Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

900 And 30 Chapters Birthday Banquet Opportunity

His Majesty the King of Snow Mountain was receiving the envoys from the Tang Dynasty with a group of ministers, and everyone's faces were filled with warm smiles.

After all, the Datang Empire is the orthodox of the human race, and the ancestor of their Snow Mountain Kingdom is also a prince of the Datang Empire in the past.

"Master messenger, do you know how well His Majesty Tang is?" The Snow Mountain Kingdom looked at the Great Tang messenger and asked with a smile on his face.

The messenger stood up, bowed and said: "Your Majesty the king is very polite, just call me Li Donglai. Emperor Tang is in very good health. When I came this time, Emperor Tang also specially instructed, saying that this birthday banquet has a great opportunity, Make sure you send a talented prince to celebrate your birthday."

"Oh?" Snow Mountain Kingdom was stunned when he heard the words, and then asked curiously, "Master Li, is there anything else going on for Emperor Tang's birthday banquet?"

The other ministers also looked at Li Donglai curiously.

It was not the first time that they had congratulated Tang Huang on his birthday. In the past, Tang Huang had received more generous gifts in return, and I have not heard of any chance.

"His Majesty the King doesn't know anything!"

Li Dong looked at the Snow Mountain Kingdom and said with a slight smile: "Not long ago, Emperor Tang had broken through the bottleneck and stepped into the Daluojin Immortal Realm. According to the rules made by our human race and Sage, Emperor Tang is about to step down from the throne and will be in Huoyun Cave from now on. Accompany the emperors of all dynasties to Insight Avenue and suppress the luck of our human race."

The King of Snow Mountain and the ministers were shocked when they heard the words.

Their human race has this rule. This is because the Sages are worried that the human race will grow bigger, so they stipulate that every Tang emperor must go to the Huoyun Cave once he reaches the Da Luojin Immortal Realm, and never leave the Huoyun Cave easily.

Although the human race is now the protagonist of the world and is extremely powerful, no matter how powerful it is, it cannot be stronger than those Sages.

"By the way, Mr. Li, what is the big chance you just mentioned?" The Snow Mountain King suddenly asked.

"This time the Tang Emperor's birthday banquet, those Sages also sent their disciples to congratulate them."

Li Donglai continued: "The Tang emperor asked those Sage disciples to accept some outstanding disciples among the descendants of the Li family, and those Sage disciples also agreed, so this birthday banquet will have an assessment, and all the Li family's children are eligible to participate, as long as the Talent is outstanding , it is possible to worship Sage, isn't this a big opportunity?"

When the Snow Mountain Kingdom and the ministers heard the words, they suddenly realized.

This is actually just an exchange of interests.

Tang Huang, a generation of emperors, was forced to go to Huoyun Cave. Naturally, he was unwilling and resentful in his heart.

Therefore, the Sage disciples came to congratulate him on his birthday, and by the way, he accepted some of the Li family's children as disciples, also to show his love to the Tang emperor, or to show his goodness to the line of the human emperor.

After all, there is more than one Human Sovereign in the Huoyun Cave, and all of them are powerhouses above Da Luojin Immortal.

Although they can't threaten Sage yet, Sage's luck is all in the human race, and they don't want to offend the emperor's lineage to death, so naturally it is necessary to win over.

"This is indeed a big opportunity. Thank you Tang Huang for remembering our Snow Mountain Kingdom."

The King of Snow Mountain suddenly stood up at this moment, his face full of awe, and gratefully bowed in the direction of Dongtu Tang.

At this moment, he thought of Xiao Yun, and thought of his talented son.

With Xiao Yun's talent, if he can join Sage's door, wouldn't it be soaring into the sky?

Not to mention becoming a big Luojin Immortal, at least Immortal Ascension is certain.

At that time, their Snow Mountain King will also have Immortal-level kings, and they are still in the Sage lineage. Who else dares to offend in this Beiju Luzhou?

Both the Lich clans had to step aside.

"Come on, hurry up, why hasn't His Royal Highness come yet?" The King of Snow Mountain called a bodyguard to urge Xiao Yun.

"Father, I'm here." Xiao Yun just walked into the Great Hall and saluted the Snow Mountain King.

When the King of Snow Mountain saw Xiao Yun, his eyes lit up, and he hurried forward to pull Xiao Yun and introduce Li Donglai to him.

"Yun'er, this is the messenger of the Tang Dynasty, Li Donglai, Master Li."

"Master Li, this is the solitary prince Li Yun, and the solitary is the same son. This time to celebrate the birthday of the Emperor Tang, he will go to the solitary."

The Snow Mountain King said.

Xiao Yun looked at Li Donglai curiously, and then narrowed his eyes.

Good guy, I finally saw an Immortal. As expected of the Eastern Tang Dynasty, any messenger sent out is an Immortal.

It's like a small snow-capped kingdom, the strongest is only the Nascent Soul period, the gap is too big.

Li Donglai was also looking at Xiao Yun at the moment, and he immediately showed a look of surprise: "I didn't expect His Royal Highness to be an Immortal practitioner in the Nascent Soul period at such a young age. This talent is outstanding even in the Tang Dynasty."

As he is really Immortal's Cultivation Base, he can see Xiao Yun's Cultivation Base at a glance.

For the past ten years, Xiao Yun has not continued to cultivate Immortal, but has devoted himself to cultivating "Chaos Indestructible Body" to strengthen his physical body. After all, this is his root.

As for repairing Immortal, he is not in a hurry.

With his talent, as long as the physical body is strong, he can continue to cultivate Immortal, and he will naturally improve rapidly.

"Master Li is wrong." Xiao Yun humbly cupped hands to Li Donglai.

The King of Snow Mountain on the side said proudly: "Lord Li doesn't know anything, the prince of the widow was already the Cultivation Base of the Nascent Soul period ten years ago. The reason why there has been no progress in these years is mainly because we do not have the Nascent Soul period. The follow-up Cultivation Technique, you should know about it.”

Li Donglai was shocked when he heard the words. Was it the Nascent Soul period ten years ago? Judging from the bone age of this 'Li Yun', it would be no more than twenty years old. Wasn't it about ten years old ten years ago?

Such talent, even in their Great Tang Dynasty, can be called a talent of heaven, and it is definitely the object that those Immortal cultivators are rushing for.

"I didn't expect a golden Phoenix to appear in this small Snow Mountain Kingdom. Yes, although the Snow Mountain Kingdom is not very good, after all, it has the noble blood of Li Tang, and it is not uncommon for a super genius with blood to return to the ancestors occasionally. Possibly." Li Donglai thought to himself.

He looked down on the Snow Mountain Kingdom, but the other party had the bloodline of Li Tang after all.

At the moment, Li Donglai respected the King of Snow Mountain a lot, and looked at Xiao Yun with a little respect: "I didn't expect His Royal Highness's Talent to be so high, this birthday banquet will definitely be valued by Sage disciples, and Immortal Ascension is just around the corner. "

"Sage disciple?" Xiao Yun looked at the Snow Mountain King with some doubts after hearing this.

The King of Snow Mountain smiled and said: "Yun'er, this birthday banquet will have a test. If you behave well, you will be valued by the Sage disciples who came to congratulate you. With your Talent, once you worship Sage, you will definitely be able to Immortal Ascension. You have to take advantage of this opportunity.”

Wipe, Xiao Yun's heart suddenly burst upon hearing this.

The last thing he wanted was to deal with Sages. The ghosts knew if those Sages glanced at him, so they could see the origin of their own.

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