The divine mansion in his eyebrows was like a scorching sun, emitting a dazzling Immortal golden light, that was because his primordial spirit was so powerful that even an ordinary emperor was far inferior to it.

If this is spread to Heaven and Beyond, wouldn't the eight royal families be turned upside down?

In one of the pictures, Xiao Yun leads a group of younger brothers to fight on the battlefield of the five clans.

This terrifying power of the primordial spirit distorted the time and space around Xiao Yun, and a vast river of time and space appeared behind Xiao Yun.

And those people Wang Chudai.

The time when Xiao Yun disappeared has always been a strange case in the cultivation world.


After being blessed by the Three Emperors, his Divine Mansion has grown to a peak, comparable to the most powerful emperor.

Originally, Xiao Yun's primordial spirit power was terrifying, and before he became a Dao Emperor, he had already condensed the divine mansion.

At the same time, he also collapsed a little, Xiao Yun actually became the brother of his ancestor, what is this called, this is simply too bizarre.

No wonder he was blown to pieces when he encountered the ruins of the demon race from the Primordial Era.

The anger and grievance in Zao Wou-Ki's heart, not to mention how sad.

Xiao Yun, a modern person, why did he go to the battlefield of the five clans?

"I am Zhao Wuji. Today, I swept the battlefield of the five clans. The rubbish of the monster clan, you all wash your necks for daddy and wait to die."

Xiao Yun once traveled to the ancient times, and had a drink with his ancestors?

Everyone in the distance can clearly see this huge river of time and space. It seems to run through the heavens and the world, including all living beings and all things.

After three generations, how can there be any feelings, strength is the foundation.

Xiao Yun closed his eyes and let the thunder strike.

No wonder the demon emperors in the Three Sovereign Realm tortured him as soon as they saw him.

"What the hell is going on? Who can tell me?"

Why didn't the Dugu sword lead to the long river of time and space?

In the distance, Xiao Yun closed his eyes and waited for the Heavenly Tribulation to come, pretending not to hear Zao Wou-Ki's angry scolding.

However, he didn't plan to stand on Xiao Yun's side either, he planned to be a wallflower, whichever side of Xiao Yun and Tianwaitian was stronger, he would stand on which side, so as to be invincible.

Wu Hao was stunned.

Is it because I, Xiao Heavenly Emperor, are too strong?

Cultivation Base fell and was rebuilt, and after staying in Chaos Sacred Land for so long, he is no longer the Wu Hao he used to be.

Well, I Wu Hao is the smartest person.

Anyway, I'm preaching, and I don't know anything.

"Don't cry, everything is over!" The indestructible ancestor next to him touched Zao Wou-Ki's head and comforted him. Zao Wou-Ki can't be beaten. In the future, a group of small ancient Sacred Bodies are still waiting for him to conceive.

The battlefield of the five tribes, in their historical records, is only available in the Primordial Era.

He had a bad premonition in his heart, some of which were associated with the name 'Zao Wou-Ki', as well as the name recorded in a certain history book of theirs.

"Anyway, I can be considered to be relying on my ancestors. Even if I become enemies with Tianwaitian in the future, I will not be bullying my master and destroying my ancestors, but they are the ones who bully my teachers and destroy my ancestors." Wu Hao thought to himself.

Even if it is the pro-ancestor, if you don't have the strength, they will not recognize it.

Now the case is finally solved.

With question marks all over his face, Wu Hao roared at Zao Wou-Ki, Indestructible Ancestor and the others.

Almost on the spot, Zao Wou-Ki was so angry that he pointed at Xiao Yun in the distance and scolded: "Bastard, that's how you cheated on daddy! What the hell, where did daddy offend you?"

Wu Hao wanted to cry without tears in his heart.

f*ck, I said that the last time I summoned the ancestors, the ancestors gave me a flat meal, and I offended the ancestors.

Combined, this seems to reveal a terrible secret.

However, Wu Hao also knows that Xiao Yun's identity as an 'old ancestor' probably has little effect on Tianwaitian. After all, it's been too long, who would recognize it?

f*ck, who knew that when he preached the Dao, he would create a long river of time and space, and it also reflected his life experience.

"Five clan battlefield? Is that the five clan battlefield? How is it possible? Only in the Primordial Era has the five clan battlefield, how could Xiao Yun go to the five clan battlefield?"

"Xiao Yun, draft master, I curse you for failing to preach the Dao!" Zao Wou-Ki was still yelling, he finally understood his series of 'causes' back then.

Poor Zhao honesty finally got his grievances.

Beside Zhao Wuji, Wu Hao's pupils shrank suddenly, his eyes fixed on the picture in the long river of time and space, his face full of disbelief.

The most important thing is that Wu Hao has been in Jiuxiao Continent for a long time. He has never heard of the first generation of eight kings in this era.

But in the pictures reflected by the long river of time and space, behind Xiao Yun stood eight powerful people Wang Chudai. What the hell is going on?

In the long river of time and space, waves of huge waves suddenly erupted, which reflected Xiao Yun's previous pictures, including the battle between him and the seven alternative enlightened Taoists in The Netherworld, and the battle between him and Kunpeng's ancestors, and even his battle in Taikoo. The battle of the times.

Not to mention Wu Hao's careful thoughts, a huge imperial calamity has already arrived in the universe starry sky. The terrifying thunder and lightning ripped apart the starry sky, shattering the stars, carrying unparalleled power and bombarding Xiao Yun.

"And the few people behind him are actually the first generation of the king's direct line. Their hair, their blood, there is absolutely no mistake, how is this possible?"

Back then, the emperors, princes, and grandsons had already entered the world. Even if there were collateral bloodlines left behind, it was impossible for the first generation to be born. Even if there was a chance of the first generation being born, it was impossible to give birth to eight first generation at once, right? How can there be such a coincidence?

At this moment, he ushered in the first hurdle of the Emperor Tribulation - Asking Heart.

"Go away!" Zhao Wuji slapped the hand of the indestructible ancestor.

"It turns out that Xiao Yun disappeared for 500 years back then. He went to the Primordial Era. What a miracle!" Not far away, Qin Shisan was shocked when he heard the words.

The mystery is finally revealed.

Zao Wou-Ki was depressed in his heart, so naturally he couldn't help attacking Wu Hao. If the daddy is not happy, don't think about it.

Dare to love is the evil result of Xiao Yun pretending to be him in the ancient times, and he has endured it all.

"What else is going on? Xiao Yun, this bastard, traveled to the ancient times before, drinking and eating barbecue with the ancestors of your Renwang family. How else would you say that you are his Zeng? "Grandson!"

Those collateral bloodlines, the blood of the King of Humans is very thin, and it is excusable to be able to give birth to the first generation of human kings. And in the same period.

At this moment, Wu Hao was completely dumbfounded, and he also saw the picture reflected in the long river of time and space.

Zao Wou-Ki, Indestructible Ancestor, and Qin Shisan were very close to enlightenment. Naturally, they also saw the images reflected in the long river of time and space.

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