gan, daddy hasn't seen the deepest part yet." Tang Chen cursed in a low voice.

He hurriedly used his sky eyes to look ahead, hoping to see some clues.

But the gray fog here is too hard to see through, even with the eyes of the sky.

Tang Chen's heavenly eyes began to bleed, and severe pain attacked.

Suddenly, he seemed to see a Great Hall, which seemed to be made of bones and poured into flesh and blood, which was very strange.

What is in this Great Hall, that is not what he can see.

There is only one point, a corner of the Great Hall is opened, and the blood of Immortal is constantly flowing out of it, and it seems that it flows to other worlds through this.

"It turned out to be here, the root cause is here, if it can be destroyed, everything will return to normal."

Tang Chen closed his eyes, his brows twitched slightly, but he still said excitedly.

How can he not be happy that he has discovered some secrets.

The Tongyue Pond appeared, the pond water poured back, drowned Tang Chen, and disappeared in this strange world.

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