Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

900 And 20 Chapters Perish Together

In the long river of time and space, as Xiao Yun's consumption increased, he gradually fell into a disadvantage.

This left many spectators puzzled.


However, as Zao Wou-Ki said, Xiao Yun was able to gain the upper hand at the beginning with the defense of the blood-colored lotus platform and the recovery power of the divine body of life, but as time passed, his attack power became weaker and weaker, and the damage caused was far less than that. Heavenly Emperor, then gradually fell into the disadvantage.

This is the madness of the mad body. Although Xiao Yun's "madness" efficiency has been reduced a lot, it still helps him Ascension a lot of power.

Xiao Yun, the evildoer who died under the emperor's calamity, is the best destination.

The incarnation of Heavenly Emperor doesn't have much wisdom, and only knows how to blindly attack Xiao Yun without dodging, and also exchange injuries with Xiao Yun.


Zao Wuji coldly snorted: "That's not necessarily true. Although Xiao Yun has stronger resilience, his injury will get worse and his attack power will become weaker and weaker. On the other hand, Heavenly Emperor, although his injury is more serious than Xiao Yun, he has ' Dimen's infinite power, his attack power has always remained at its peak."

When the human race rose, Heavenly Emperor testified, and the Dragon Emperor naturally intercepted and killed it.

"My physical body is also stronger, and the defense is stronger than his."

"The Divine Body of Life may not be as good as 'Dimen' in terms of strength recovery, but it is more powerful than 'Dimen' in terms of recovering injuries."


If this is Heavenly Emperor himself, he can delay the time first, and it can completely drag Xiao Yun to death.


Suddenly, a loud noise shook the entire live broadcast screen, and the dazzling light obscured everything, making it difficult to see what was going on.

"Xiao Yun actually fought Heavenly Emperor in the same way, how clever." Seeing this from a distance, Di Tian couldn't help but be surprised.

"This battle is getting more and more unfavorable to me." Xiao Yun frowned, thinking about countermeasures in his heart, at the same time urging the divine body of life to absorb the surrounding energy and replenish his own consumption.

All the clan emperors looked at them with contempt.

All the great emperors looked at the screen and were stunned.

"Hahaha, Heavenly Emperor is Heavenly Emperor after all, worthy of being the number one person in the heavens, even Xiao Yun has no choice but to hate it!" In the heavenly realm, some human race emperors smiled.

"Strange, Xiao Yun didn't dodge and was still fighting to the death with him, isn't he afraid of death?"

So, this point was just used by Xiao Yun.

If you change to another Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse, I am afraid that I can't hold on anymore.

The practitioners of Jiuxiao Continent and Tianwaitian were talking a lot, and even the quasi emperors were puzzled.

"According to this situation, Xiao Yun must be the one who will die."

"I have to say, Heavenly Emperor's 'underground gate' is really terrifying. At the beginning, his strength was not comparable to that of the Dragon Emperor, and he was able to save his life under the attack of the Dragon Emperor. This 'infinite power' is simply cheating." A demon clan The emperor complained.

Qin Shisan, who was next to him, nodded and said solemnly, "Yes, it's still bad for Xiao Yun, but fortunately Xiao Yun has a defensive Heavenly Emperor soldier, which is his advantage."

But Xiao Yun didn't panic at all, and continued to desperately 'perish' with the incarnation of Heavenly Emperor.

"In other words, now that the two of them are 'death to each other', Xiao Yun does more damage to Heavenly Emperor. But wait a while, Heavenly Emperor does more damage to Xiao Yun."

A human emperor looked at him and sneered: "Didn't you just say you gave up attacking Chaos Sacred Land?"

"Idiot, if Xiao Yun is dodging now, he will give Heavenly Emperor a chance to recover from his injuries. Only by continuing to attack and preventing Heavenly Emperor's incarnation from recovering can he win a chance."

"Since Xiao Yun has done this, he must be sure to win, otherwise he wouldn't take such a risk." Lei Zu said, he used to be Xiao Yun's Daoist, and he knew Xiao Yun fairly well.


And this force was all blessed by Xiao Yun on the attack, and he killed Heavenly Emperor in exchange for wounds, and perished with the opponent.

The Heavenly Emperor powerhouses who were secretly paying attention were also relieved.

Even the great emperors of the demon race were a little ashamed.

Both of their injuries were getting worse.

Xiao Yun weighed the strengths and weaknesses of himself and Heavenly Emperor in his heart, his eyes became brighter and brighter, he had already found a plan to kill the opponent.


After all, Xiao Yun is not only physically strong, but also a defensive Heavenly Emperor like the Bloody Lotus Terrace.

However, this injury is better than Heavenly Emperor after all, because Xiao Yun's defense is stronger and recovery is stronger.

After all, the other party is just an avatar, not the real Heavenly Emperor.

If this were replaced by a normal person, he would definitely delay time first to avoid dying with Xiao Yun, and Xiao Yun would definitely be dragged to death in the end.

Otherwise, Xiao Yun would have to wait to die.

Xiao Yun pierced through Heavenly Emperor's avatar with a sword, and his own forehead also received a palm from Heavenly Emperor's avatar, and suddenly a gold star appeared on his head, and his seven orifices bleed, and he was seriously injured.

In the long river of time and space in the distance, the incarnations of Xiao Yun and Heavenly Emperor continue to "die together", you hit me with a palm, and I kill you with a sword, hurting each other.

Could it be that Xiao Yun already knew that he could not survive the imperial calamity, and wanted to end at the peak and leave a legend for future generations?

"My advantage is the two Heavenly Emperor soldiers, and the resilience of the living body."

Xiao Yun felt the condition of his body, then looked at the Heavenly Emperor on the opposite side, grinned, and continued to kill the past desperately, giving Heavenly Emperor no time to recover at all.

But this is just an incarnation, and it doesn't have the wisdom of his own. Under the urging of Di Jie, killing Xiao Yun is the first order.

Moreover, Xiao Yun had experienced too many battles before, and the consumption was too great.

Xiao Yun mobilized the Immortal sword with all his strength, and the chaotic body burst into a blazing golden divine flame, and the whole person seemed to be on fire.

The incarnation of Heavenly Emperor does not have high enough intelligence, and under the urging of Emperor Jie, killing Xiao Yun is the first order, so he will not avoid Xiao Yun's attack at all, but will kill Xiao Yun.

"Did I say it? Why don't I know? Our Golden-winged Great Peng clan and Xiao Yun have a deep feud, and we cannot share it. I must destroy his chaotic Sacred Land." Golden-winged Great Peng said righteously.

But the incarnation of Heavenly Emperor is obviously not so intelligent. Although he also defended, his defense is not as good as Xiao Yun's.

Xiao Yun is not a fool, he should know the result of doing this, but he still does it.


I used to say that the enemy was Zao Wou-Ki, but now it's Xiao Yun, it's really f*ck.

It's a pity that Heavenly Emperor is the Heavenly Emperor Realm once he proves the Dao, and with the help of the infinite power of the 'underground door', even the Dragon Emperor can't kill Heavenly Emperor, which gives the human race a chance to rise.

"Xiao Yun is finally going to die. Once he dies, Chaos Sacred Land is definitely no match for our demon clan. I can easily destroy Chaos Sacred Land." The Golden-winged Great Peng demon emperor suddenly said.

This is a lose-lose play.

It's a pity that no matter how powerful the divine body of life is, it can't be as powerful as Heavenly Emperor's 'underground door'.

"Sure enough, let him die and then live. Fighting with him can't delay the time, but to make a quick decision. After all, he is not the real Heavenly Emperor."

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