After Xiao Yun swore, the watchman threw a locator to Xiao Yun.

No wonder, the other party has such a royal atmosphere.

And the other party also said that the location of Demon Venerable's base is changing at any time.

I don't know if it's the real emperor, or just like the passerby, just the weapon spirit of the emperor.

Xiao Yun carefully inspected the locator in his hand, and now he felt more and more that the passerby was deliberately guiding him to the base of Demon Venerable. After all, how did the other party make this locator?

However, Xiao Yun didn't care either. Sometimes strong strength is confidence. No matter what conspiracy or tricks the opponent has, it depends on strength in the end.

Maybe they just went to this base.

"You better not lie to me, or the next time you come, it will be your death!"

Afterwards, he branded a mark on the altar with Chaos Avenue, and left.

Xiao Yun secretly guessed that the person had already stepped out of the air.

"Being able to escape from Lei Ding's sneak attack, you deserve to be the second chaotic body in the world. No wonder even the Demon Lord himself went down and asked someone to kill you." The young man sitting on the jade seal, Seeing Xiao Yun said with a smile, his eyes were full of admiration, but there was still a hint of shock.

The passers-by obviously couldn't imagine Xiao Yun's bigger ambitions.

This is a huge jade seal, the whole body is red gold, and the surface is engraved with nine golden dragons.

He casts the Golden Crow technique, chasing teleportation as fast as possible.

It was also at this moment that Xiao Yun saw clearly what was in front of him.

In the dark and deep space of nothingness, Xiao Yun held the locator and set off in the direction of the guide.

Xiao Yun sensed the locator in his hand and knew that it was not the location of the Demon Venerable Base.

There are still people who suppress Cultivation Base and do not preach the Tao. Isn't Chengdi not attractive to him?

Xiao Yun traversed the dark void, walking in silence and icy coldness. Three months later, he saw a ray of light coming from the front.

Xiao Yun looked awe-inspiring.

Of course, although this person looks very young, in his eyes, Xiao Yun can see the vicissitudes of life and the years, obviously the other party has lived for many years, not as young as he looks.

As long as the opponent cannot recruit a Heavenly Emperor level powerhouse, then there is no threat to him.

One Heavenly Emperor after another has a plan here, what is their purpose?

"Little friend Xiao Yun, are you free to come here for a talk?" At this moment, a mighty voice came, shaking the dark void, causing the avenues to tremble, and a supreme imperial majesty rushed towards him.

That's right, when it comes to the Great Emperor Realm, who is not an enemy, who would be stupid enough to deliberately offend another existence of the same level.


Qin... is the Qin Tian Emperor of the Qin family.

And the previous passer-by, why did Ray Heavenly Emperor leave him here.

And as he continued to move forward, the light became more and more dazzling, and then formed a light group, shining in all directions.

The passerby had a gloomy face, and after Xiao Yun left, he quickly took action to erase the mark on the altar.

However, this mark is like rooted on the altar, and no matter how hard he tries, it cannot be erased.

Xiao Yun felt that this dark and deep space might hide a big secret, a super secret about the Great Emperor and even Heavenly Emperor. "Hey, there's light!"

"Who is the senior?" Xiao Yun looked at the young man in front of him, and he could see that the other party, like the passerby, was also an artisan.

"How is that possible? If he has already understood the Chaos Dao of the perfection level, why didn't he choose to prove the Dao? With his strength, he can prove the Dao at any time, why would he suppress the Cultivation Base?" The passerby felt incredible in his heart.

He turned on the Double Pupils and shot a dazzling divine light towards the bright light ahead.

In the history of Jiuxiao Continent, there are not many people who can prove the Way through this, including the Heavenly Emperor, the Qin Tian Emperor of the Qin family, and the Jagged Emperor.

Moreover, this person's words contain the supreme majesty of the imperial way, and it is obvious that his preaching is related to the emperor.

I am afraid that only Demon Venerable can make this locator.

The Thunder Heavenly Emperor behind the passerby only attacked Xiao Yun in order to curry favor with the Demon Venerable.

"Okay, the transaction is complete, should you leave?" The passerby looked at Xiao Yun who had put away the locator, and hurriedly urged, wanting to send this killer away quickly.

It's just, why did Demon Venerable create this base?

If it wasn't for the locator, he probably would have been really difficult to find this base in the vast darkness and deep space.

He can't leave this place, can he really explore the base of Demon Venerable?

Only the powerhouse of Heavenly Emperor Realm can wipe out the mark of the Great Dao of this level, and he can't do it yet.

"You pour power into it, and it will guide you to the base of Demon Venerable. By the way, you'd better hurry up, because Demon Venerable's base is not fixed, it changes its position all the time." Passerby explained.

Xiao Yun gave the passerby a faint glance, with sharp eyes and a warning look on his face.

However, Xiao Yun found that the location of the Demon Venerable Base was moving very fast. It was running at a very high speed, and it ran in no direction and without any rules.

He thought of those seniors who cultivated "Undead Magic" one by one in the past, leading to the final demonization, entering this place and disappearing.

On top of the huge Nine-Dragon Jade Seal, sat a young man with clear eyebrows, looking at Xiao Yun with admiration on his face.

That Emperor Qin Tian once unified the mortal world of Jiuxiao Continent, and could be called the first emperor of Jiuxiao Continent, and naturally possessed an extremely powerful imperial atmosphere.

"It turns out that the senior was Emperor Qin Tian's Imperial Armament, but as far as I know, the Qin family's god-destroying spear is the Imperial Armament left by Emperor Qin Tian. Could it be that Emperor Qin Tian built two Imperial Armaments back then?" Xiao Yun Doubt.

"Is there still life in this base? Otherwise, why is it moving all the time?" Xiao Yun thought to himself.

"Not the base of Demon Venerable!"

"call out!"

"The Great Chaos Avenue of Perfection!" The pupils of the passers-by shrank suddenly.

"You can call me Qin Yuxi. After all, I was originally a Yuxi. As for the surname Qin, hehe, you should be able to guess the reason." Qin Yuxi said with a smile.

Xiao Yun used the Golden Crow technique, and in an instant, he came to the bright light in front of him.

However, the jade seal artifact in front of him was obviously much stronger than the passerby, which made Xiao Yun feel heartbroken. The strength of this person was probably the top among the great emperors.

What's more, the other party did not reveal the slightest killing intent, which was obviously different from the passerby.

Xiao Yun's expression was shocked, and it was another great emperor.

The passer-by must have found that he couldn't kill him, so he led him to Mozun's base, maybe Mozun had already set up traps there and waited for him.

The other party is not the deity coming, as long as he does not encounter Heavenly Emperor, he is not afraid.

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