Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 942: Birthday Banquet And Assessment

"Clang clang clang..."

Nine bells rang in succession, and the bell sounded melodious, as if it came from above Nine Heavens, making everyone who had entered the palace quiet down.

Xiao Yun entered the magnificent palace with everyone, and the surrounding people also divided into two groups, walking into the left and right sides respectively.

"Lee's children are on the right!" a real Immortal exclaimed.

On the right are the children of the Li family, and the number is very large. After all, they have reproduced for countless years.

Standing in the dark crowd, Xiao Yun raised his head and stared at the Immortal platform in the distance in the air. There sat the Emperor Tang and a group of princes and ministers, as well as the Immortal gods, demons and Buddhas who came to congratulate him.

All of them are strong, there are several quasi-sages, dozens of Da Luojin Immortal, Xiao Yun is extremely shocked to see.

Just one birthday banquet is comparable to all the powerhouses in Jiuxiao Continent.

Xiao Yun once again felt the huge gap between Jiuxiao Continent and the Great Desolate World.


"Father, everyone has arrived!"

On the Immortal stage, a middle-aged man wearing a dragon robe bowed and saluted to Emperor Tang. His eyes were deep and his expression was calm. Standing there, it was like a big mountain, which made people unconsciously feel calm.

"Prince, read out the assessment rules!"

A majestic voice came.

Emperor Tang was seated on the throne, and he glanced at it, penetrating the obstacles of layers of clouds and mist, shrouding the entire palace in sight.

When the big bosses who came to He Shou heard the words, they all looked at the middle-aged man in front of them and looked at them slightly.

Prince? That is the next Tang emperor.

Hearing Emperor Tang's voice, the prince turned around and walked to the edge of the Immortal platform. He looked down and his voice was loud and reverberating between heaven and earth.

"Your Majesty has been on the throne for thousands of years, and my Tang Dynasty has grown stronger and stronger. Now your Majesty has achieved perfect merit and has been promoted to Daluojin Immortal. All the saints also have holy gifts. All the children of my Li family have the opportunity to worship Sage."

The prince's voice was condensed and atmospheric, resounding through the world.

"However, my Li family has countless children, and only those with outstanding Talent can join the Sage sect."

"It just so happened that the saints and disciples came to visit today, and His Majesty arranged an assessment. You must perform to the best of your ability and go all out."

"This assessment is divided into 'heart', 'strength', and 'wisdom', each of which has a ranking. Even if you don't have the chance to worship the Sages, you will still be rewarded."

"The top 10,000 people in each level will be given a low-grade Immortal, the top 1,000 will be given a middle-grade Immortal, the top 100 will be given a high-grade Immortal, the top ten will be given a top-grade Immortal, and the top three will be given a top-grade Immortal. I will reward you with a Heavenly Spirit Treasure."

Emperor Tang's reward is very generous.

After hearing this, all the Li's disciples had their eyes hot, and their faces were full of excitement and excitement.

Most people know that their chances of being under Sage are very low, but as long as they rush into the top 10,000 people and at least have an Immortal, this reward alone is enough to make them work hard.

On the Immortal stage, the prince continued to speak loudly: "The first test of 'heart' will test your will. At that time, there will be a strong person who is proficient in the illusion formation to arrange the formation, and you will enter the formation for the longest time. winner."

"The second test of 'strength' will test your physical strength. In the case of sealing your Cultivation Base, whoever has the strongest strength will be the winner."

"The third test of 'wisdom' will test your comprehension. At that time, you will be taught a newly created Immortal technique. Whoever learns it first and exerts the strongest power will be the winner."


As soon as the prince's voice fell, a strong man came to Xiao Yun and them and began to set up a magic formation.

Xiao Yun's eyes were like electricity, and he stared at the strong man in front of him to set up a formation. This is the formation of the prehistoric world, which is far more esoteric than the formation of Jiuxiao Continent.

There are thousands of changes in just one illusion, and as time goes by, the power of the illusion will become stronger and stronger.

Compared with this phantom array, the emperor array in Jiuxiao Continent is simply a child's thing.

"Fortunately, the prehistoric world belongs to the invaders, and there is no time to set up formations for them. Otherwise, it is estimated that Jiuxiao Continent would have been defeated long ago." Xiao Yun thought with lingering fears while watching the other party's illusion formation.

Don't look at the cultivators on the side of the prehistoric world, their fighting power in the same Realm is not as good as that on the Jiuxiao continent, but if the practitioners in the prehistoric world are arranged to form formations, the ones who die will definitely be the cultivators on the Jiuxiao continent.

Formation can mobilize the power of heaven and earth, powerful formation division, leapfrog battle is as simple as eating and drinking.

And the formation of the prehistoric world, after countless years of evolution, has already become unfathomable.

In particular, the legendary Dutian Twelve Gods and Demons can summon the real body of Pangu. No one knows how strong Pangu is, but it is definitely stronger than the current Hongjun.

The real body of Pangu summoned by the Dutian Twelve Gods and Demons, even if it is not as good as the body of Pangu, is a terrifying existence that can slaughter saints.

And such a heaven-defying formation was actually just a formation jointly arranged by a dozen quasi-sages.

That is to say, if a dozen or so gods set up formations, they can summon the powerhouses who can kill Immortal level.

Whoops, I can't imagine it.

Fortunately, with the demise of the ancestral witch, the Great Array of the Twelve Divine Demons of Dutian also became extinct.

But there are still many powerful formations in the prehistoric world, making Xiao Yun very afraid.


Immortal on stage.

The prince walked back and bowed to Emperor Tang: "Father, the rules have been read out."

"Yeah!" Tang Huang nodded lightly, and then he turned his attention to the group of Li's children, one by one young faces appeared in his sight.

Among these people, how many people can worship Sage?

Will there be a Talent heaven-defying person who will make a name for my Lee.

Hmm... There are a few people with golden light of merit and virtue, it seems that they have good luck.

Tang Huang retracted his gaze, looked at the big men around him, and smiled slightly: "Thank you fellow daoists for coming, and thank you Li Xianxian."

"Tang Huang is polite!"


As soon as the prince waved his hand, a large number of Immortal girls rushed up.

They shuttled through the crowds, placing Immortal brew and Immortal fruit on the racks.

A group of Immortal gods, demons and Buddhas ate and drank as they cast their eyes on the illusion below.

The phantom formation has been arranged, and a number of Li's children have entered the phantom formation.

The examination has already started.

Lu Dongbin, the founder of Chunyang, was lying half-lying, drinking Immortal, and looking at the illusion below, he said with a smile: "The road to Taoism is long and difficult, and the heart and will is the most important thing, so the leader in this level is the best. , the future achievements may be the highest.”

The powerhouses next to them nodded, and they thought so too.

People with high Talent just walk faster on the road of cultivation.

The prehistoric world doesn't have the lifespan limit as it used to be in the Nine Heavens Continent. Here, as long as it is Immortal Ascension, the lifespan is basically the same as that of the sky, immortal and immortal.

So, you have enough time to cultivate and go to Ascension Cultivation Base.

So, even if he is a late bloomer, he is still a genius.

Only those with a strong mind and will can not be afraid of the loneliness of the years, can survive the boring cultivation time, and can go to the end.

"Lu Dongbin, don't talk nonsense. I think the third level of 'wisdom' is the most important. Only with high comprehension is it easy to break through the bottleneck. We Devil Dao likes people with high comprehension."

Suddenly, a black-robed man said, he was wearing a ferocious mask and his Killing intent was soaring into the sky, and everyone around him avoided him, making him seem out of place.

Lu Dongbin turned his head to look at him, and said with a sneer, "King Ashura, you and I are both quasi-sages. Would you like to compare and learn to help Emperor Tang?"

"Forget it, Emperor Tang is celebrating his birthday today, so it's not appropriate to use swords." King Ashura's pupils shrank, and then he snorted coldly.

The combat power of the sword Immortal is almost Wudi in the same rank, if there is no powerful Lingbao, then don't fight with the sword Immortal of the same Realm, and King Ashura is not stupid.

What's more, Lu Dongbin has won the Sacred Heart of Morality Heavenly Venerate, and it is estimated that he has more powerful spiritual treasures than him. How to fight?

Lv Dongbin is recognized as the pinnacle quasi-sage of The Three Realms.

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