The terrifying Sword intent was boiling, and the majestic chaotic airflow rose into the sky.

This is Xiao Yun's full power.

He concentrated all of it on the Immortal sword and slashed at the Imperial Armament Stone.

At this moment, the dazzling Sword Ray illuminated the dark void, and even overwhelmed the light of the Nine Dragons Jade Seal.

The edge of the Immortal sword made Qin Yuxi, who was not far away, shrink his pupils, his face full of shock.

Click! Click! Click!

With the sound of the crisp sound, three black cracks appeared in a row in the Imperial Armament Stone, and the fourth black crack actually appeared, but it was only a small section, not a complete black crack, at best it was only a half mark.

"The upper emperor, close to the peak emperor, hiss..."

When Qin Yuxi saw the traces on the Imperial Armament Stone, he took a deep breath, followed by a look of disbelief.

Xiao Yun has not yet become an emperor, but a Realm who has become a different kind of Taoist, and actually already has such combat power.

If this is the Emperor Zhengdao, he is the worst and most powerful emperor, and it will not be long before he can be promoted to Heavenly Emperor Realm.

What is Talent?

Too scary, right?

Even the Emperor Qin Tian back then was not as strong as Xiao Yun after he preached, and it took Emperor Qin Tian 50,000 years to break through the bottle and be promoted to Heavenly Emperor.

That's it, it's already a genius.

But compared with Xiao Yun, the gap is too big.

This guy's talent is too strong.

Qin Yuxi has lived a long time. In his hundreds of thousands of years of life, he has seen many super geniuses, but none of them can compare to Xiao Yun.

"As expected of a chaotic body, it really opened my eyes." For a long time, Qin Yuxi was full of emotion, and his face was full of admiration.

He couldn't help but think of the Chaos Emperor who topped Immortal Road. The other party also has a Chaos body. Could it be that this young man in front of him can also reach the level of Chaos Emperor in the future?

Qin Yuxi was a little fortunate that he had formed a good relationship with the other party in advance, instead of offending such a terrifying potential stock like Lei Ding, a mindless idiot.

"The upper emperor?"

Xiao Yun was a little disappointed at the moment, only the upper emperor, not even the peak emperor.

If Qin Yuxi knew about this, he would probably be depressed to death. Are you still not satisfied? Don't forget, you have just become enlightened, and you haven't realized the Tao yet!

Putting away the Imperial Armament Stone, Xiao Yun looked at Qin Yuxi in front of him, and said with a smile, "Senior, I like this gift very much, thank you. But senior, don't you feel bored after staying here for so many years?"

If he stayed in one place for hundreds of thousands of years, he would have died of boredom, unless he could swipe the vibrato of the handsome Ye Dadao: yedadao

"Hehe, at the Great Emperor Realm, the cultivation speed is very slow. Occasionally Closed Door Training is tens of thousands of years. For me, not much time has passed."

Qin Yuxi smiled and said to Xiao Yun, "Just like a powerhouse of your level, a Closed Door Training has passed for dozens or hundreds of years. This is also very shocking to those mortals."

Xiao Yun was speechless. He wanted to say, daddy cultivation has only been twenty or thirty years. Forget it, I won't say it, for fear of hitting you.

"Senior, if Emperor Qin Tian never returns, will you be sitting here forever?" Xiao Yun asked again.

Qin Yuxi smiled and nodded: "Yes, I have to ensure the existence of the altar. Once I leave, the altar will not last long."

"It's too unfair to you, it's literally putting you in jail." Xiao Yun looked at Qin Yuxi with some sympathy.

Qin Yuxi smiled and said: "It's not as exaggerated as you said, our emperor's weapon spirit has no lifespan limit, so for me, it doesn't matter whether I go to Immortal Road or not. Moreover, I can often listen to Qin Tian's sermons, It is also helpful for my Ascension Cultivation Base. If I go to Immortal Road instead, it will be dangerous, after all, there are too many strong people there.”

"That's true!" Xiao Yun smiled casually. In his heart, freedom was more valuable, but the opponent was an imperial weapon spirit, and there was no human kind of absolute pursuit of 'freedom'.

Just look at the Chaos Clock in Chaos Sacred Land for millions of years. These imperial weapon spirits are not real human beings. Even if they have human bodies, they do not have human emotions and six desires. They only know cultivation.

"Thank you senior for your suggestion. I'm going to continue to search for Mozun's base. Does senior have any other orders?" Xiao Yun looked at Qin Yuxi and asked.

Qin Yuxi said with a serious face: "Mozun's base is moving anytime, anywhere. You should have heard about the situation of the Devil's base from Lei Ding, right? If so, then you have to be careful, because Lei Ding doesn't know about it at all. Dare to betray Demon Venerable, it leads you to Demon Venerable Base, which means that there are traps waiting for you there."

Xiao Yun nodded and said, "Thank you senior for reminding me, I also guessed Lei Ding's thoughts, but I have a reason why I have to go to the Demon Venerable Base."

"Is it because of the "Undead Magic Art"? I have seen your ancestors from the Chaos Sacred Land come here before. They are like living dead, chasing the Demon Venerable Base and disappearing into the darkness and void." Qin Yuxi sighed. , having lived too long, he obviously knows a lot.

"Senior, are there any other imperial weapon spirits nearby?" Xiao Yun asked before leaving.

Qin Yuxi nodded and said: "Of course there are. After all, many Heavenly Emperors have been born in history, and most of them have left the altar of time and space. But don't worry, as long as you don't provoke them, they will not provoke you for no reason. Of course , it does not rule out that someone will deal with you in order to curry favor with the Demon Venerable."

"I see, senior, Junior is leaving first, and I will come back to you when I have time..." Xiao Yun said, turning into a golden light and disappearing into the dark void.

Qin Yuxi looked at the figure of Xiao Yun leaving, and said with emotion: "Spiritual Qi is coming back to life, there will be many talents in this life, and the reincarnation of the emperor is really lively. However, no one can stop the chaotic body's edge, Qin Tian The emperor once said that this is a special physique at the Dao level, far exceeding those of the supreme body."

He befriended Xiao Yun, and also had orders from Emperor Qin Tian.

At the level of a great emperor, you will see far away when you do things, and will measure the gains and losses.

Lei Heavenly Emperor is optimistic that Demon Venerable may surpass Heavenly Emperor Realm and curry favor in advance.

Emperor Qin Tian was even more optimistic about the potential of Xiao Yun, a chaotic body.


Traveling through the dark void, Xiao Yun also recalled the passage with Qin Yuxi in his mind.

He could see that Qin Yuxi was deliberately befriending him, which may also be the meaning of the Emperor Qin Tian behind him.

As for his relationship with the Qin family, with Qin Shisan and Qin Bingyue, huh, Xiao Yun doesn't believe that the friendship of this younger generation will affect Qin Yuxi, an emperor-level powerhouse.

The other party befriended him because he was optimistic about his potential, or because of Emperor Chaos.

However, this is also a good thing for Xiao Yun.

"Emperor Qin Tian, ​​I don't know what level of Heavenly Emperor he is? How could he not be a Demon Lord!" Xiao Yun was a little curious.

It is said that Demon Venerable is about to surpass the Realm of Heavenly Emperor, that is at least the strongest Heavenly Emperor, and Emperor Qin Tian is estimated to be at least the peak Heavenly Emperor, so he dares not to bird Demon Venerable.

Xiao Yun guessed in his heart.

At the same time, he also looks forward to what level in Heavenly Emperor Realm will he reach after he becomes one and completes the cultivation of the Universe Sword Canon?

"Mozun, sooner or later you will become my big tonic pill!" Xiao Yun's eyes were sharp.

He has also cultivated the "Undead Magic Art". With the source of the devil, the devil can harvest him, and he will also be able to harvest the devil in the future.

Once the Demon Venerable was harvested, Xiao Yun thought with his toes, he knew what a huge harvest there would be.

Of course, now he can only dare to think about it.

The road is long!

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