Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 980 Who Told You That I Was Physically Weak

The sword rain in the void covered the entire sky, and from a distance, it was like a mighty dazzling river of swords, continuously bombarding King Ashura.

However, when his fist hit Xiao Yun, the shock of his arm was completely shattered.

With this treasure, he can become a peak quasi-sage.

"Boy, I have to say, you are quite courageous. It's time for you, but you're not panicking at all. I really thought you were a Sage disciple, so I wouldn't dare to kill you?" King Ashura saw Xiao Yun's calm expression , I felt a little unhappy in my heart.

From King Ashura's point of view, Xiao Yun estimated that he spent the past three hundred years on comprehension of kendo, and his body naturally fell.

King Ashura finished speaking with a mocking and disdainful smile.

Am I daydreaming?

King Ashura still didn't know that he had become the whetstone of Xiao Yun's cultivation of kendo.

"King Ashura, you are very courageous, and you dare to fight me closely. Don't you know that I have cultivated "Eight Nine Mysteries"?" Xiao Yun looked at King Ashura with a playful face.

In the final analysis, they are still cultivators in the prehistoric world. Anyone who has achieved success has been cultivating for hundreds of thousands of years, hundreds of millions of years.

In a way, this is already using the power of heaven and earth, which is why the sword Immortal is so powerful.

The surrounding dark prison was also shattered by Xiao Yun this strike.

It's time to end.

In his opinion, Xiao Yun should be sweating profusely at this moment, showing a look of panic and despair, this is the scene he wants to see.

Although there are countless Sword Qi, it looks very amazing, like Wan Jian Guizong, but in fact the attack is also scattered, resulting in a reduction in attack power.

Qi sword, using qi as a sword, there are countless qi between heaven and earth, which also allows Xiao Yun to mobilize countless swords.

King Ashura spat out a mouthful of blood. He looked at Xiao Yun in front of him, his face full of disbelief: "The Sixth Floor's "Eight Nine Mysteries"! You were promoted to Da Luojin Immortal by "Eight Nine Mysteries", How is this possible? It's only three hundred years..."

The kendo of Jiuxiao Continent is more of a single attack, so the attack power is more powerful.

"Boy, your time to die is here!"

In the face of such a huge temptation, King Ashura didn't care about his injuries and rushed towards Xiao Yun desperately.

After all, many are borrowed powers of heaven and earth, and unless it is Heavenly Dao Sage, it is impossible to integrate it.

King Ashura snorted coldly and said: "You boy showed your natural power at the Tang Emperor's birthday banquet, I naturally know that you must have cultivated "Eight Nine Mysteries", but this is the first cultivation technique in the prehistoric world, and it is difficult to cultivate. Great, in just over three hundred years, no matter how high your Talent is, how many levels can you achieve? Has the first level been achieved?"

Because Xiao Yun had a golden bucket, King Ashura didn't dare to mobilize Lingbao to attack Xiao Yun to prevent the meat buns from hitting the dog, so he could only hold on to the defense and forcefully rush towards Xiao Yun.

"Congratulations, you finally made an effort to rush to me."

This is a shame for King Ashura.

At that time, Hunyuan Jindou will be his.

Xiao Yun continued to bombard King Ashura while verifying his cultivation of "Yunkong Sword Art".

"Unfortunately, this move is too scattered and belongs to a 'group move'." Xiao Yun saw the shortcomings of this move at a glance.

Xiao Yun looked at King Ashura not far in front of him, but was not flustered at all, instead he showed a mocking smile.

Xiao Yun swung a golden fist and an uppercut, smashing King Ashura's jaw.

Xiao Yun's body seemed to be plated with a layer of gold, exuding hundreds of millions of meters of light.

But he knew that the sword Immortal's body was very weak, as long as he got close, he would definitely be able to easily kill Xiao Yun.

Unfortunately, Xiao Yun was very calm and showed a mocking look.

What can you do in three hundred years?

What a joke, that is the famous Ashura King, a quasi-sage, who is so vulnerable in front of the little uncle, how is this possible?

Although King Ashura knew that Xiao Yun must have cultivated "Eight Nine Mysteries".

"I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you, in fact, I'm doing body training, and I'm just practicing swordsmanship."

It is unforgivable that a little bastard who is dying, dares to mock the great King Ashura.

But unfortunately, so many qi swords can't be integrated into one at all.

"The power of this 'Qi Sword' is quite impressive, but unfortunately I don't have a good sword, otherwise my attack power would be stronger, and it would be easier to deal with King Ashura."

Although he was seriously injured, King Ashura didn't care at all. As long as he got a powerful Innate Spirit Treasure like Hunyuan Jindou, everything would be worth it.

What's more, Xiao Yun's kendo is so powerful.

If these swords can be combined into one, the attack power can definitely break through to the quasi-holy level.

Is all this an illusion?


"I just don't know what happened to the last Realm 'empty sword'. Unfortunately, my current space approach is not enough to practice this trick."

However, from a normal point of view, King Ashura's idea is correct.


"This guy is really desperate, does he just believe that my body is weak?" Xiao Yun looked at King Ashura, who was charging with countless Sword Qi, and was speechless.

Xiao Yun remembered the third Realm of "Empty Sword" in "Yunkong Sword Art". It is said that this is a Realm that Qiongxiao Immortal did not reach, but she deduced it in advance.

In the face of King Ashura's ridicule, Xiao Yun directly erupted into a powerful body Blood Qi, the terrifying Blood Qi surged up, and the powerful momentum rushed towards King Ashura.

However, Xiao Yun has hope to reach this Realm. With his savvy, coupled with the epiphany of the human family, after Insight has learned Hunyuan Jindou, it will be just around the corner to master this trick.

With another enemy, King Ashura had already escaped.

"What..." Upon seeing this, King Ashura's pupils shrank. Before he could say anything, he was hit by a golden fist and vomited blood and flew away.

"Three hundred years is not too short!" Xiao Yun smiled mysteriously, and stepped on King Ashura's chest, as if a big mountain hit King Ashura and blasted him out directly.

This is extremely unfavorable for him, because he is in a passive beating situation.

Even the blood-colored lotus pedestal under his feet seemed much bleak.

King Ashura roared, and reluctantly threw his fists at him, wanting to lose both with Xiao Yun.

Unfortunately, King Ashura could never have imagined that Xiao Yun was an anomaly from Jiuxiao Continent.

During this period, King Ashura also suffered many injuries, all of which were torn by Sword Qi.

Bai Suzhen was upset in her heart, looking at Xiao Yun who was showing her great power in front of her, she felt that the other party became more and more mysterious.

Sword Immortal's physical body is very weak, I just need a few punches and I can knock this kid out.

Suddenly, a gloomy and grim laughter came.

It was King Ashura who finally rushed to Xiao Yun. Although he was covered in wounds and looked miserable, his breath had dropped a lot, but there was a cruel smile in his eyes.

Obviously, King Ashura didn't think Xiao Yun's body could be strong at all.

But someone like Xiao Yun, who has been cultivating for more than 300 years, no matter how strong Talent is, it is impossible for him to cultivate the "Eight Nine Mysteries" in 300 years.

Xiao Yun was as fast as lightning, chasing after King Ashura and continuing to throw punches.

And King Ashura was like a stubborn rock in the Jianhe River, facing the terrifying waves of the Jianhe River, slowly approaching Xiao Yun.

Obviously, he wasn't feeling well right now.

Behind Xiao Yun, Bai Suzhen covered her mouth, dumbfounded.

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