Xiao Yun's test received everyone's attention.

After all, Xiao Yun was number one before.

Everyone naturally treats the first place with some preferential treatment.

Even the Immortal people next to the Immortal monument knew Xiao Yun and said to Xiao Yun with a smile: "His Royal Highness Li Yun, many seniors are already following you, if you do well this time, then it is almost certain that you will join the Sage gate. yes."

He was very polite to Xiao Yun, because he knew that Xiao Yun had a high probability of going to Sage's door.

This is one step to the sky, Xiao Yun will be Sage's disciple in the future, who will dare to provoke him when he goes out?

Although there are a lot of disciples and grandchildren of Sage's disciples, the people who came to celebrate the birthday this time are all second- and third-generation disciples of Sage. That is to say, after Xiao Yun joined Sage's disciples, he was at least a third- or fourth-generation disciple, much taller than those disciples and disciples. Seniority is naturally more valued.

"Thank you senior for your guidance!"

Xiao Yun bowed to the Immortal person in front of him and gave him a salute. In front of everyone's eyes, he still showed a very high level of education, which made the big bosses on the Immortal stage nodded.

Not arrogant or impetuous, is a good seedling, no wonder he has such a high xinxing will.

"Be sure to work harder!"

Xiao Yun looked at the Immortal monument in front of him, then raised his hand and clenched his fist, pretending to be struggling, clenching his teeth, pretending to attack with all his strength.

This performance is absolutely Oscar-quality.

You must be able to hide from the big guys on the Immortal stage.

Unfortunately, Xiao Yun overlooked one point.

That is the quality of the Immortal monument.


Under the bombardment of Xiao Yun's punch, the Immortal monument in front of him first burst into a dazzling light, and then slammed into pieces.

Immediately, the whole place was silent.

The Immortal people next to him were also stunned.

The disciples of the Li family in the back all widened their eyes, their faces filled with disbelief.

On the Immortal stage, all the bigwigs were also silent.

"This kid... is actually still a natural supernatural power." Lu Dongbin stared at Xiao Yun with a dazzling gaze, and he liked it more and more. He had a firm mind and will, and coupled with this natural supernatural power, it would be a waste of talent to not follow the Immortal line of swordsmanship.

"Not bad, not bad, qualified to worship under my sect." The Mother of Wudang is also determined, this child can be accepted as an apprentice, she said that she has not accepted an apprentice for a long time, and she used to accept all female disciples, and occasionally a male apprentice is also accepted. Yes, men and women match, work is not tired.

"This son has a relationship with my Buddhism, and he will be my Buddhist golden body Arhat!"

Suddenly, a loud voice sounded.

Not far away, a Buddhist monk stood up, put his hands together, and said loudly.

In an instant, everyone only felt a shining bald head, illuminating the entire Immortal stage, and comparing the natural sun and stars.

The sound of the Buddha is mighty, and the light of the Buddha shines everywhere.

It looks extremely dazzling.

The sound went downstairs.

"f*ck... Really bad luck!" Xiao Yun naturally heard it too, and couldn't help but look up at a shiny bald head ascending from the Immortal stage, and suddenly cursed in his heart.

He doesn't want to go to Buddhism to become a monk, so let Lao Zhao go, anyway, he likes glittering gold the most.

"The general trend is coming. I, Lu Dongbin, value this kid first. There are many outstanding Buddhists, so don't rob me." Lu Dongbin said loudly, Sword Qi rushed into the sky, and the incomparable Sword intent shocked the audience.

f*ck, just thought you Buddhists would put special effects on?

"I have the Immortal Sword Formation, and I also have the supreme profound art of refining the body-"Eight Nine Mysterious Art". This child should be worshipped under my sect."

On the other side, an immeasurable Immortal light rose up and reflected the three thousand worlds.

The Madonna of Wudang has also begun to play special effects, and it is still a 9D special effect, which is simply an IMAX giant screen with Dolby panoramic sound.

Everyone was dazzled and wide-eyed.

"My disciple Yang Jian is the quasi-sage of Wudi, I can order him to accept his disciples." A loud roar resounded throughout the world.

Not far away, the real Yuding from Chanjiao couldn't sit still, he hurriedly put on special effects, and even took out Yang Jian to attract people.

Many people below were shocked when they heard the words, and then looked at Xiao Yun with envy and hatred on their faces.

Yang Jian, that is the God of War who is famous in the heavens, a Wudi quasi-sage.

What is Wudi Quasi-Saint?

It is the existence of Wudi among the quasi-sages. This kind of person kills other quasi-sages as easily as slaughtering chickens and dogs. He is the strongest existence under Sage.

Even if it wasn't for Sage who could borrow the power of Heavenly Dao, he might not be able to compete with Wudi.

Just like on the battlefield between the two worlds, Sage cannot borrow the power of heaven and earth, and he is not much stronger than Yang Jian.

The prehistoric world has multiplied to the present, and many quasi-sages have been born, but only a handful of them can reach the Wudi quasi-sage.

Yang Jian is one of them.

"Yang Jian?"

Below, Xiao Yun was moved when he heard it.

However, thinking that he had killed Yang Jian's grandson in the Primordial Era before, let it go.

"You fellow daoists, calm down, there is still a third test, and it's not too late to talk about accepting apprentices after the test is over."

Tang Huang was also shocked by Xiao Yun before, but at this moment he quickly recovered and said to the big guys.

He regrets it a little now, such a genius, I should accept my own apprentice, what should I leave it to Sage?

It's a pity that he made this assessment himself, so it's not good to slap himself in the face.

Tang Huang looked at Xiao Yun with some heartache, and then winked at the Prince of Tang next to him.

The Tang prince immediately understood, and quickly said loudly: "The third test begins!"

Immediately, the Crown Prince of the Tang Dynasty also went down and personally presided over the third test.

Mainly to quickly win over the relationship with Xiao Yun.

Otherwise, Xiao Yun will leave Datang soon after he bows to Sage's door, and it will be difficult to win the relationship in the future.

"The third pass is the test of comprehension."

The Crown Prince of the Tang Dynasty stood in front of the disciples of the Li family, smiled and nodded to Xiao Yun among them, and then continued: "For the sake of fairness, we will ask Chunyang Patriarch Lu Dongbin to create an Immortal technique on the spot, and then you will work together. Study the cultivation, and then use the Immortal tablet test to see who has the most powerful attack power, and whoever is the winner.”

Everyone nodded when they heard the words. No one doubted Lu Dongbin. The ancestor of the sword Immortal had a very high moral character.

On the Immortal stage, Lu Dongbin heard the words of the Prince of Tang, put down the jug, and laughed loudly: "Well, I just have some ideas, please wait and see."

When the words fell, Lu Dongbin pointed to the void in front of him.


Sword Ray skyrocketed, Sword Qi shot in all directions, and a dazzling sword ray shot out, tearing apart the space and shattering the sky.

On the Immortal stage, everyone was shocked, and looked at Lu Dongbin in surprise, and then showed admiration.

Because what Lu Dongbin performed was not an ordinary little Immortal technique, but a god-tier skill, which was extremely powerful, and it was enough for Da Luojin's Immortal cultivation.

But it was too generous for Lu Dongbin to make it public, and they would never be able to do it.

"This sword is called 'Zhantian', but I was killed by that swordsman from another world back then, and I only had this idea when I witnessed his peerless sword with my own eyes."

At this time, Lu Dongbin opened his mouth and said to the crowd, "I haven't perfected this sword yet. It's a half-finished product, but it's also very powerful."

The crowd became even more moved.

Especially the Immortal swordsmen who practice kendo, are already seriously understanding at this moment.

Lu Dongbin didn't hide his secrets either, so he talked about the cultivation method of 'Zhantian' and his own experiences.

On the Immortal stage, some quasi-sanctuaries closed their eyes and pondered, and were also studying.

The following Li disciples have already immersed themselves in cultivation.

As for Xiao Yun closed his eyes in a daze.

f*ck, 'Slaying Heaven'?

Lu Dongbin watched Jian Zun perform "Zhantian", and he only learned a little bit, and he could see it at a glance.

"I don't need to have an epiphany for this level." Xiao Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry in his heart.

He has a full version of "Zhan Tian".

However, this Lu Dongbin is also very powerful. With just one glance, he can create such a sword Immortal supernatural power. His Talent is very high.

If he is allowed to completely perfect this magical power, then it is estimated that he can be promoted to Wudi Quasi Sage.

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