Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 995: Despicable Zao Wou Ki

A long roar shook the ten directions, and many stars outside the sky were shaken to bleak. Zao Wou-Ki was like a golden rainbow, tearing apart the void and rushing towards Li Yan opposite. Powerful, with a metallic feel.

The black dragon spear in his hand is peerless, piercing the void, causing the space to collapse, and its terrifying destructive power seems to be able to pierce all obstacles.

"So strong!"

The demon emperors who watched the battle from a distance all looked solemn and shocked.

There were also some quasi emperors who were hiding in a farther place to watch the battle secretly.

"The gap between us and him is so big!" Qin Shisan said with a wry smile.

Ye Qilin, Liu Tiandu and the others also had bitterness on the corners of their mouths. Even if they became the Great Daoist, the gap with Zao Wou-Ki would be huge.

Especially Ye Qilin and others, before they reincarnated, they failed to set foot on the most powerful emperor Realm.

And Zao Wou-Ki, a junior who has only cultivated for less than a thousand years, has surpassed their previous life, causing them to suffer 10,000 critical blows in their hearts.


Above the sky, a fiery flame rose into the sky, and the infinite divine flame penetrated the nine secluded areas of the heaven and the earth, like a round of scorching sun, shining in the sky, with bright rays of light.

The flames at the moment, the whole person seems to have become a star, with a terrifying divine flame, welcoming Zao Wou-Ki.

"It's just a junior, even if it's the most powerful emperor Realm, it's nothing more than that." A coercive and domineering voice came from the sky, and a strong sense of oppression filled the whole world.

"Just Zeng?" Sun also dared to act in front of me, do you think you are Xiao Erniu? Humph!" Zao Wou-Ki's hair was loose, his bronze-colored skin was as strong as a dragon, and his eyes shot out a terrifying divine light. Staring at the 'sun' in front of you is a spear thrust.

Target - Li Yan's chrysanthemum?

It seemed that he sensed where Zhao Wuji was attacking, Li Yan couldn't help shrinking, and then his entire face turned black. This shameless junior was so despicable.


The furious Li Yan let out a loud roar, and the scorching divine flames bombarded down. The terrifying flames filled the entire world, with an aura of annihilation, destroying everything.

"The pearl of rice also dares to shine in front of me?" Zao Wou-Ki sneered, he looked like a tall and majestic God of War, the black dragon gun in his hand gathered the power of the endless Galaxy Cluster, and stabbed forward fiercely.


As if the end of the world was approaching, the terrifying divine flames fell from the sky, as if there were hundreds of millions of Akainu generals casting fire. It's doomsday.

However, Zao Wou-Ki pierced it with a single shot, and the terrifying destructive power continued to stab Li Yan in layers of space.

"Do you think you're the only one with Heavenly Emperor soldiers?" Li Yan's expression remained unchanged, and a 'pot lid' in his hand quickly enlarged. No, it was a strange shield that turned into a majestic mountain in an instant. in front of his body.

"Boom!" Zao Wou-Ki's Black Dragon Spear slammed into the mountain, making a deafening sound.

"Beater than Heavenly Emperor?" Zao Wou-Ki pulled a cruel smile from the corner of his mouth, and a pitch-black magic knife appeared in his other hand. As soon as the knife appeared, an extremely strong Death aura filled the entire sky.

Li Yan's pupils shrank, this sword is actually a Heavenly Emperor soldier, and its level seems to be above the Black Dragon Spear.

"Go to hell!" Zao Wou-Ki slashed with a knife, the black Death aura condensed a terrifying figure of the corpse of King Ashura, and rushed towards Li Yan.

Li Yan's body trembled, and he felt the pressure beyond Heavenly Emperor from this figure, which made his soul tremble.

After all, King Ashura is a quasi-sage, and in the Nine Heavens Continent, he is a powerhouse at the level of Heavenly Emperor. Maybe his combat power is not as good as the strongest Heavenly Emperor, but the pressure of that level of 'Heavenly Emperor' is real. of.

Li Yan was only at the 'Great Emperor' level in the final analysis. Faced with the pressure of the 'Heavenly Venerate' level, he was naturally shocked.

Although it is only for a moment, but a master duel can change the situation in an instant.


In a panic, Li Yan moved the 'big mountain' that was blocking the Black Dragon Spear, and resisted the slash of Shura's magic sword.

In his opinion, the power of this Heavenly Emperor is too powerful, and if he does not use the Heavenly Emperor for defense, he will definitely not be able to stop it.

It was just that he moved, and Zao Wou-Ki's Black Dragon Spear lost its hold and stabbed Li Yan's ass with a terrifying aura.

.゜゜('O`) ゜゜ .

The next moment, Li Yan's entire face turned green, and his two eyes stared at Zao Wou-Ki who was facing him, he was about to burst into flames.

"Misunderstanding, I just wanted to stab you in front of you, but I was led astray by your shield." Zao Wou-Ki responded embarrassedly, he was definitely not that lewd with his conscience. A little off.

What? You stabbed me in the back, and you still want to stab my front again?

Li Yan heard Zhao Wuji's words, but his whole body was drowned in anger.

"Ah..." A roar shook Nine Heavens.

The furious Li Yan turned into nine scorching suns, suddenly rushed to Zhao Wuji, and immediately exploded like a nuclear bomb.

"not good--"

Zhao Wuji's expression changed, and he hurriedly activated the defense of the blood-colored lotus platform, as well as the defense of the black magic mirror. He did not dare to underestimate the most powerful emperor like Li Yan.


The terrifying explosion swept in all directions, and many stars in the distance were shattered, turning into countless meteorite streams that cut through the sky, like countless meteors shining across the sky.

Everyone only felt that the endless flames filled the entire sky, and they could no longer see the scene inside. The terrifying power explosion, even the powerhouse of Heavenly Emperor Realm, could hardly see what happened.

After all, these two are the most powerful emperors, and they are not far from Heavenly Emperor Realm.

Moreover, Li Yan's attack was obviously a desperate attack, and its attack power was very close to that of Heavenly Emperor Realm's all-out attack.

"Tsk tsk, this guy Zhao Wuji is really nasty, and he is actually aiming at 'that' place." Liu Tian was watching the battle from a distance, and naturally he saw the previous scene and couldn't help but complain.

Qin Shisan and others were also speechless, and then secretly made up their minds that they would never be enemies with Lao Zhao in the future.

Xiao Yun, who was watching the battle in Chaos Sacred Land, was also stunned.

f*ck, when did Lao Zhao become so nasty and shameless? Could it be that there are too many women talking, forming a subconscious habit?

above the sky.

As the flames dissipated, Zao Wou-Ki's figure was also revealed.

With a black magic mirror on his head, the jet-black mask hangs down, and the magic is wanton. Inside the mask, there is also a layer of blood-colored mask, which ascends from the blood-colored lotus pedestal under his feet, protecting him tightly.

The terrifying blow that destroyed the world just now did not shake Zao Wou-Ki's defense at all. He...was unscathed.


Opposite Li Yan's eyes narrowed, and the grievance in his heart immediately made him want to cry. He was severely injured, and his ultimate move did not destroy even a single hair of the enemy's hair. This was simply too shocking.

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