Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 977: Jade Emperor's Unwillingness

"Little Junior Brother, are you stupid? Dignified Sage's direct disciple, why did you want to be the Jade Emperor's subordinate? This is too Losing face." Bi Xiao Immortal looked at Xiao Yun and couldn't help frowning.

Qiong Xiao Immortal no longer stopped Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun smiled bitterly and said, "Isn't there a lot of Sage disciples who are also officials in Heaven Court? Even the Supreme Laojun is there. What's the shame of me being a Jade Emperor's subordinate?"

Bi Xiao Immortal and Qiong Xiao Immortal were shocked. They almost ignored the immeasurable catastrophe. Once the catastrophe came, what was the most important? Of course it's strength.

Top geniuses are not idiots. Among Heaven Court and Sage, Sage is the natural choice.

Yunxiao Immortal looked at Xiao Yun, but said with a smile: "Little Junior Brother, don't rush to join the God of War Legion, you take the initiative to join the God of War Legion, it is better for the Jade Emperor to ask you to join."

He knew that the purpose of Yunxiao Immortal's son was to make him wait for a price, and the Jade Emperor would definitely give him some benefits.

"Hehe, little junior brother, don't underestimate yourself. As long as you show some Talent, the Jade Emperor will definitely treat you differently. What's more, he is now in need of thousands of gold to buy horse bones. Disciple, once you join the God of War army, it will definitely give him a big face, can he give you some benefits?"

Yunxiao Immortal looked at Xiao Yun and said with a smile: "You cultivate well first, I will discuss this matter with the Jade Emperor, and I promise not to let you suffer."

Immortal Bi Xiao glared at Xiao Yun angrily, and said, "Those people are either trapped in the Conferred God List and have to obey the Jade Emperor's orders, or the Jade Emperor can't control them if they just take the benefits and do nothing. This God of War Legion is definitely different, and the Jade Emperor is not an idiot. If you join the God of War Legion, you can get some benefits, but you must obey the Jade Emperor's orders. Sage is a direct disciple, the Jade Emperor can punish you at will, and it is not easy for him to intervene, after all, you joined it yourself."


Xiao Yun didn't care when he heard the words, what happened to obeying the Jade Emperor's order? Did the Jade Emperor let him commit suicide? As for the Jade Emperor's punishment, hehe, when he gets the benefits, he can return to the Jiuxiao Continent at any time. What else can the Jade Emperor do other than stare at him?

You have to be a genius.

"Little Junior Brother, don't be greedy for the Jade Emperor's treasure. When the Master comes back, he will naturally give you the Innate Spirit Treasure." Immortal Qiongxiao also persuaded him at this time.

Since Heaven Court has huge cultivation resources.

However, these Xiao Yun couldn't tell Sanxiao, he quickly said to Immortal Bixiao: "Senior Sister Bixiao, anyway, I have to go to the battlefield of gods and demons to fight against the strong Devil Dao, join the God of War army to get one more What's wrong with it? As for the Jade Emperor's orders, even if I obey his orders, can he still force me to do things that I don't like to do? Respect some faces."

" really pissed me off." Bi Xiao Immortal pointed at Xiao Yun in exasperation after hearing this, finally snorted and turned his head away.

Xiao Yun suddenly calmed down when he heard the words, since Yun Xiao Immortal said so, he naturally doesn't need to worry anymore, the other party will definitely not let him suffer.

Just like sitting at Sanxiao, Lingbao Tianzun's new apprentice, he also sent someone to celebrate Tang Huang's birthday before, but Lingbao Tianzun still snatched it away.

Yunxiao Immortal looked at the shocked two Little Sisters, and smiled slightly: "Once the seal of the God of War is released, and those of us get out of trouble, Heaven Court will inevitably be severely damaged. If the Jade Emperor wants to replace us with the God of War Legion, it will naturally cost a lot of money. At a great price, the younger junior brother enters it, and with his strength and identity, he will definitely get a lot of benefits."

The Jade Emperor secretly made up his mind that once there was an outstanding talent willing to join the God of War Legion, he might have to spend a lot of money to buy horse bones, and he would not hesitate to spend a lot of money.

Looking up at the Jade Emperor not far away, Xiao Yun saw that the Jade Emperor's face was a little gloomy and ugly.

"Big Sister, you..."

"Eh?" Xiao Yun said with a wry smile: "Senior Sister Yunxiao, I understand what you mean, but what kind of identity is the Jade Emperor? How could he come and beg me to join."

"Big Sister, you are the most eloquent, come and persuade him." Qiong Xiao Immortal said to Yun Xiao Immortal next to him.

"After all, I'm not Sage!" The Jade Emperor was unwilling, but thinking of the aura of Hongmeng from Hongjun, his heart became hot again.

Although occupying some official positions in Heaven Court is also good for cultivation, as early as when Heaven Court was established, some important official positions in Heaven Court, such as the Five Great Emperors and so on, have been divided up by the bosses, and the rest These Sage disciples naturally disliked the rubbish official position.

What's more, as far as he knows, with the official title of Heaven Court, he can also use the power of the stars in the sky to speed up cultivation.

Qiongxiao Immortal also had a look of Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, this little junior brother is too greedy, and he willingly surrendered to the Jade Emperor for a little treasure, which is too embarrassing.

But Xiao Yun doesn't care. He came to the prehistoric world to become stronger. Since he can be a disciple of Sage, why can't he be a servant of the Jade Emperor?

Xiao Yun was speechless, what kind of shame is this? After all, the Jade Emperor is also a big boss, and he is the nominal ruler of The Three Realms. His status is equal to that of Sage, and his seniority is also the same as that of Sages. What's the shame of being his subordinates?

However, Xiao Yun also understood that Sanxiao were all super ancient powerhouses, and their strength was not much lower than the Jade Emperor back then, so they naturally felt that it was a bit ashamed to be the Jade Emperor's subordinates.

As for those Rogue Cultivators, they are willing to join the God of War Corps, but what are these Rogue Cultivators, the Jade Emperor also knows in his heart, it would be good for them to be soldiers, and they will not be able to maintain their appearance at all.

The Jade Emperor glanced at the audience and smiled bitterly in his heart.

This is why there are many bigwigs occupying positions in Heaven Court.

"Since that's the case, then little junior brother, you can do it yourself." Bi Xiao Immortal sighed, she still couldn't get past the hurdle in her heart, Sage disciples are all arrogant and disdain to surrender to the Jade Emperor.

Because after the Jade Emperor's words fell, those Sage disciples just smiled indifferently and remained indifferent. Obviously, they were all the same as Yunxiao Immortal and Qiongxiao Immortal, disdainful of being the Jade Emperor's subordinates.

Immortal Qiongxiao and Immortal Bi Xiao were dumbfounded when they heard the words, and both looked at Immortal Yunxiao with unbelievable expressions.

While Xiao Yun has Talent, what he lacks is time and cultivation resources.

"But..." Immortal Bi Xiao wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Immortal Yun Xiao with a wave. Yunxiao Immortal looked at them with deep eyes, and said faintly: "We can escape from the Conferred God List, which means that the immeasurable calamity is coming. At this time, we don't care about the face problem. As long as the younger brother can become stronger, the grievances of the moment will be counted. what?"

But Yunxiao Immortal thinks him too highly.

The top geniuses have all come under the door of Sage, where can they get him.

The ultimate goal of forming the God of War legion is to fight the battlefields of the two worlds. As long as his God of War legion performs well, Hongjun Daozu may give him the Qi of Hongmeng, so this God of War legion must have a strong A genius commander will do.

There are also many treasures of the Jade Emperor, Heaven Court and Peach.

Yun Xiao Immortal glanced at Xiao Yun, but said, "Actually, it's not a bad thing for my younger brother to join the God of War Legion."

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