"Little Junior Brother has made a breakthrough so quickly, it's unbelievable!" Bi Xiao Immortal looked at Xiao Yun in shock.

Simply incredible.

Immediately afterwards, he felt a little pity. He didn't encounter Brother Monkey making a riot in the Heavenly Palace. Otherwise, if he followed behind Brother Monkey, he would be able to pick up peaches indefinitely.

It's fine if he's outside, but now there's a grand event going on here, if he leaks his qi, it's not causing trouble for the Jade Queen Mother, who sent him a few more peaches just now.

Is this genius?

Xiao Yun looked at Taishang Laojun not far away and thought to himself.

For Lingbao Tianzun, the newly received junior brother, Taishang Laojun did not pay much attention to it. After all, they have many Sage disciples, and the highest achievement is only a quasi-sage. In the eyes of their Sage, they are still just an ant. .

Xiao Yun didn't know at the moment that the golden monkey hair on his body was the legendary "one who escaped", which helped him avoid the calculation of Taishang Laojun.

As far as he knew, this descendant of the Li family should not be too old, and it didn't take long for him to join the sect of Lingbao Tianzun. He reached the Immortal Realm in such a short time. This talent is indeed a genius.

Obviously, Yunxiao Immortal was a quasi-sage before he was on the list of conferred gods.

However, Xiao Yun soon felt that he was daydreaming. Journey to the West was a game jointly created by the Jade Emperor and Tathagata, and the Monkey Brother Havoc in the Heavenly Palace was also in their calculations. It's a joke that monkeys can swept Heaven Court. It is estimated that when Brother Monkey was making troubles in the Heavenly Palace, those bigwigs were secretly eating melons and watching dramas.

Just now, he suddenly made a breakthrough, and the air leaked out, and it was too late to control it.

This Taishang Laojun is a good corpse of the Taoist Heavenly Venerate. Although he is only a quasi-sage Realm, he is proficient in pill refining and has a great reputation in The Three Realms and even in the mortal world.

This escaped one is the most peculiar existence between heaven and earth.

Not to mention that he is not sure to deal with the current Lingbao Tianzun, even if he is sure, he can't do it.

However, just now Xiao Yun ate the peach and broke through to the Daluojin Immortal Realm, which caught the attention of Taishang Laojun.

"The monkey was able to become sanctified back then, and it was the one who escaped. This thing should still be with the monkey, so it can only be the first case."

It turned out that Taishang Laojun sensed Xiao Yun's gaze and looked towards him.

So, he pinched his fingers and prepared to calculate the detailed information of Xiao Yun.

It doesn't make you stronger, but it allows you to hide from other people's calculations, not even Heavenly Dao.

As for the second case, that is that Xiao Yun has the 'escape one', which is an anomaly that Heavenly Dao can't even notice.

"Our Chaos Sacred Land will finally be able to mass-produce the Great Emperor and Heavenly Emperor powerhouses. When the heavens return, the grandchildren will be surprised if they don't open their eyes." Xiao Yun smiled.

The quasi-sages of that era had too high a gold content, no wonder even the old-fashioned quasi-sages like Daoist didn't dare to face the Immortal son of Yunxiao.

As a result, Taishang Laojun found that he couldn't figure out any information, as if the person 'Li Yun' did not exist at all, whether it was the future or the past of 'Li Yun', it was empty.

But Yunxiao Immortal is a quasi-sage.

Of course, he can also use the Innate treasure to forcibly calculate, but in that case, it will definitely alarm the Lingbao Tianzun. He had already offended Lingbao Tianzun back then, and the relationship between the brothers and sisters had broken.

"If this senior sister gets out of the Conferred God List, I'm afraid she will also be a Wudi quasi-sage in the future." Xiao Yun thought to himself.

Xiao Yun wasn't going to waste them, so he put them away first, and then gave Zao Wou-ki a 9,000-year-old peach to help him break through Heavenly Emperor Realm.

"Junior brother is really a genius in body training. The Dou Sheng and Yang Jian back then are probably not as good as junior brother." Yunxiao Immortal thought to himself, Master has really received a precious apprentice now.

Bai Suzhen smiled bitterly in her heart, being with the genius was really a blow.

Xiao Yun only felt that his whole body was being seen through by the other party, his heart suddenly burst, and he couldn't help but feel nervous.

Therefore, even if Qiongxiao Immortal and Bixiao Immortal have extraordinary talents, they are still only Da Luojin Immortal after so many years.

The first is that Lingbao Tianzun helped Xiao Yun to cover up the secret, which even the moral Tianzun could not calculate.

After thinking of the return of the group of people from Heaven and Beyond, and suddenly discovering that Chaos Sacred Land has several Heavenly Emperors, dozens of great emperors, it is estimated that they will be stunned.

"Huh?" At this time, the Taishang Laojun pinched his fingers, and there was a trace of doubt and surprise between his brows.

"Interesting, my junior brother seems to like this little apprentice very well." Taishang Laojun put down his hand and smiled slightly.

Although he was worried, Xiao Yun's face was very calm, and he turned to chat with San Xiao Immortal.

Taishang Laojun thought in his heart: "It was Lingbao Tianzun who helped this 'Li Yun' to cover up the secret."

He knew there were only two possibilities for this to happen.

You must know that after being on the Conferred God List, not only did you lose your freedom, but you also couldn't cultivate your Ascension strength.

"It's a pity that Lingbao Tianzun and Daode Tianzun have fallen out. Otherwise, if you go to Taishang Laojun's pill refining furnace to practice, you will be able to cast a golden body like a monkey brother, not to mention that you can practice your eyes, at least Also strengthens my Double Pupils."

Immediately, Xiao Yun collected all the remaining peaches.

At this moment, Xiao Yun felt a pair of eyes that seemed to be able to see through his own, and couldn't help but feel awe in his heart.

"Again... and breakthrough again..."

Qiong Xiao Immortal, who was next to him, was also stunned: "It turns out that my younger brother said that he had reached the fifth floor of "Eight Nine Mysterious Art". It turned out to be the fifth floor, the Nine Cycles Consummation Realm."

However, Xiao Yun also came to know the Cultivation Base of Yunxiao Immortal son, this peerless Immortal son is actually a quasi-sage.

The remaining peaches can also make several Heavenly Emperors and Great Emperors.

Behind Xiao Yun, Bai Suzhen looked sad.

Those eyes are too deep, like the eternal stars, people can't help falling into it, sinking into the hundreds of millions of stars.

"Damn, I'm so careless, how can I go to see this old guy, even if he's just a good corpse of Daode Tianzun, he's not ordinary." Xiao Yun cursed inwardly, he was really careless.

Fortunately, Yunxiao Immortal shot in time to help him suppress this aura.

As the so-called Great Dao is fifty, Heavenly Dao is forty-nine, and the remaining "one" has escaped.

She watched helplessly as Xiao Yun changed from a mortal to her little uncle, and now she watched helplessly as Xiao Yun's Cultivation Base surpassed her and reached the Great Luojin Immortal Realm first.

"Thank you, Senior Sister, otherwise I would have lost my temper just now." Xiao Yun opened his eyes and thanked Yunxiao Immortal.

The effect of pan-peaches is not omnipotent, and eating too much is useless. In addition, Xiao Yun's strength has increased and he has been promoted to Da Luojin Immortal Realm. These pan-peaches are no longer of much help to him.

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