After Zhao Wuji passed the imperial calamity, he seemed very dissatisfied, and his face was a little gloomy.

Although he became the most powerful emperor after proving the Dao, this achievement has surpassed many emperors in Jiuxiao Continent, even Heavenly Emperor, and went straight to the Primordial Chaos Emperor, as well as the three human emperors.

But the gap with Xiao Yun is still very large.

Only when he truly reaches this Realm will Zao Wou-Ki know how far apart he is from Xiao Yun.

Heavenly Emperor, the Realm, is a huge threshold.

Throughout the ages, how many great emperors have been able to cross this threshold?

Almost a handful.

What's more, Xiao Yun directly preached the Heavenly Emperor, which was the only one in the ages.

"It seems that if I want to surpass Xiao Erniu, I can only continue to study in Buddhism in the prehistoric world. I have already been ahead of him by a lot here, and there is no way to catch up. Only in the prehistoric world can I overtake a car in a corner. "

Zao Wou-Ki thought to himself.

After preaching, his body got Ascension in all aspects, and wisdom naturally got Ascension.

He is very clear that there are many opportunities in the prehistoric world, as long as he is lucky, with his talent, he may not be able to surpass Xiao Yun.

In particular, he also worshipped Buddhism.

If he shows a strong talent and gets the focus of Buddhist cultivation, surpassing Xiao Yun is just around the corner.

Of course, Zao Wou-Ki also knew that Xiao Yun had infiltrated the Intercept Sect, which was also Sage's inheritance.

However, Buddhism has two Sages, while Intercept has only one Sage.

If he really got the focus of Buddhist cultivation, he would definitely have a chance to surpass Xiao Yun.

"The future must belong to Zhao Heavenly Emperor!"

Zao Wou-Ki took a deep breath, his eyes were firm and confident.

No matter how strong Xiao Yun is, he still does not give up the idea of ​​surpassing Xiao Yun.

This has become his obsession and his lifelong pursuit.

"That's right, I finally have the aura of the number one general." In the distance, Xiao Yun saw the end of Zao Wou-Ki's Transcends Tribulation, and a smile appeared on his face.

With Zao Wou-Ki's talent, he would go to the prehistoric world to hone his skills and be promoted to Heavenly Emperor Realm.

With such strength, even if he follows him to fight the Immortal Road in the future, he will be able to be on his own.

"Yes, Zhao Xiaozi has become the most powerful emperor this time, and the bloodline Talent has become more powerful. In the future, the probability of the Sacred Body appearing in his sons will be higher." In the distance, Lei Zu and the indestructible ancestor looked at each other. smile.

Nanhai Yun also interjected: "Maybe after a thousand years, our Chaos Sacred Land can create a great emperor army composed of ancient Sacred Body."

As soon as these words came out, Lei Zu and the immortal ancestor suddenly lit up and almost drooled.

If it was in the past, it would be difficult for even the ancient Sacred Body to prove the Great Dao.

But in this era of Spiritual Qi recovery, coupled with the countless cultivation resources of Chaos Sacred Land, as well as the cultivation of many Emperor Sutras, the ancient Sacred Body preaching is not a problem at all.

Maybe it is really possible to create a great emperor army composed of ancient Sacred Body.

That can simply sweep across the Nine Heavens and conquer the heavens and the world.

"No, I have to find a way to find more wives for Zhao Xiaozi. There are only a few dozen now, which is not enough." Lei Zu said immediately.

The indestructible ancestor changed his expression and said, "My incarnation in the Three Sovereign Realm has already consulted with those who have become otherworldly enlightened Taoists. Now Xiao Yun is a Heavenly Emperor, and Zhao Wuji has become the most powerful emperor. It is almost impossible to rule our Jiuxiao Continent, not to mention that they are not united internally, we can marry a group and find a few wives of the royal family for Zhao Xiaozi."

"You can't just pick up the wool on Zhao Xiaozi alone. Zhao Xiaozi now has seven ancient Sacred Body children. If the two daughters are not mentioned, the remaining five sons have to ask them to find some wives." Lei Zu said.

The inextinguishable ancestor nodded and said: "That's right, we want to implement the three-hundred-child policy in Chaos Sacred Land, and each of those ancient Sacred Bodies must have hundreds of sons."

"..." Nan Haiyun was sweating profusely as he listened. This was to make Zao Wou-Ki and his son all planters.


At the same time, Zao Wou-Ki returned from the Emperor Road to preach the Dao, and in the eyes of all the people, he carried his hands on his back, stepped on the Golden Light Avenue, and toured the entire Jiuxiao Continent.

Xiao Yun was speechless, this guy really thought he was the Supreme Heavenly Emperor, but he was even more pretentious than him.

What makes Xiao Yun speechless is that Zao Wou-Ki didn't know where he learned the crooked way, and turned the special effects to the top level. The golden light illuminates a radius of 300,000 miles. In the sky above Jiuxiao Continent, I was afraid that others would not know that Zao Wou-Ki had preached the Dao.

"Let's go, let him pretend to be B." Xiao Yun waved to Di Tian and the others, and everyone returned to Chaos Sacred Land.

However, the other cultivators were all looking at Zao Wou-Ki from a distance, admiring Zhao Heavenly Emperor's peerless style.

"Brother Qin, will you be so strong after you prove the Dao?" Liu Tiandu asked from a distance.

Standing with him were Ye Qilin, Qin Shisan and others.

Seeing that Zao Wou-Ki was proving the Way, and that he had directly reached the Realm, the most powerful emperor, they all had a look of envy on their faces.

"Impossible, that Long Yi's talent is stronger than mine, and it's only the peak of the middle emperor. After I have been certified, I will be the middle emperor at most." Qin Shisan smiled wryly after hearing this.

He knew that Zao Wou-Ki's Talent was very strong, second only to Gu Tianyi and Xiao Yun, but he didn't expect it to be so strong, that he would directly reach the Realm of the most powerful emperor. Couldn't he be promoted to Heavenly Emperor Realm in a few years? ?

When did Heavenly Emperor Realm become so worthless?

"Brother Ye, you are the reincarnation of the Great Emperor. This reincarnation and rebuilding will definitely bring you to a higher level, perhaps reaching the most powerful Emperor Realm." Liu Tiandu looked at Ye Qilin next to him again.

Ye Qilin also smiled bitterly and said, "Is it easy for you to be the most powerful emperor? In my previous life, I cultivated for hundreds of thousands of years before I reached the peak of the realm, and barely touched the threshold of the most powerful emperor."

"Even on Immortal Road, the most powerful emperors are very rare."

Ye Qilin sighed: "According to my current plan, if I can succeed, then after proving the Tao, I may be able to directly become the Heavenly Emperor. It is almost impossible to reach the Realm, the most powerful emperor."

"For countless years, only the Three Emperors and Chaos Great Emperor have reached it. It is a miracle that Xiao Yun and Zhao Wuji can appear in this era."

Qin Shisan and Liu Tian were both shocked when they heard it. This was the reincarnation of Emperor Shrouding the Heavens, and he had a lot of knowledge.

Even if he is reincarnated and rebuilt, he can only grasp one step to become the upper emperor.

This shows how difficult it is to directly become the most powerful emperor like Zhao Wuji.

"As expected of Zhao Heavenly Emperor, it's really only the wrong name, not the wrong nickname." Liu Tiandu said with admiration.

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