
Somewhere in the void, King Ashura was chatting with a few friends when his face flushed suddenly, he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his breath was sluggish.

"King Ashura, you..." An old man with a gloomy face looked at King Ashura in surprise.

King Ashura didn't speak, he immediately tore through the void and entered the Demon Realm.

My corpse was actually killed by that kid, how is that possible? How could that kid be so strong?

King Ashura was shocked and angry in his heart, but he did not dare to delay for a moment, and immediately fled into the demon world.

He is not an idiot. Xiao Yun will definitely notify Intercepting Jiao after knowing that the matter is exposed. If he is stopped by the strong intercepting teacher, then he will be dead.

It's a pity that this adventure to intercept Xiao Yun failed. He will not dare to leave the demon world in the future, and he will face revenge for intercepting the teaching.


West, Lingshan.

The general trend opened his eyes, showing a shocked expression: "Then Li Yun was actually promoted to the Da Luojin Immortal Realm, and also killed the corpse of King Ashura, how is this possible?"

As someone who has attended the Tang Emperor's birthday banquet, he naturally knows that Xiao Yun's talent is very high, so he rushed to accept apprentices for this reason, but unfortunately he failed.

But he never expected that Xiao Yun's progress would be so fast.

It doesn't matter if he is promoted to Da Luojin Immortal. With some Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, Medicine Pill, etc., and with Xiao Yun's talent, he can still be promoted to Da Luojin Immortal.

But this kind of Cultivation Base, which relies on the accumulation of resources, can exert very weak combat power.

As a result, when they arrived at Xiao Yun's place, something abnormal happened.

He, a newly promoted Da Luojin Immortal, actually killed the corpse of King Ashura.

In the prehistoric world, although King Ashura's reputation is not very big, he is at least a quasi-sage, no matter how rubbish the quasi-sage, his corpse also has the Cultivation Base at the peak of Da Luojin Immortal.

"This son's future prospects are limitless, but unfortunately he was intercepted and robbed." Da Shizhi sighed.

But soon, a dazzling bald head flashed in the mind of the general trend, and a smug look suddenly appeared.

Fortunately, he also accepted an outstanding disciple of Talent.

The future must not be inferior to this Li Yun.

"Professional disciple, once the battlefield of gods and demons is opened, it is expected that you will enter it for the teacher, and the teacher is looking forward to the day when you become famous in The Three Realms." The general trend is full of expectations.


Somewhere in Datang, Shangdong Eight Immortals are having a party.

Lu Dongbin was drinking wine when his eyes suddenly lit up and he smiled: "As expected of me, I actually killed that idiot King Ashura."

"Beheaded King Ashura? Lu Dongbin, are you talking about Li Yun, the young apprentice of Lingbao Tianzun?" Tieguai Li Wenyan said with a smile. Obviously, they have already received the news. of.

Lu Dongbin nodded and said, "It's that kid, unfortunately he was snatched by Lingbao Tianzun, otherwise my kendo inheritance will be succeeded."

Lu Dongbin looked regretful.

"If you want me to tell you, let you teach your disciples, and you will delay other people's talents. Look at the other people's interception, then Li Yuncai has cultivated for hundreds of years, and he can kill the corpse of King Ashura. If it is you, do you have the ability? Aunt He Immortal laughed.

"Uh..." Lu Dongbin looked helpless and had to say that if it was him, he really wasn't sure that Xiao Yun would become so strong in such a short period of time, unless he asked Taishang Laojun for a Nine Cycles Gold Core Eat it for Xiao Yun.


Heaven Court.

After the Pantao Gala, the Jade Emperor, the Queen Mother, and Taibaijinxing were discussing the formation of the God of War Legion.

Soon, the news of Xiao Yun beheading the corpse of King Ashura was known to them.

The three of them were surprised when they learned of this.

"Then I still have some impressions of Li Yun. I remember that he was promoted to Da Luojin Immortal on the spot after eating the peach." The Queen Mother's eyes were full of surprise. When Xiao Yun broke through, although he was covered by Yunxiao Immortal, he was present. The quasi-sage master still found it.

The Jade Emperor praised: "A newly promoted Daluojin Immortal actually killed the corpse of King Ashura, my uncle Lingbao Tianzun has really received a good apprentice this time, and I am afraid that there will be an interception in the future. A bearer."

"Yeah, this son is extremely talented. He killed the corpse of King Ashura and became famous in one fell swoop. He will definitely be valued by Uncle Lingbao Tianzun. With his key cultivation, his future achievements are limitless." The Queen Mother nodded and said.

She knows that Lingbao Tianzun has achieved amazing results in the battlefields of the two realms over the years. Once he really wants to focus on cultivating a person, as long as the talent of the other party is okay, he will definitely become a super strong among quasi-sages in the future.

"Your Majesty the Jade Emperor, the Queen Mother, since this son is so powerful and his potential is amazing, Little Immortal proposed that he be the commander of this God of War Legion. Whether it is status or strength, it is very suitable." Taibaijinxing below, Suddenly he spoke.

The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother looked at each other with a wry smile on their faces.

"We also thought about it, but he is a disciple of Sage, and he will soon be a disciple of Sage. Unless he is stupid, how can he come to my God of War Legion." Jade Emperor smiled bitterly.

He still has self-knowledge. As the master of The Three Realms, he is somewhat intimidating to others, but those Sage direct disciples will not take him seriously.

Of those Sage direct disciples, which one is not an arrogant one?

"Taibaijinxing, let's find someone else. This son has extraordinary talent. Master Lingbao Tianzun will definitely focus on cultivating him this time. It is impossible for him to join the God of War Legion." The Queen Mother also shook her head.

Taibaijinxing also smiled bitterly, feeling that he had taken it for granted. With Xiao Yun's talent, which broke out by killing King Ashura's corpse, it was enough to make him a big celebrity who intercepted the teaching, and naturally disdain to join Heaven Court.

Unless Heaven Court can come up with a throne for the other party, the five-party emperor's seat has already been filled, and they are all powerful people with deep backgrounds. They don't listen to his Jade Emperor at all. What about Xiao Yun?

"Unfortunately, both Yang Jian and Chenxiang are qualified to be the commanders of this God of War Legion, alas!" Taibaijinxing sighed and didn't dare to say these two names. These two people have already become Jade Emperor's. Taboo.


Biyou Palace.

After saying goodbye to Sanxiao, Xiao Yun followed Our Lady of Wudang back to the Intercept Cult base camp.

"Little Junior Brother, you have been promoted to Da Luojin Immortal this time, and then you should stabilize the Culture Base. Don't go out to practice for the time being. Master will be back soon, and I will meet you at that time." gone.

Bai Suzhen also said goodbye afterwards. She ate the peaches and planned to attack Daluojin Immortal Realm next. Although the chances were not high, she had to work hard.

Xiao Yun returned to her residence and began to count her gains this time.

There are still 6 peaches left in the 9,000-year-old, 9 in the 6,000-year-old, and 5 in the 3,000-year-old. These things are useless to him, so they will send them to Zao Wou-Ki.

There is also the spiritual treasure obtained after beheading the corpse of King Ashura.

That huge black sickle is a powerful attack-type acquired spiritual treasure, much more powerful than his Chaos Clock, Immortal Sword, and Zixiao Sword.

As for the black magic mirror, the level is higher, it is estimated that it is a high-grade Houtian Lingbao, and it is also a defensive type Lingbao.

There is also the familiar blood-colored lotus platform, which is a little higher than his previous blood-colored lotus platform. It is a middle-grade acquired spiritual treasure.

"Sure enough, the only way to make a lot of money is to kill more money, and now you can get Heavenly Emperor soldiers casually." Xiao Yun smiled.

On Jiuxiao Continent, it is too difficult to get one Heavenly Emperor soldier. On the prehistoric world side, it is really cool to get several Heavenly Emperor soldiers so quickly.

There is also the next battlefield of gods and demons. When it is time to fight against those quasi-sages and big Luojin Immortals, it is estimated that many Heavenly Emperor soldiers and even higher-level Divine Armaments will be obtained.

"Well, first set a small goal, and strive to make our Chaos Sacred Land's emperor and above have a Heavenly Emperor soldier."

Xiao Yun secretly made up his mind.

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