Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 955: Transformation Again

Taking a last look at the Buddhist temple, Xiao Yun turned and left.

Ragnarok? Infinite robbery?

Xiao Yun frowned, his thoughts kept running in his mind.

Could it be that Brother Monkey and Heavenly Emperor have planned so much to fight against this apocalypse?

What kind of catastrophe is this? Actually let the strong men such as Brother Monkey and Heavenly Emperor be treated with caution.

Xiao Yun always thought that Heavenly Emperor was busy fighting against the invasion of Honghuang, but he never thought that this apocalyptic catastrophe was the key.

"Speaking of which, every time there is a period of time in the prehistoric world, there will be a catastrophe of heaven and earth."

"Like the beginning of the dragon, the phoenix, and the Qilin clan fighting, and later the Lich Tribulation, the Conferred God Tribulation, and even Journey to the West..."

Xiao Yun recalled the memories of the prehistoric world in the previous life. At the beginning, the prehistoric world did not have the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and there were countless killings, which led to a surge in the Killing intent of the world, and every time a period of time would lead to the catastrophe of the world.

It was not until the Six Paths of Reincarnation that the thick soil evolved, the killing intent in the heaven and earth weakened a lot, so the power of the heaven and earth catastrophe was reduced. Just like the journey to the west, it was like a joke.

"But now, there are many powerful people in the prehistoric world, reappearing the grand occasion of the Lich era, and they are constantly fighting with our Jiuxiao Continent, and the Killing intent will inevitably increase."

"That's why there are countless tribulations?"

"Can this apocalyptic catastrophe be powerful enough to destroy the entire prehistoric world?"

Xiao Yun's heart became solemn.

If this apocalyptic catastrophe is really terrifying to this level, then there is no way to avoid it, unlike the great catastrophe of the gods, as long as you hide in the Immortal Cave and don’t go out, you will be fine.

"Even, even people like Hongjun felt threatened and wanted to invade the Ascension strength of Jiuxiao Continent."

Although Xiao Yun didn't know what this apocalyptic catastrophe was, when he thought that Hongjun had to be anxious for Ascension's strength, he knew that this apocalyptic catastrophe must be very terrifying.

"It seems that Ascension's strength will be needed as soon as possible!"

Xiao Yun's heart became more and more urgent.

He wants fast Ascension strength.

At least one must be promoted to the Celestial Realm as soon as possible, and then plan the Immortal Realm. Only then will they have the power to control their destiny.

"Now, in addition to cultivating the Law of Chaos, I am proving the Way of Universe, and the Way of Universe requires both Space and Time to be perfect."

Xiao Yun pondered in his heart: "Time and space rely on my own Insight alone. Even with the help of epiphany, the speed is very slow, but if there is such a treasure to help, maybe the speed of progress will be much faster."

"It's a pity that the King of the Netherworld is hiding in The Netherworld, otherwise as long as I harvest him, my space avenue will be complete."

"However, there are many innate spiritual treasures in the prehistoric world, among which are the treasures that contain time and space. If you can gain insight, you should be able to improve a thousand miles with my epiphany system."

Xiao Yun thought about it, communicated with Tianmen, and passed the idea to the clone.

Then, Xiao Yun teleported directly to Long Yi.

Long Yi is still lingering on the edge of the West, not daring to step into the West. When he occasionally looks to the West, there is still a lingering fear in his eyes.

"How is it? Did you find Gu Tianyi? I sensed your bursting aura before." Long Yi sensed Xiao Yun's appearance and asked quickly.

Xiao Yun snorted coldly, "Gu Tianyi is already dead."

"What exactly is there in the West?" Long Yi asked curiously.

"You'll know when you go." Xiao Yun shook his head and urged Long Yi to go to Chaos Sacred Land.

Long Yi glanced back at the West and shook his head. Having almost been brainwashed before, he didn't dare to step into the West Half step again.

Next, Long Yi accelerated and carried Xiao Yun into Chaos Sacred Land.

After Xiao Yun arranged Long Yi, he returned to Emperor Peak Closed Door Training.


Temple of Heaven. Xiao Yun took out the black demon seed that God and Buddha gave him, which was taken from Gu Tianyi. After he killed Gu Tianyi, he did not harvest the special physique that Gu Tianyi devoured.

According to what the gods and Buddha said, he had already put those things in this demon seed.

What kind of means is this?

It is worthy of being a powerhouse at the level of Heavenly Venerate.

Xiao Yun sighed with emotion, and immediately checked the black demon in his hand again and again, and after confirming that there was no danger, he began to swallow it.


The next moment, Xiao Yun was shocked, and all kinds of ancient visions of heaven and earth appeared behind him.

Although Gu Tianyi is very strong, he is only an alternative Realm, so after devouring the black demon, Xiao Yun did not get much enhancement.

However, all those special physiques that Gu Tianyi had devoured were absorbed by Xiao Yun.

Over the years, Gu Tianyi has been planning continuously and swallowed up many special physiques. The Supreme Body alone has swallowed Heavenly Demon body, Heavenly Tyrant Body, Ancient Sacred Body, Innate Sacred Body Dao Embryo, Mysterious Yellow Indestructible Body, Immortal King Body, and other second-order bodies. There are also many gods like the Five Elements gods.

And Xiao Yun himself has harvested many special physiques through the Demon Seeds over the years, such as Li Chengdi's Time and Space Body, Jiang Haoran's God King Body, Life God Body, Mad God Body, Double Pupils, Big Universe Star Body, etc. Wait.

Of course, Xiao Yun owns Chaos Body.

After careful calculation, Xiao Yun now has the Supreme Body: Chaos Body, Heavenly Demon Body, Cangtian Overlord Body, Sacred Body, Innate Sacred Body Dao Embryo, Mysterious Yellow Indestructible Body, Immortal King Body, Divine King Body, Time and Space Body.

There are nine supreme bodies, and only the last body of ten thousand Buddhas is needed, and it is complete.

At this time, these supreme bodies, and the second-order divine bodies, all merged into the chaotic body.

"Chaos contains everything, Wanfa returns to its origin!"

Xiao Yun's eyes lit up suddenly. Fully mobilize the Chaos Body to absorb all other special physiques.

Behind him, one ancient vision of heaven and earth gradually merged into the projection of the Three Thousand Avenues.

From the very beginning, the world was a chaos, and everything evolved out of chaos.

All the special constitutions are actually separated from the chaotic body.

Xiao Yun felt the movement of the chaotic body and was shocked, and finally understood the source of the special constitution.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Suddenly, Xiao Yun cultivation's "Three Emperors Supreme Gong" kept breaking through.

The chaotic body integrates all special physiques and becomes more powerful.

At this moment, Xiao Yun felt that his entire soul and body had undergone a transformation and sublimation.

Although his strength did not increase much, Xiao Yun felt that the whole world was different.

"No, it's not that the world is different, it's that I'm different."

Xiao Yun opened his eyes, took a deep breath, and even checked the human door secretly, and found that the human door was not open, and was immediately extremely excited.

At this moment, he feels that his own understanding has been enhanced many times, and he is infinitely close to the epiphany Realm, and inspiration keeps appearing in his mind.

This is not due to the human door, but his own understanding has obtained an unprecedented Ascension.

"Three Emperors Supreme Gong" was originally Ascension's comprehension qualification, Xiao Yun has now cultivated it to the perfect Realm.

This Cultivation Technique, which was jointly developed by the three emperors of the ancient human race, was finally practiced by Xiao Yun.

"It's not just the perversion of Ascension, my chaotic body has become stronger, and now the Insight Chaos Law, the improvement speed is many times faster than before."

"It won't take long for me to cultivate the Law of Chaos to the Perfect Realm, and Cultivation Base to reach the Wudi Heavenly Emperor Realm."

Xiao Yun felt extremely happy in his heart.

Thanks to Gu Tianyi, he brought him such a great opportunity, and he didn't waste him stocking Gu Tianyi for so long, and he finally gained something.

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