Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 920 Master Apprentice Showdown

In the long river of time and space, Xiao Yun fought fiercely with Heavenly Emperor and Dragon Emperor. This was the fiercest battle he had ever encountered, and no one was weaker than him.

They are all in the lower position Heavenly Emperor Realm, Dragon Emperor's combat power is not bad, but close to the middle position Heavenly Emperor, weaker than Xiao Yun.

But Heavenly Emperor's combat power is the real median Heavenly Emperor, the opponent's Talent is strong, and three doors are opened, so naturally they can fight by leapfrog.

Moreover, the avenue of time and space understood by Heavenly Emperor is also very terrifying, and he has mastered the power of time and space to the extreme.

"I am now promoted to Heavenly Emperor Realm, and I can also watch the real Heavenly Emperor Sutra." Xiao Yun thought to himself.

Of the three Heavenly Emperor Sutras he obtained, the first two recorded 'time' and 'space', and the last one recorded 'time and space'.

Xiao Yun simply scrutinized "Time and Space" while fighting. Although he was temporarily at a disadvantage, he was not afraid at all, because his physical body was extremely powerful, and his fighting stamina far surpassed Heavenly Emperor and Dragon Emperor. he.

On the other hand, Heavenly Emperor and Dragon Emperor, after all, are not the main body, they are just the incarnation of the law, the flesh they show is not strong, and their flesh body is not as good as Xiao Yun when they preach the Tao.

The staying power is naturally not as good as Xiao Yun.

"The fusion of time and space, my cheap master is really terrifying. When I was not certified, I gave the 'Space Avenue' and the 'Time Avenue' to the cultivation of the Perfect Realm, and also merged them into the 'Time and Space Avenue' , to prove Heavenly Emperor."

Xiao Yun held the Immortal sword in one hand against the Heavenly Emperor, and held the Chaos Fist in the other to bombard the Dragon Emperor. In front of his eyes, there was a book floating, emitting a blazing golden light, which was the "Heavenly Emperor Sutra 3".

Countless practitioners from Jiuxiao Continent and Tianwaitian saw this scene, and they were all stunned and stunned by Xiao Yun's behavior.

f*ck, when confronted with peerless enemies like Heavenly Emperor and Dragon King, he still dares to fight while Insight Cultivation Technique, this is just jumping on the verge of death.

This is preaching the Transcends Tribulation, can you be more serious?

Some alternative enlightenment, the Great Emperor and Heavenly Emperor are all speechless.

In their eyes, the heaven-defying catastrophe was extremely thrilling, but Xiao Yun didn't take it seriously. It really left people speechless.

Perhaps, it is because of this that Xiao Yun has achieved what he is now.


The "Heavenly Emperor Sutra 3" in front of Xiao Yun kept turning the pages, and characters were printed into his pupils, and they were quickly remembered in his mind.

Afterwards, Xiao Yun put away "Heavenly Emperor Sutra 3" and began to enter into a state of epiphany, the Cultivation Technique of Insight.

He is also cultivating the profound meaning of time and the profound meaning of space. Although cultivation is not as profound, it is easier to integrate them at this moment.

Heavenly Emperor came one after the other back then, first Insight Space Profound Truth, when Space Profound Truth is complete, then Insight Time Profound Truth, and after Time Profound Truth is complete, combine the two.

This path is difficult. After all, once the Profound Truth of Space and Profound Time of Time are consummated, they are already very powerful. It is even more difficult to integrate them.

However, as Heavenly Emperor, he cannot take shortcuts.

But Xiao Yun was different. He directly obtained Heavenly Emperor's fusion method and experience, and now it was convenient for him to integrate space and time profound meanings while they were still weak.

What's more, there is the incarnation of Heavenly Emperor on the opposite side who is using the avenue of time and space to deal with him. This is like giving him a reference to the answer while giving him a lecture during the exam.

Coupled with the help of Epiphany, Xiao Yun merged very quickly.

"Time and space stand still!"

Xiao Yun suddenly drank lowly, and the Dragon Emperor, who was killed not far away, suddenly froze, but soon followed by a claws, which collided with Xiao Yun's fists fiercely.

At this moment, Xiao Yun's eyes sparkled.

He finally merged the profound meaning of time and space, and the stillness of time and space displayed is more powerful than the stillness of time, and even the Dragon Sovereign was instantly 'stilled' by him.

You must know that his current Profound Truth of Time and Profound Space of Time is still very weak. Once he reaches the Consummation Realm, his power will be very strong.

However, this trick doesn't work for Heavenly Emperor.

Instead, Heavenly Emperor used 'time and space to stand still' to deal with Xiao Yun. Fortunately, Xiao Yun had two Heavenly Emperor soldiers, the blood-colored lotus platform and the Immortal sword, coupled with the powerful attack power of kendo, he was abruptly defeated.

"My cheap master is really powerful. If it weren't for the help of the Immortal sword and the two Heavenly Emperor soldiers, the blood-colored lotus platform, I'm afraid I really couldn't beat him." Xiao Yun stared at the Heavenly Emperor on the opposite side. Using the Avenue of Time and Space was very inspiring to him.

He took the fight as Heavenly Emperor's instructions to him.

Heavenly Emperor is really strong, 'time-space still', 'space-folding', 'time-acceleration' and other heaven-defying methods, the tortured Xiao Yun wants Immortal to die.

However, the Heavenly Emperor in front of him is just an incarnation after all, not to mention that he has no real body, the most important thing is that he has no imperial soldiers.

And Xiao Yun is different, he not only has Emperor soldiers, but also two Heavenly Emperor soldiers.

Who has been as wealthy as he is throughout the ages?

The power of Heavenly Emperor soldiers is very powerful, not to mention two pieces, and one attack and one defense, which is very suitable for Xiao Yun.

"Resolve the Dragon Emperor first!"

Xiao Yun suddenly broke out violently. He abruptly endured a blow from Heavenly Emperor's incarnation. He turned around and slammed into the Dragon Emperor with a sword and a punch. He vomited blood directly from the Dragon Emperor's blow, and one of the dragon's claws was cut off, turning it into escaping law energy. .

Afterwards, Xiao Yun chased after the victory, and the Dragon Emperor, who had been killed, retreated steadily.

However, Xiao Yun was also beaten by Heavenly Emperor's incarnation and vomited blood one after another. Fortunately, he had a blood-colored lotus platform to weaken the attack, and coupled with his powerful body, he was already very strong in defense, so his injuries were not serious.

The Dragon Sovereign has been fighting so far, and the consumption is already very high. Under Xiao Yun's desperate attack, he soon couldn't hold on, and it turned into escaping law energy and disappeared in the long river of time and space.

Afterwards, Xiao Yun turned to kill the Heavenly Emperor incarnation.

But what surprised Xiao Yun was that the power of Heavenly Emperor's incarnation was still very strong, maintaining a peak state, not losing to him at all.

"It's the 'underground door'!"

Xiao Yun Double Pupils shot, and finally saw clearly a golden portal in Heavenly Emperor's body, which was releasing powerful energy to support Heavenly Emperor's consumption.

No matter how long the battle time has passed, the Heavenly Emperor avatar remains at its peak.

f*ck, how do you fight this?

Xiao Yun's expression changed. He knew that Heavenly Emperor had opened three doors before the sermon, but he didn't expect to open the 'underground door'. This was the 'door' he had longed for.

"Unfortunately, I was unlucky. It should be the 'Heaven's Gate' that opened." Xiao Yun looked at the two golden portals in his body, one of which was the 'human gate', and the other, which was now formed, was the 'heaven's gate'.

Because Xiao Yun has sensed the unknown world power through this kind of 'gate', which is obviously the 'gate of heaven'. ’


Xiao Yun looked at the incarnation of the Heavenly Emperor on the opposite side. The opponent had a 'underground door' and his power was endless. If he couldn't kill him as soon as possible, then he would be the one who was dragged to death in the end.

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