"Elder Sister, I'm here." Xiao Yun immediately got up, left the Great Hall, and went to the main hall of Biyou Palace with Our Lady of Wudang.

The Great Hall not far ahead was as silent as ever, with no breath coming out of it, as if it was empty.

But Xiao Yun could feel that a pair of almost substantive eyes penetrated through layers of space and landed on him.

At this moment, Xiao Yun felt that his whole body was seen through.

The hairs on his body stood up.

So soon, those eyes disappeared.

"Huh, it's so terrifying!" Xiao Yun's heart turned upside down, and his soul almost froze just by looking at himself.

Heavenly Dao Sage this Realm is horrible.

Is this the powerhouse of the 'Immortal' Realm?

Xiao Yun felt a little lost at the moment. Even though he cultivated to this Realm today and stood at the peak of Jiuxiao Continent, in the eyes of the real powerhouse, he was still an ant.

"Little Junior Brother, don't be nervous, among the many sages, our master is the best to speak." The Virgin of Wudang seemed to sense Xiao Yun's nervousness and comforted with a smile.

Xiao Yun was speechless. If he was a local creature from the prehistoric world, he wouldn't be nervous.

The point is, he is an outsider, an anomaly.

Once discovered by Lingbao Tianzun, then this clone of himself can delete the account and start over.

It will even attract the attention of Hongjun. If he wants to sneak into the prehistoric world, he will inevitably be wanted and hunted down by various forces.

"Fortunately, I have already understood the laws of space, and I have obtained the full version of "Eight Nine Profound Techniques". Even if this clone dies, it is worth it." Xiao Yun thought to himself.

Just a little unwilling.

He was still very much looking forward to getting through this critical hurdle.

It was only a few hundred steps away, but Xiao Yun felt extremely long at the moment. Since he preached Heavenly Emperor, he has never been so nervous as he is now.

Finally, he and Madam Wudang came to the main hall of Biyou Palace.

The door to the Great Hall is open.

The inside of the hall is very bright, but it is not illuminated by sunlight, but as if it should be bright in the first place. It is a little weird under deep thought, but it is very natural. This is Sage's method.

Xiao Yun walked behind Our Lady of Wudang, lowered his head, his eyes were on the ground, and he didn't dare to look up at Lingbao Tianzun who was sitting above.

Even Divine Sense, Xiao Yun was shrunk in the body, daring not to leak the slightest bit.

In front of Heavenly Dao Sage, apart from being honest and waiting for the test, his strength can't make any waves at all.

Xiao Yun, who bowed his head, quickly heard the voice of Our Lady Wudang in front of him: "Wudang meets the teacher, teacher, this is the little junior brother Li Yun."

"Disciple Li Yun pays respects to Master!" Xiao Yun quickly knelt down and bowed after hearing the words.

He doesn't have any inner resistance to this. After all, Intercepting Teaching is very good for him at present, and as a spy of another world, he should also kowtow to Lingbao Tianzun. It is an early apology. After all, he will betray Intercepting Teaching sooner or later. of.

"Well, get up."

Lingbao Tianzun said lightly, the voice was very distant, as if it came from a far away place, but it came into Xiao Yun's ears very clearly.

Suddenly, Xiao Yun felt his whole body warm, as if he was basking in the winter sun.

Even the originally nervous and nervous heart calmed down.

However, Xiao Yun still lowered his head, not daring to look at Lingbao Tianzun at all. After all, he knows very well that the eyes are the windows to the soul. If he looked at Lingbao Tianzun's eyes, he didn't know if he could escape.

"Li Yun, since you have been promoted to Da Luojin Immortal, from today onwards, you will be a direct disciple of my sect."

Lingbao Tianzun looked at Xiao Yun with his head down, but he didn't have much doubts. After all, he was Heavenly Dao Sage, standing at the top of the prehistoric world. If it were a quasi-sage who saw him, he would be nervous.

As for Li Yun, only a descendant of the Tang Li family, he was only a few hundred years old. Suddenly seeing him, the legendary existence, was inevitably a little nervous.

"You are my direct disciple, and you should be given Innate Lingbao. What type of Innate Lingbao do you want?" Lingbao Tianzun then asked.

Very direct, really straight.

Xiao Yun breathed a sigh of relief. It was time to give the treasure so soon. It seemed that Tianzun Lingbao never thought about calculating himself, so this stage was passed safely.

However, Xiao Yun still did not dare to raise his head, but bowed his head respectfully and said, "The disciple hopes to get Innate Spirit Treasures such as swords, space, and time. Among them, 'time' is the most important."

Since Lingbao Tianzun is very direct, Xiao Yun is also very direct. He feels that this should be very good for Lingbao Tianzun's temper.

Sure enough, Lingbao Tianzun seemed to be a little happy, and a smile appeared on his originally dull face.

Our Lady of Wudang clearly saw this scene, and felt a little emotional in her heart. It seems that this little junior brother has a very bad temper towards the master.

Shizun is the most annoying guy in his old age. Everyone is the most closely related master and apprentice. If there is anything, just say it directly. Shizun hates people who are bewildering mothers-in-law and mothers.

Our Lady of Wudang also accompanied Lingbao Tianzun for countless years before she understood the character of her master.

But Xiao Yun, a 'newcomer', has such a temper with Lingbao Tianzun, which shows how good his luck is.

"Sword? Time? Space?"

Above, after hearing Xiao Yun's words, Lingbao Tianzun pondered for a moment, his eyes fell on Xiao Yun, and he instantly understood Xiao Yun's purpose.

In the eyes of Lingbao Tianzun, Xiao Yun's Cultivation Base could not be concealed.

Well, this son's primordial spirit is particularly powerful, unlike the newly promoted Da Luojin Immortal, which should be the reason for his extraordinary talent.

The sixth floor of "Eight Nine Mysterious Art", um, I heard that this child has natural supernatural power, and the talent above the body training is no worse than that of Yang Jian.

Qiongxiao's "Yunkong Jianjue" has also cultivated to the "Qi Jian" Realm, and his talent in kendo is also very strong, no wonder Lu Dongbin, who will be cited, wants to accept an apprentice.

However, he didn't expect him to comprehend the laws of space so quickly.

Even relying on Hunyuan Jindou Insight, it is impossible to be so fast. Does this son have such talent in law?

Moreover, he also wants the Insight time law, does he want the combination of time and space to comprehend the law of time and space?

Lingbao Tianzun admired it more and more, and finally showed a hint of surprise.

As Heavenly Dao Sage, there are too few things that can surprise him, even if it is a peak quasi-sage, in his eyes, it is nothing.

But he could already see that Xiao Yun was practicing with a purpose.

This kid has great ambitions. Not only does he practice body training, he also practices kendo, and he even has to comprehend the laws of time and space.

These three paths, no matter which path is complete, can make him a quasi-sage of Wudi.

And this kid actually took these three paths at the same time.

Moreover, the direction has been determined so quickly, without the slightest hesitation, such talent and wisdom must be too high.

Change it to another Heavenly Dao Sage, it is estimated that Xiao Yun's past will be calculated at this time.

But Lingbao Tianzun did not do this, he would never calculate his own disciple, unless his own disciple betrayed him, or his own disciple encountered some danger.

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