"Elder Sister, the past is gone, and now we should move forward bravely and carry forward our interception again."

Mother Wudang's face became serious, and she said solemnly: "Not long ago, the master said that the calamity of heaven and earth is coming, and it is a boundless calamity that is even more terrifying than the great catastrophe of the gods and the catastrophe of the lich."


When the Mother of Wudang heard the words in awe, she said solemnly: "The master also mentioned one or two things in the past. If you want to get out of the conferred gods list, only the heaven and earth killing ring will be opened again."

"Especially recently, the brothers who are trapped in the Conferred God List also feel that the seal is a little loose. This is a harbinger of the coming catastrophe."

Bi Xiao Immortal's eyes moved a little, Yun Xiao Immortal snorted coldly: "Presumptuous, Heaven Court is what you said to go? Big sister can use the face of the deputy leader to let you go out, how can we leave? If you don't give the Jade Emperor a face, what's the benefit for me to intercept the teaching?"

"Take your time, it can't be too conspicuous, it's better to keep a low profile."

"What's the matter?" Yun Xiao Immortal said with a slight smile.

"Not long ago, at the Tang Emperor's birthday banquet, there was a talented Li family's son. After the elder sister reported to the master, he was accepted by the master as a registered disciple."

This is not Jiuxiao Continent. If it performs too well, it will definitely attract Sage's attention.

She felt that she was not far from leaving the Conferred God Ranking.

After Xiao Yun completed the first level of "Eight Nine Mysterious Art", he immediately restrained the urge to continue cultivation.

The second sister Bixiao Immortal and the third sister Qiongxiao Immortal are more lively and chatting non-stop.

"Heavenly Emperor Sutra 3" has long been known to him. At this moment, the chaotic body has transformed, and his understanding has greatly increased, just in time for serious Insight.

Right at this moment-

"Little Junior Brother, you are staying here for the cultivation. I have something to do. I will go first. After a while, Junior Sister Qiongxiao will come to guide you with Immortal." After all, the Virgin of Wudang is the Chief Interceptor, and there are many things to do. , and soon left.

Xiao Yun ran the Xuan Gong, absorbed the Spiritual Qi of heaven and earth, and quickly practiced the first level of "Eight Nine Xuan Gong" to the perfect Realm.

Although he has created the two Cultivation Techniques, "Chaos God and Demon Body" and "Chaos Indestructible Body", but now he is in the prehistoric world, so he can't show it too prominently.


Madam Wudang looked at Xiao Yun with a dignified face in front of her, and continued: "Little Junior Brother, this is not good news for you, the world will be slaughtered, and there will be many calamities in the prehistoric world, especially the peerless calamities such as the Infinite Tribulation. Terrifying, Junior Brother, you must accumulate enough strength to protect yourself before this."

How powerful is this little junior brother's talent to attract Master Sage to make an exception to accept apprentices?

Fortunately, there is no one in the Biyou Palace, and the Virgin of Wudang will not disturb his cultivation for a short time.

And this apocalyptic catastrophe is not only aimed at the prehistoric world, but also at the Nine Heavens Continent, which is too terrifying.

And now, Lingbao Tianzun has taken another apprentice.

The three Immortal sons, with peerless appearance, Immortal standing upright, surrounded by splendid light, and looming clouds and mists, they are extremely extraordinary.

"Oh? Senior Sister, what are you talking about?" Xiao Yun suddenly became curious.


You must know that the cultivators on this side of the prehistoric world are always cultivating for a thousand or ten thousand years.

But now, he already has the full version of "Eight Nine Mysteries", at least he can cultivate until the quasi-sage Realm.

Moreover, Xiao Yun created his own Cultivation Technique before because he only had the first six layers of "Eight Nine Mysterious Art" and lacked the last two layers. He wanted to go further with his physical body and could only choose to create his own Cultivation Technique.

Xiao Yun smiled, and then asked curiously: "Elder Sister, I heard that the brothers and sisters who have been on the Conferred God List have been on the list for many years. Why can't they get out of trouble?"

The four disciples of Lingbao Tianzun sat down: Duobao Daoist, Our Lady of Golden Spirit, Our Lady of Wudang, and Our Lady of Turtle Spirit were the first to apprentice. Like Yun Xiao and Zhao Gongming, they all joined the Intercept later.

It has been so many years, and their master has not accepted an apprentice for many years, even if it is only a named apprentice.

His fleshly body is strong enough to the realm of Emperor Zhundi, comparable to the 'Xuan Immortal' in the prehistoric world. At this moment, cultivating "Eight Nine Mysterious Arts", he naturally progressed very quickly.

They are the Sanxiao Empress who intercepted the teaching.

There is really a catastrophe coming.


"It's interesting and interesting. I'm very curious about this little junior brother. It happens to be idle and boring in Heaven Court. The two Big sis, are you going?" Immortal Qiongxiao smiled and looked at Immortal Yunxiao and Immortal Bixiao .

Especially in the prehistoric world, the cultivation time is a hundred times longer than in Jiuxiao Continent, which is just enough to gain insight into the space-time avenue.

"Especially, the Conferred God List has been loosened a bit recently. I must not anger the Jade Emperor, and wait for a while... I will leave the Conferred God List after a while."

Xiao Yun knew that Lingbao Tianzun was not there, and the matter of intercepting the teaching was handed over to the Holy Mother Wudang, so he didn't care.

He knew that the deity's side wanted Insight Chaos Law, and he didn't have time to cultivate others.

His clone was created to help the deity save cultivation time.

At that time, if you perfect "Chaos Indestructible Body", you can get twice the result with half the effort.

Mother Wudang looked at Xiao Yun, suddenly sighed, and then said, "I didn't want to tell you about some things in advance, but Junior Brother, you have a firm heart and will, knowing in advance is not a bad thing, but it's an inspiration to you."

Among them, Big Sister Yunxiao Immortal, dressed in white like snow, looked calm and composed, looked at the universe, and was silent.

It seems this is true.

However, his heart was shaken. Not long ago, he learned about the infinite kalpas and the twilight of the gods from the gods and Buddhas, but he didn't expect to know it from the virgin virgin again.

Xiao Yun heard the words thoughtfully.

Qiong Xiao Immortal was a little surprised, grabbed Jin Guang, closed his eyes for a while, then opened his eyes again, and immediately smiled at Yun Xiao Immortal, "It's a message from Senior Sister."

Yunxiao Immortal said, then looked up at the stars in the sky.

When the Mother of Wudang heard the words and put away her emotions, she smiled and said: "I have lived for hundreds of millions of years, and now I have you as a little guy to comfort me. However, you are right, I really have to move forward now."

Staying in the palace, Xiao Yun sat on a futon and started cultivating "Eight Nine Mysteries".

Suddenly, a golden light lasing came.

When Sanxiao and the others joined the Intercept, they were often guided and guided by Our Lady of Wudang, and they naturally respected her very much.

Yunxiao Immortal's eyes moved, and the golden light flew towards Qiongxiao Immortal.

Heaven Court, somewhere in the Immortal Palace.

Qiongxiao Immortal giggled and said: "It is said that our younger brother is in the line of sword Immortal, and I am the strongest in swordsmanship in our interception, so the big sister asked me to guide the younger brother cultivation."

Madam Wudang glanced at the West and sneered: "Journey to the West? That's just a little trick played by the West and the Jade Emperor. After the gods are conferred, there will be no catastrophe."

Xiao Yun quickly comforted her when she saw Madam Wudang's recollection of sadness.

And here is the Sacred Land Biyou Palace, the Sage Dojo. Spiritual Qi is many times more intense than the chaotic Sacred Land on the Jiuxiao Continent. Xiao Yun cultivates faster.

Xiao Yun took a deep breath, nodded and said, "Yes, Senior Sister, I will try my best to cultivate."

"Isn't Journey to the West not count?" Xiao Yun asked in confusion after hearing this.

Xiao Yun resisted the desire to cultivate "Eight Nine Mysteries" and changed it to Insight Time and Space Avenue.


First cultivate "Eight Nine Mysterious Art", and then slowly create a Cultivation Technique by yourself after you become a quasi-sage, so as not to attract suspicion.

Yunxiao Immortal was a little surprised when he heard the words, while Bixiao Immortal was shocked.

In fact, they were only named disciples before, and they were accepted as direct disciples after they were promoted to Da Luojin Immortal.

Xiao Yun made a breakthrough in an hour, which made the Virgin of Wudang know and would definitely doubt it.

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