Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

900 And 18th Chapter Sword Destroys Emperors

After revealing his true strength, Xiao Yun killed many incarnations of great emperors as if he was destroying the dead. Even the ten famous Heavenly Emperors in history were defeated by him.

At this moment, the universe stars dimmed, only Xiao Yun's figure, exuding eternal light.

All the cultivators widened their eyes, their faces filled with disbelief.

As soon as he realized the Dao, he achieved the honor of Heavenly Emperor. Such a Daoist has never existed.

There are countless geniuses throughout the ages, and they are far inferior to Xiao Yun.

This is definitely the greatest genius in the history of Jiuxiao Continent.


A loud roar shook the universe starry sky.

The vast river of time and space is boiling.

Xiao Yun's powerful body erupted with endless divine light, showing terrifying power for you. He punched out, the mountains and rivers collapsed, the stars exploded, and even the mighty shores like the long river of time and space were temporarily cut off.

At the very beginning, the Heavenly Emperor avatar let out a miserable howl, and Xiao Yun smashed his body to pieces. The fiery fist pierced through the void, knocking out the other two Heavenly Emperor avatars as well.


A peerless Heavenly Emperor came with all his strength, the black fog raged into the sky, the demonic flames swept across the land, and the terrifying energy ran through the Universe Galaxy Cluster, rushing towards Xiao Yun fiercely.

In the end, this shocking blow was smashed by Xiao Yun's sword, and the terrifying sword light ripped apart the long river of time and space, piercing the peerless Heavenly Emperor.

Xiao Yun used the power of destroying the rotten and rotten to destroy several Heavenly Emperors in a row, and fought with the Chaos Emperor in the storm of the long river of time and space.

The famous Heavenly Emperor such as Emperor Qin Tian and Emperor Heavenly Emperor were also beaten by Xiao Yun.

At this moment, Xiao Yun was already Wudi. He killed nine Heavenly Emperors in a row, shocking everyone.

Even the incarnation of the strongest Chaos Emperor was forced by Xiao Yun into the depths of the long river of time and space.

But at this moment, three stalwart figures, clothed in blazing golden brilliance, seemed like three scorching suns, coming from the depths of the long river of time and space.

The golden light was dazzling, and even the void of Universe was melted.

Between heaven and earth, there are only three towering figures left, like the three kings of the gods descending together.

"That is……"

Many people's pupils shrank and their faces were shocked.

Another incarnation of Heavenly Emperor appeared, no, it was not the incarnation of Heavenly Emperor, but the three emperors of the human race.

The three emperors of the ancient times came together, and when Xiao Yun beheaded the Chaos Emperor, they attacked Xiao Yun together.

At this moment, the entire time and space is boiling violently.

Terrifying waves swept through countless time and space.

"This is simply the strongest emperor robbery ever!"

"Each of the incarnations of the three emperors is no weaker than the Chaos Emperor, and the three of them have joined forces and have the same mind, and superimposed the luck of the human race, which is comparable to a real Heavenly Emperor."

"Xiao Yun is simply heaven-defying!"


Countless people in Jiuxiao Continent and Tianwaitian are shocked.

The practitioners of Jiuxiao Continent can say that, after all, they have been living in the legend of Xiao Yun for hundreds of years, and they have already been shocked and numb.

The practitioners of Tianwaitian, on the other hand, were the first to memorize the name Xiao Yun seriously, and it was deeply engraved in their souls. Presumably, even after thousands of years, they would not forget this moment.


The dazzling light of the sword illuminated the long river of time and space, a peerless divine sword that stretched for 30,000 miles, embodying the unyielding will of all beings of the human race, and slaughtered towards Xiao Yun.

This is the sword of all beings of Emperor Chu. The majestic sword meaning contains the unyielding and strong will of countless human races. It seems that there are countless human beings sitting on the sword, united and united.


Beishan Human Sovereign squeezed the Human Sovereign Fist Seal in his hand, majestic and unparalleled in power, running through the long river of time and space, shattering all obstacles, and smashing towards Xiao Yun.

This kind of boxing is upright, it is not as magnificent as Chaos Boxing, and it is not as stunning as Universe Kendo, but it is an unstoppable historical torrent, which makes people feel a sense of surrender from the bottom of their hearts.


The third Human Sovereign was the Lieyang Human Sovereign. This Human Sovereign performed the "Haotian Divine Art", and suddenly nine rounds of scorching sun hit Xiao Yun like a meteor, with unparalleled power.

The Emperor Chaos, who was lucky enough to escape, also participated in the siege at this moment, mobilizing Chaos Fist with all his strength, and attacking Xiao Yun from the rear.

Many cultivators who watched the battle through live broadcasts all widened their eyes.

The Chaos Emperor and the three human emperors joined forces to kill Xiao Yun. Such a scene is rare in the ages.

Everyone was so concentrated that they didn't dare to blink, for fear of missing any wonderful moment.

On the other hand, Xiao Yun, who was besieged by the Three Emperors and the Chaos Great Emperor, seemed very calm. He stood on the blood-colored lotus platform, swung the Immortal sword, and swayed a sword ray of hundreds of millions of feet.

Countless Sword Qi is like a continuous drizzle, densely covering the entire time and space river, and then converging into a bright Sword Qi river, rolling and blowing the three emperors.

Afterwards, Xiao Yun punched the Chaos Emperor behind him with a punch, and the two punched each other, bursting out a vast sea of ​​energy that shook the heavens and the world.


The body of Chaos Great Emperor finally collapsed. He was almost blown up by Xiao Yun before, and he couldn't hold on any longer. After all, it was just an incarnation.

This is just the power of the Chaos Emperor when he was proving the Dao. Although he has the strength of the most powerful emperor, it is already amazing enough, but it is still far less than the current Xiao Yun.

Comparable to the mid-rank Heavenly Emperor, Xiao Yun was Wudi at this moment.

"Won't my cheap master also come out?"

Xiao Yun shot with all his strength, swung the Immortal sword, and the fiery Sword Ray strangled the three emperors in front of him.

Under Xiao Yun's strong attack, the three emperors didn't resist for long, and they were killed by Xiao Yun one by one.

At this moment, the heavens and the world were silent.

Everyone did not expect Xiao Yun to be so powerful, surpassing many great emperors in history, surpassing those Heavenly Emperors, and even surpassing the three emperors of the ancient times.

"Xiao Heavenly Emperor Wudi!"

Suddenly, someone shouted.

Immediately afterwards, the practitioners of Jiuxiao Continent all shouted in excitement, everyone was very fanatical, and their blood was boiling.

They witnessed this Wudi moment, the most powerful genius in the history of Jiuxiao Continent.

Even the forces that had previously been hostile to Xiao Yun felt their blood boil at this moment.

After all, who can kill all the great emperors and Heavenly Emperors branded in the long river of time and space alone? who can?

"What a monster!" The Three Sovereign Realm, the Heaven Realm, the Great Clan Emperor and the Demon Clan Great Emperor fell silent, and even the Heavenly Emperors who were secretly concerned about them all held their breaths at this moment.

Xiao Yun, this junior who was not put in one's eyes by them before, refreshed their cognition again and again.

Until this moment, they suddenly found out.

Xiao Yun has grown to the point of being on an equal footing with them.

No, it has even surpassed them.

At least, except for those secret Heavenly Emperors, other human and demon emperors are not as good as Xiao Yun.

"He is your ancestor, let's you humans solve it yourself. Since our demons live peacefully with you humans in the outer sky, then we go to Jiuxiao Continent and still live in peace with you humans." Golden-winged Great Peng Demon The clan emperor suddenly said righteously and sternly.

Not far away, a group of great emperors were speechless. You had to kill Xiao Yun before.

The Golden-winged Great Peng Demon Emperor looked at Xiao Yun in the picture, shook his head, and said in a low voice, "It was Zao Wou-Ki who killed my clan's arrogance on the battlefield of the five clans, not Xiao Yun, why should I talk to Xiao Yun? Can't make it through? Well, yes, my enemy is Zao Wou-Ki, not Xiao Yun."

Universe Starry Sky, Zao Wou-Ki yawned inexplicably, feeling that someone was caring about him.

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