Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 951 The Curtain Has Come To An End

As far as Xiao Yun knew, the Sages in the prehistoric world, except Hong Jun, were all meritorious and holy, and now there is a fighting saint.

By the way, the demon ancestor Luohu is not estimated to be sanctified by virtue. He is an ancestor of Devil Dao, how could he have merit, and there is a high probability that he will be sanctified by killing three corpses.

"If I become a saint here, I guess I can only prove it with my strength, or kill three corpses." Xiao Yun thought to himself.

In fact, even if he wants to take merit and become a saint, it is not enough, because it is very difficult to obtain merit in the current prehistoric world.

Xiao Yun crossed too late.

"I just want to cut three corpses into sanctification, I need a primordial purple energy." Xiao Yun immediately frowned.

It is simply too difficult to be holy in the prehistoric world, especially now, there are not many holy places.

What's more, even if you have this ability to sanctify, other Sages may not make you sanctified.

"Little Junior Brother, you can cultivate this "Eight Nine Mysterious Art" by yourself first. In the field of body training, I will teach no great characters. If you have any questions that you don't understand, you can accumulate them first and wait for the master to be free. When instructing you, ask the old man for advice."

The Mother of Wudang said to Xiao Yun at this time: "As for the Immortal line of the sword, I will let you, Senior Sister Qiongxiao, to teach you, she is also the line of Immortal Sword, although it is only the Immortal of Da Luojin, but it is enough to teach you. ."

Xiao Yun's heart moved when he heard the words.

Qiong Xiao Immortal son? The third child of the Three Gods?

He is also a great man. If he hadn't been trapped on the Conferred God List, he would have been a quasi-holy by now.

In particular, Yunxiao, the eldest among the three goddesses, is a powerful character who can set up the nine-curved Yellow River formation and sweep through the twelve gold Immortals.

However, in kendo, Xiao Yun did not expect the other party to give him much guidance.

His Universe Kendo needs Insight space and time, and the others don't have any requirements for the time being.

The most important thing is that Insight kills the Immortal sword formation, which is what Xiao Yun desperately wants.

However, only if he reaches the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm, that is, the Great Emperor Realm, can he be eligible for the Insight Immortal Sword Array.

"I am now a quasi-emperor in my physical body, and my cultivation of "Eight Nine Mysteries" should progress very quickly. It will not take long for me to become an emperor in my physical body."

Xiao Yun secretly looked forward to it. If you can learn to kill the Immortal sword formation, that would be awesome.


Snow Mountain Kingdom.

Wearing a pair of golden armor and holding a golden spear, Zao Wou-Ki strode into the white snow-colored world like a golden God of War.

"Hugou...Hu Zhan, the emperor will return as soon as possible." Di Tian shouted from behind.

Zao Wou-Ki glared at Di Tian fiercely, turned around and disappeared into the white snow.

He also has to go out to practice and explore this Beiju Luzhou.

"Feng Xiaoxiao and Yi Shuihan, the strong man will never return once he's gone, alas!" Di Tian looked at Zhao Wuji's back and sighed softly.

Next to him, Lei Zu and Nan Haiyun looked at him with speechless expressions, what are you talking about, Zao Wou-Ki made it look like he was going to assassinate Heavenly Dao Sage.

Di Tian coughed dryly, looked at Wu Hao who was already fully armed, and said solemnly, "Wu Hao, we should go."

"Yes, old man." Wu Hao quickly followed behind Di Tian.

Wu Hao was worried, to be honest, he didn't want to go with Di Tian, ​​worried that this old guy would trick him.

But there is no way, this old guy is Xiao Yun's master, Wu Hao dare not ignore him.

The only ones left in Snow Mountain City were Lei Zu, Nanhai Yun, Zhou Yuan, and Dugu Baitian, who was still walking the road of the Swordsman.

Their strength is relatively weak, and they have to continue to cultivate before they can go out to practice.


Jiuxiao Continent.

Above the real dragon's nest.

Xiao Yun stood on the top of a five-clawed golden dragon, looked at the Golden-winged Great Peng and Vermillion Bird hiding in the true dragon's nest, and said with a smile, "Did you come out by yourself, or did I go in?"

The five-clawed golden dragon under his feet is Long Yi, who has survived the Emperor Tribulation and became a Demon Emperor.

It's a pity that it became Xiao Yun's mount as soon as he became emperor, which is really sad to say.

"Can you stop killing me? I'm willing to surrender." Inside the real dragon's nest, Golden-winged Great Peng looked at Xiao Yun and then at Long Yi at Xiao Yun's feet, and said with a desperate expression.

Vermillion Bird next to him also sighed and said, "I am also willing to surrender."

The two powerful god-tier beasts whose strength reached the Eighth Stage of the quasi-Emperor chose to surrender to Xiao Yun at this moment.

It's not that they are afraid of death, but in other eras, even if they die in battle, they are not willing to surrender.

Because in other eras, only one person can be allowed to prove the Dao Great Emperor. If they can't become emperors, they will die in battle, otherwise, when Shouyuan arrives, they will die as well.

But this era is different, not to mention that Emperor Zhun's life span has increased to a million years, and many people can be allowed to prove the Dao, and they also have the opportunity to prove the Dao.

They are really unwilling to die like this.

"Very well, considering that you are aware of current affairs, it happens that our Chaos Sacred Land also lacks a few sacred beasts to protect the mountain, and the two of you barely meet the requirements for the time being."

Xiao Yun looked at the two divine beasts in the real dragon's nest, sneered, and turned around to urge Long Yi to leave.

Vermillion Bird and Golden-winged Great Peng obediently flew out of the real dragon's nest and followed Xiao Yun, not daring to escape at all.

Those who were watching the excitement in the distance gradually dispersed at this moment.

Many quasi emperors had some complicated thoughts when they left. A demon emperor, in the past, was the strongest in the Wudi world.

Now it has become Xiao Yun's mount.

It can only be said that Xiao Yun is too strong, this era is destined to be the era of Xiao Heavenly Emperor.

Being in the same era as Xiao Yun is destined to be the sadness of all the peerless talents of this era.

"Master, take the two of them back first!"

High in the sky, Xiao Yun clicked between the eyebrows of Vermillion Bird and Golden-winged Great Peng, planted sword marks on them, and handed them over to Di Tian to bring them back to Chaos Sacred Land.

"Where are you going?" Di Tian looked at Xiao Yun as if he wasn't ready to return to Chaos Sacred Land, and asked in confusion.

Xiao Yun looked up to the west, and said solemnly: "Go over there and have a look, I have also been looking for the Jiuxiao Continent for a long time, and Dilu has also gone, only this west is the most likely place for Gu Tianyi to hide. "

Di Tian was startled when he heard the words, and said quickly: "That is forbidden land. It is rumored that even the great Di Tian emperor will fall into trouble there."

"At least Emperor Di Tian didn't die in the West, then I'll be fine. Besides, with my current strength, apart from Immortal Road, there shouldn't be anyone who can threaten me." Xiao Yun's eyes were full of confidence.

Di Tian suddenly thought of the shocking scene that swept the emperors when Xiao Yun was robbed, and stopped stopping immediately.

His apprentice has become Xiao Heavenly Emperor.

In this era Wudi.

"Gu Tianyi, do you want to prove Heavenly Emperor Realm in one fell swoop?"

Xiao Yun stood on Long Yi with a sneer on his face and flew towards the west.

As Long Yi flew, he asked curiously, "Do you think Gu Tianyi is in the West? The Buddhism there is very powerful. In my heritage memory, it seems that several demon emperors went to the West and finally came back in dismay."

Xiao Yun couldn't deny the words.

Western Buddhism, he has been in Jiuxiao Continent for so long, and he has never been in contact with Buddhism. Moreover, thinking of Buddhism in the ancient times, it seems that this Buddhism was introduced by Brother Monkey.

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