Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 1000 Blocking The Immortal Clan, Do You Really Think I Can't Find It?

Early Immortal realm.

In the ancestral land of the Immortal clan, there is now chaos.

Why is it messed up?

Just because Gu Xingzu was beheaded by Tang Chen, this incident can be said to have caused a thousand waves and caused an uproar.

The Immortal lineage, the star of the Eight Supreme Immortals, will decline, or even die.

Tianchen Xingzhu was the first to know the news and died of anger.

"This Tang Chen is so daring, even the phantom of the emperor Hongzun was cut off."

"It's too presumptuous, this kind of person can never be kept, he must kill!"

"I propose to put an end to the Immortal sect for whoring, otherwise, this person will be a troublemaker."

The powerhouses of the Eight Supreme Immortals gathered together and discussed this matter one after another.

Although the Eight Supreme Immortals are not in harmony, this is something that is already known in the clan.

But Gu Xingzu is still a member of the Immortal clan no matter what, and represents the Face of the Immortal clan.

To be killed in such a second is really detrimental to face.

Because of this, the Immortal family will definitely not let go of this grievance at will.

However, they didn't know that the grievances were forged decades ago, all because of Lord Di Qi Immortal!


When everyone was arguing, the void shook violently.

A handsome and extraordinary figure walked out of it, the rays of the sun lingered, accompanied by auspicious colors, like a dragon and a phoenix, a watch of the sun.

The emperor Hongzun appeared, and the people of the Eight Supreme Immortals all bowed and saluted.

The hazy Immortal Xia turned around, and the Emperor Immortal stood proudly beside the Emperor Hongzun with his hands on his back.

"The ancient Xingzu has fallen, and this revenge must be avenged." The emperor Hongzun said in a cold and calm voice.

The only remaining members of the Supreme Star Immortal gritted their teeth and roared in a stunned voice: "Emperor Lord, order it, we are willing to destroy the Immortal sect for whoring for nothing!"

The Death of the ancestors and Tianchen Xingzhu completely gave up hope for this vein.

The other Supreme Immortal nodded slightly, but did not speak.

"Vengeance is naturally necessary, but definitely not at this time, to block most of the portals."

"And then send a strong person from a specific portal to defend the early Immortal domain."

Emperor Hongzun didn't even look at the Immortal lineage, so he gave a cold order.

After the people of Supreme Star Immortal heard the words, they felt so aggrieved that they wanted to vomit blood.

When they really lost their backers, they really didn't have any right to speak.

The other Supreme Immortals have nothing on the surface, but they are laughing and mocking inside.

But some people couldn't help but ask: "Emperor Lord, why do we want to be cowardly and prostitute the Immortal sect?"

"This is not cowardice, but when I go one step further, I will be able to sweep the three thousand domains." The emperor Hongzun said lightly.

He added: "Also, question me and suppress me for five hundred years."

The person who spoke just now was slapped into the deepest part of the ancestral land by the emperor Hongzun and lost his voice.

The Eight Supreme Immortals no longer have a voice, and are completely under the orders of the Emperor Hongzun.

The main reason is that the emperor Hongzun speculated that Tang Chen should come to the Immortal realm, and this trend must be curbed.

Lord Di Qi Immortal stood there a little bit in a trance, Tang Chen already surpassed him?

"How can this humble human race cultivate faster than me!" He gritted his teeth in his heart.

The former Emperor Immortal could look down on Tang Chen, and even play him in the palm of his hand.

But now, Tang Chen overtook him early, and even brought people to threaten the Immortal clan.

This is completely unacceptable to the arrogant and arrogant master of Di Qi Immortal.

He whispered: "Tang Chen, give me some more time, I will let you taste what pain is!"

Just when the Immortal clan in the ancestral land was operating, Xiaoyanghua was lying in the small broken house with Erlang's legs crossed.

He has already hidden more than half of the reduced version of the Buddha's Fury Lotus left by the Tang Sect, and there is no time for the rest. "This should be enough for the Immortals to drink a pot." Xiao Yanghua raised her lips and smiled, thinking in her heart.

He saw the sky through the window, and wished that day would come soon, to see how grand and beautiful the fireworks in the ancestral land were.


Small Immortal city.

"Get out of the way, from today onwards, the portal will not be used again!"

"Whether it's in or out, it's not allowed, get us out of the way!"

"Everyone has to be interrogated, understand?"

The city was chaotic, and the portal was blocked.

The same is true for other ancient cities and big cities.

But there are exceptions, which are specially used to send strong men from other domains, and the dignity of the Immortal family must be defended.

After so many years of the Immortal clan, there are many naturally surrendered to them.

For a time, people in the Immortal realm were panicked, and they didn't know what was going on.

But an upcoming storm is definitely going to sweep here.

In order to avoid the war, the cultivators went to other places, not wanting to be affected by Chiyu.

Soon after, strong men from various realms rushed to help. In order to obey the orders of the Immortal clan,

"Father, what is it that summoned me to wait here?"

"Not sure, but something big should happen."

"There is a problem with such a big battle!"

The powerhouses who came from all sides were also communicating carefully.

An Immortal ancestor of the Eight Supreme Immortal came out and scolded: "I asked you to help, not to chat!"

Seeing this attitude, many people didn't dare to speak up, they just held their resentment and anger in their hearts.

It is normal for the Immortals to look down on the human race and the demon race, and everyone knows it.

But these strong people have received the favor of the Immortal family, and they have to hold back their grievances.

"Remember, you can't go in the ancestral land, you can only stay outside."

The Immortal strongman, the ancestor of the Immortal clan, said indifferently: "I don't want to step on the dirty land, hurry up and rush over."

The strong men moved in unison, and there was no more sound, and they all used sound transmission to communicate.


In the endless void, the darkness is boundless, and there is no light at all.

Tang Chen led his own forces to step into the Immortal realm, but found that there was no trajectory at all.

Ma Dai opened his eyes and said deeply: "Tang Jiao, no accident, they should have blocked the portal."

"I never imagined that the Immortals would be afraid." Jin Zhan sneered.

Jin Tianba frowned and said, "The coordinates of the nodes are missing. After a long time in this emptiness, we will truly be lost."

Lost in nothingness, there is no more terrifying accident than this.

"It's okay, I know where it is." Tang Chen said firmly.

He has been to the early Immortal realm and cooperated with the eyes of the sky.

No matter how strict they block, there are bound to be clues.

Tang Chen's brows split open, looking at Shattering Void, looking for the wisps of fluctuations in nothingness, he really found the location of the portal.

He left Zu Chenzhou, raised his heavy fist, lingered with a strong light of chaos, the space in front was gradually solidified, and he suddenly punched.


The space cracked, like pieces of shattered glass slag falling, and bright light penetrated from the cracks.

The portal of the small Immortal city exploded, attracting the attention of the cultivators and Immortal patrols throughout the city.

A handsome and beautiful figure walked out, but it gave them an unprecedented sense of fear.

"Sample, you still dare to block the portal, do you really think I can't find it?" Tang Chen showed a cat-and-mouse smile.

With a big wave of his hand, the portal was cracked, and a large number of strong men appeared one after another, now in the small city of Immortal.


The author says:

A thousand chapters achievement is achieved, handsome~

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