Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 912 The Embarrassment Of Heaven And Earth

Three Sovereign Realm, Heavenly Emperor City.

"Look, the Emperor Tribulation broke out, damn it, the terrifying Tianlei, although not at the scene, but just by looking at the surrounding space-time shattering, Star shattering, you know that the power of this Tianlei is very terrifying."

"This Xiao Yun, who goes by the pseudonym Zao Wou-Ki, has traveled to the Primordial Era and made friends with a group of ancestors of our Renwang family, and he also apprenticed to Heavenly Emperor, and he is a senior brother with the three Renhuangs. I'll go...he really knows how to play. "

"That's the first generation of the eight kings, how is this possible?"

"Hey, what's that picture?" Suddenly, the ten offbeat enlightened people were attracted by the pictures rolled up in the long river of time and space.

They are all enlightened, they know more secrets than Wu Hao, and they understand everything almost instantly.

Damn, there's a huge crowd of black people, all of them are cultivators

The ten offbeat enlightened Taoists widened their eyes, and their hearts were filled with turmoil.

It's just that the long river of time and space is very dangerous. If the emperor enters, he may die in it. Who would have thought that Xiao Yun, a little guy, can travel to the ancient times. This is literally millions of years.

"The test of asking the heart robbery is very difficult. Once the time drags on, no matter how talented he is, he will be struck to death by the thunder."

Are you living in your own world?

"" An alternative Chengdao pointed at Wu Hao, so angry that he couldn't speak, and the other nine were all blushing.

It's just that they saw the scene in the long river of time and space just now, and then they heard the conversations of the ten alternative enlightened seniors. As a result, they were all dumbfounded.

"I said how did he disappear later? Even our ancestors became emperors. He was the first genius of our human race at the time. How could he be unknown later? So it is!"

This is a miracle.

To be able to become a different kind of enlightenment, which of them have not lived for more than ten thousand years, any time Closed Door Training is older than Xiao Yun, and they can't say Xiao Yun's ancestors.

"Finally the Transcends Tribulation begins!"


The entire Jiuxiao Continent and Tianwaitian know that they have an old ancestor on the head of the royal family, and even the royal family of the three cannot escape. Those are the junior brothers of the three emperors, not the ancestors. ?

Would you like to meet Xiao Yun's ancestors in the future?

This way they don't need to face this 'old ancestor'.

"Hey, that is the long river of time and space, and it actually leads to the long river of time and space, it is incredible, what kind of evildoer is this!"

Still pretending not to know?

"I said the last time he looked at me the same way he looked at his grandson, f*ck, I thought he was talented and arrogant, but it turns out that he really regarded me as a grandson." One of the alternative Chengdao said with a depressed expression.

The ten offbeat enlightenments stared at the live broadcast and prayed that Xiao Yun would be killed by the thunder.

"I hope he will die under the catastrophe of asking heart." An alternative enlightenment sighed privately.

"No wonder he created the Emperor Sutra by himself in the Three Sovereigns Realm, which will attract blessings from the Three Sovereigns."

It's a pity that they were completely speechless when they saw that the thunder fell on Xiao Yun without destroying even a bit of fur.

And if they deal with Xiao Yun again, isn't that deceiving the teacher and destroying the ancestors?

With such a high level, Xiao Yun looked at them like Zeng?﹢Sun.

The Emperor Tribulation brought by Xiao Yun was too terrifying, even more terrifying than the Emperor Tribulation when the Great Emperor Tianwaitian was preaching the Tao, which was unprecedented.

"As expected of the second chaotic body, such Heavenly Tribulation is simply timeless."

A group of cultivators from heaven and earth were shocked.

It's terrifying that Transcends Tribulation can elicit such a vision.

"He's young, so I don't believe that Dao heart is also firm, and the thunder will definitely kill him in the next day."

Only the Primordial Era has the five clan battlefields, and only the Primordial Era can the first generation of eight human kings appear at the same time.

"Five clan battlefield?"

The ten other types of enlightenment were all stunned.

It's all too late now.

It's bizarre, but it's a fantasy world where anything can happen.

Who knew this kind of thing would happen, I would have known Wu Hao to live broadcast privately.

One of the pictures is of Xiao Yun's battle against the five clans in the Primordial Era.

"Hey, hey, did I say you old guys are stupid? You look back?" At this moment, Wu Hao said loudly to the ten offbeat enlightenment in front of him.

The ten other types of enlightenment were stunned for a moment, then looked back.

Damn, this is too embarrassing. A younger generation of later generations traveled to the ancient times and made friends with their ancestors. How do they deal with this?

The ten other types of enlightenment were speechless.

I'm live-streaming this. There are so many Waitian practitioners watching it. I'm afraid it has spread all over the world by now.

"What should I do? He made friends with our ancestors, and he also apprenticed to Heavenly Emperor. He is a senior brother to the three human emperors. How should we face him in the future?" An alternative enlightenment suddenly whispered.

After all, Xiao Yun's Talent is too high, and even they have to be treated with caution.

The others also nodded, and let those Great Emperors and Heavenly Emperor have a headache. The big deal is that they won't see Xiao Yun in the future, so they just pretend they don't know.

Suddenly someone exclaimed.

Not to mention, the cultivators on Jiuxiao Continent also know about this matter, so why do you pretend not to know?

In the live broadcast, a huge river of time and space was revealed behind Xiao Yun, which shocked the cultivators of Tianwaitian.

The others were silent for a while.

The Dage 'Zao Wou-Ki' who worshipped his ancestors in the ancient times turned out to be Xiao Yun.

"Let those great Di Tian emperors consider this matter, but I guess they must pretend not to know." After a while, an alternative enlightenment opened his mouth.

It is not impossible to stray into the long river of time and space and travel to another era.

They figured the same would be true for the Great Emperors and Heavenly Emperors, after all, it was such a foolish thing.

how is this possible?

That definitely won't work, they can't afford to lose this person.

A group of cultivators from outside the sky are also watching Xiao Yun Transcends Tribulation through Wu Hao's live broadcast.

Because Wu Hao was broadcasting live outside, many people crowded here to watch.

One of the Wu family's alternative Chengdao faintly said: "Wu Hao once told me that when he met Xiao Yun for the first time, he burned his blood and summoned his ancestor to deal with Xiao Yun, but the old ancestor suddenly turned around and almost took him to himself. Killed, I thought it was weird before, but now I understand everything."

There are even people who imprinted the picture and transferred it to the outer world and the heaven, so that the great Di Tian emperors can also watch it.

"When he looked at me, he had a look that hated iron but not steel. According to my ancestor's records, our Wu family ancestor Wu Chaozu was his hard-core younger brother. Speaking of which, our Wu family also enshrined a tablet called 'Xiao Yun'. I still don't know which god-tier this is." The alternative enlightenment of the Wu family smiled bitterly.

The key is that they are destined to meet Xiao Yun in the future. If they recognize each other, isn't that a drop in morale for no reason?

"You old guys, haha, you almost laughed at me." Wu Hao laughed.

"Grandson? You think too highly of yourself, Zeng?" Sun is almost the same." An offbeat Chengdao next to him pouted.

"Zhao Wuji?"

Those are the ancestors of the ancient times, and now they are fighting with the Heavenly Emperor in the prehistoric times. Every one of the worst is a strong man above the emperor, who has spanned millions of years. What kind of generation is that? Definitely the ancestor of the ancestors.

Several other alternative enlightenment smiled bitterly, a little dumbfounded.

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