If you want to build a Minor World, you only need a perfect avenue. After all, those great emperors who preach the Tao can build such a Minor World.

Of course, the more avenues are built, the more stable the world will be.

But if it is just an experiment, there is no need to come up with five perfect roads.

After all, Emperor Chaos follows the Great Dao of Chaos. He doesn't cultivate the Dao of Chaos properly. Why should he be distracted to cultivate other avenues?

You must know that it is a waste of time to cultivate five perfect avenues. Even if the Chaos Great Di Tian has a high talent, it will take a long time to comprehend.

He has no epiphany system.

Only a plug-in guy like Xiao Yun is not afraid of wasting time because of cultivating other avenues.

What's more, the five avenues that build the Holy Road actually fit the five avenues of the universe's kendo, which makes Xiao Yun have to doubt the 'purpose' of Emperor Chaos.

"Zhang Xiaofan knows that I have cultivated the "Universe Sword Canon". I used to look for kendo classics in the Library to perfect this Cultivation Technique. Maybe he thought of this and specially left these five avenues to me?"

Xiao Yun thought to himself.

He was not at all surprised that Zhang Xiaofan could guess that he was a 'future person'.

After all, Xiao Yun disappeared directly out of thin air, which would definitely attract the attention of some powerhouses.

Not to mention Heavenly Emperor, Zhang Xiaofan never had a chance to meet Heavenly Emperor.

But Emperor Chu was definitely able to infer Xiao Yun's identity and then informed Zhang Xiaofan that this was also possible.

What's more, after Emperor Chaos proving the Dao, his strength is unfathomable, and it is possible to calculate it.

Otherwise, he would not have worked so hard to create the Chaos Sutra.

"Is he worried that I'll be distracted from kendo and will waste time proving? Hehe, this kid..." Xiao Yun shook his head and smiled, feeling a little moved, Zhang Xiaofan's gift is too heavy.

There are five perfect avenues. Although Xiao Yun has an epiphany system, it won't take long for him to cultivate these five paths to the perfect Realm, but Tianwaitian and The Netherworld are coming soon. What Xiao Yun lacks most right now is time.

Xiao Yun would save a lot of time by refining the five avenues of the Holy Road.

Moreover, Xiao Yun's next focus can be placed on the Avenue of Space and Avenue of Time.

The Chaos Emperor is really well-intentioned.

Xiao Yun sighed and immediately entered the holy road.

Sure enough, Shenglu sensed the aura of Chaos Dao emanating from him, and there was no pressure to come.

Moreover, the entire Holy Road world has a very friendly feeling towards him, as if shouting, come and refine me.

Xiao Yun is more and more certain that this is what Chaos Great Emperor specially prepared for him.

"Everyone, leave the Holy Road immediately, or you will be killed without mercy!" Xiao Yun shouted loudly, spreading throughout the Holy Road world, making the practitioners deafening and awakening from the Closed Door Training.

In fact, there are not many cultivators who stay here, and most of them are Rogue Cultivators.

After all, now that the recovery of Spiritual Qi is coming, cultivating in the Nine Heavens Continent will benefit more than the Holy Road.

Therefore, many cultivators have returned to Jiuxiao Continent.

Only a small number of cultivation practitioners stayed for special reasons.

Xiao Yun wants to refine the world of the Holy Road. At that time, the whole world will collapse and the people inside will die, so he wants to expel these people in advance.

"Who? It seems to be Xiao Heavenly Emperor's voice?"

"Come on, Xiao Heavenly Emperor is here."

"Why did Xiao Heavenly Emperor drive us away?"

"Where does all this nonsense come from? You dare not obey Xiao Heavenly Emperor's orders?"


A group of Rogue Cultivators talked a lot and rushed to the entrance of the pilgrimage road.

Although they were very puzzled, none of them dared to question Xiao Yun's order.

After all, Xiao Heavenly Emperor is too powerful now, and has taken charge of this era.

In a short period of time, there is simply no one who can compete with Xiao Heavenly Emperor.

Even the seven super-powerful superpowers of The Netherworld were swept away by Xiao Heavenly Emperor.

For such a Wudi, no one dared to offend his majesty.


After Xiao Yun waited for everyone to leave, he directly closed all the doors of the Holy Road to prevent anyone from entering at this time.

Afterwards, his Lotus Position sat in the void and began to activate the Chaos Avenue to suppress the entire Holy Road World, preparing to refine the five avenues of the Holy Road World.

The five avenues of the Holy Road are not so easy to refine. If someone else comes, there is no chance at all, and they will even suffer a serious backlash.

There are five perfect avenues, all of them can prove the great emperor, which is equivalent to the five great emperors.

Even if the powerful emperor who proves the Tao comes, he cannot forcibly refine them.

Once they decide to backlash, even the Great Emperor may fall.

This is also the reason why there was no Great Emperor to refine these five great roads before, not because they didn't want to, but because they didn't have the ability.

Neither does Heavenly Emperor, at best destroy them.

Only the Chaos Avenue of the complete Realm can be recognized by these five avenues, because this is the rule set by the Chaos Emperor.

Therefore, after Xiao Yun urged the perfect Chaos Avenue, the five avenues of the 'Feng Shui Huo Lei' that built the world of the Holy Road spontaneously converged towards his body.

Xiao Yun closed his eyes, carefully comprehended the five avenues, and integrated them into the five kendos of 'Earth Feng Shui Huo Lei' that he understood.

Immediately, Xiao Yun's universe kendo got a great Ascension, and it grew rapidly, chasing his Chaos Avenue.

Universe kendo is more than half complete, and only space kendo and time kendo are left.

"It's so cool!"

Xiao Yun was very excited. He didn't need to continue cultivation. The five swordsmanships of 'Earth Feng Shui Huo Lei' were completely completed.

Next, as long as time kendo and space kendo are cultivated to the perfect Realm, Universe kendo will be completely completed, which is the real perfection-level kendo.

Moreover, this seven-in-one Perfection-level kendo is much more powerful than a single Perfection-level kendo.

Xiao Yun had calculated at the beginning that the supreme swordsmanship, Chaos Avenue, could be promoted to Heavenly Emperor Realm.

Universe Kendo, the strongest kendo path, can also allow him to be promoted to Heavenly Emperor Realm.

Then both Chaos Avenue and Universe Kendo are complete, and Xiao Yun can be directly promoted to Heavenly Emperor Realm.

This was originally his ambition.

But now, Xiao Yun has two chaotic bodies, the main body and the avatar. Once they merge with each other, then Xiao Yun may reach the peak of the Heavenly Emperor Realm and become a super power in the Heavenly Emperor Realm.

The Emperor Realm is divided into strengths and weaknesses, and Heavenly Emperor Realm naturally has strengths and weaknesses.

Heavenly Emperors in history can't be all the same, some are super powerful, and some can only be regarded as worthy of Heavenly Emperor Realm.

Chaos Emperor and Heavenly Emperor in the beginning are the super powerhouses in Heavenly Emperor Realm. Of course, they may have outgrown Heavenly Emperor Realm by now.

Xiao Yun cannot surpass Heavenly Emperor Realm in a short period of time, but if he can become a super powerhouse in Heavenly Emperor Realm, it will be good news for him, at least when he is fighting against Tianwaitian and The Netherworld, he will have Huge confidence.


With Xiao Yun refining the five avenues of 'Earth Feng Shui Huo Lei', the entire Holy Road World collapsed, and a Minor World was being destroyed.

Xiao Yun didn't want to waste it, opened his mouth wide, and directly sucked the treasure in the holy road into his mouth, refining it all.

At the same time, his Cultivation Base has also reached the peak of the quasi-emperor Ninth Stage, and has taken another step towards perfection.

Just half a step away, Xiao Yun will be able to reach the quasi-emperor Ninth Stage Realm.

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