Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 874: The Fall Of The Sword Emperor

The key to the calamity of 'asking will' is to do what we can.

Xiao Yun and Zao Wuji looked at each other and finally understood the key point of this level.

Not too ambitious, not too ambitious.

After all, the ambition is lofty, and the achievements in the future will be even greater.

Just look at the Emperor Shrouding the Heavens. It is estimated that he chose the "Great Emperor" as his goal, which made it more difficult for him to be promoted to Heavenly Emperor in the future.

Of course, how many Heavenly Emperors have been there since ancient times?

No matter how high your Talent is and how strong your confidence is, when it comes to Transcends Tribulation, you will still choose to be safe. First, let’s talk about the Great Dao. If you target 'Heavenly Emperor', your willpower can't keep up. Transcends Tribulation fails, Taoism perishes, then it's a fool.

"Thank you for your advice!" Xiao Yun took a deep breath and thanked Ye Qilin in front of him.

This kind of information about the emperor's robbery, only the emperor will know.

They were chaotic Sacred Land and there was no reincarnation of the Great Emperor. If Ye Qilin hadn't told him, he probably wouldn't have known it until the Transcends Tribulation.

Unintentionally, Ye Qilin saved his life, which made Xiao Yun's impression of Ye Qilin much better.

Much stronger than that dead ghost Ye Fei.

It is worthy of being the reincarnation of the great emperor, with the bearing of the great emperor.

"Xiao senior doesn't have to be like this. You are fighting for the Jiuxiao Continent, and I can see it. If you want to say thank you, we have to thank you." Ye Qilin waved his hand and smiled.

Zhao Wuji, who was beside him, stared at Ye Qilin, nodded and said, "You are much stronger than that kid Ye Fei, you are a person."

Ye Qilin smiled bitterly: "Ye Fei is also unlucky. He didn't know that this era would usher in the recovery of Spiritual Qi, so in order to compete for the only chance to prove the Tao, he secretly killed Xiao senior. After all, the realm of the emperor is too tempting. It’s a pity that it was too late to stop when he learned the news of Spiritual Qi’s recovery.”

After that, Ye Qilin looked at Xiao Yun with a serious face, and said solemnly: "I would also like to thank Xiao senior for opening up and not targeting our Ye family because of Ye Fei."

"Ye Fei is just Ye Fei, he doesn't represent your Ye family, my competition with him is just an ordinary imperial road competition, and there will be no family hatred involved."

Xiao Yun waved his hand.

When it comes to Realm like him, and then implicated in the enemy's family forces, it would be too much of a loss.

If the ancient emperors were so careful, as long as one emperor was born, wouldn't the rest of the Sacred Land and the emperor's family be ruined?

Therefore, the great emperor will have restraint, even if it is a domineering and powerful emperor, he rarely destroys his family and exterminates his family, unless you find death to provoke the emperor yourself.

After all, the Great Emperor also has descendants, as well as descendants. They will go to Immortal Road in the future, aren't they afraid that the next Great Emperor will attack his own descendants?

Of course, Tianwaitian will also warn the Great Emperor, plus the great Sacred Land and Great Emperor Family all have Great Emperors on Immortal Road, which also makes some Great Emperors have scruples and will not easily exterminate their families.


Suddenly, a terrifying Sword intent shot straight into the sky, piercing the Emperor Tribulation in the sky.

Xiao Yun and the others turned their heads to look, and found that Dugu Jian had passed the calamity of 'Wen Xin', and its powerful aura shot straight into the sky, clearly surpassing the realm of the otherworldly enlightenment, and took another step towards the realm of the great emperor.

However, Dugujian's current situation is also very miserable. When he was "inquired", Emperor Jie destroyed his body, and even his Yuanshen suffered heavy damage.

At this moment, Dugujian reorganized his body again, but his face was a little pale. The body can be reorganized, but the injury of Yuanshen is not so easy to recover.

"Physical cultivation is also very important. When you go through the three tribulations of 'questioning heart', 'questioning', and 'questioning will', the body is your first front to resist the imperial tribulation. Once the body collapses many times, it will affect you. If the primordial spirit is injured, the chances of successful Transcends Tribulation will become smaller and smaller." Ye Qilin sighed, he felt that the Dugu Sword had a high probability of failure.

The defensive power of a strong swordsman is inherently weak. Dugu Sword is too hasty in proving the way, and it is a way of proving swordsmanship that no one has ever succeeded in before. Naturally, the chance of success is very small.

"There is no problem with my body!" Zhao Heavenly Emperor heard the words confidently.

The ancient Sacred Body is known for its strong physical body. Among the supreme bodies of the same Realm, the Chaos Body and the Heavenly Tyrant Body can be compared with him.

What's more, Lao Zhao merged more than a dozen ancient Sacred Body, which is the strongest ancient Sacred Body in history.

Xiao Yun took it even more seriously, his body was stronger than the emperor's body.

He probably also figured out the power of this emperor's robbery. It is comparable to the attack power of the alternative enlightenment. Even the emperor's full-strength strike cannot be reached, and it is estimated that even his defense cannot be broken.

"Don't be careless, the power of the emperor's robbery is also divided into strong and weak, the stronger the talent, the stronger the emperor's robbery, especially the third robbery 'question', if your ambition is very high, then the emperor's robbery will be stronger. The power will also increase." Ye Qilin said solemnly.

Xiao Yun and Zhao Wuji were awe-inspiring, and dared not underestimate Di Jie any longer.

In the distance, Dugu Jian quickly recovered from his injuries, and immediately entered the 'question' session.

Boom boom boom boom boom... Sword intent burst out from Dugu Sword, and finally merged into one, with the prototype of Universe Sword intent.

Obviously, after being inspired by Xiao Yun, Dugu Jian also knew that the "Universe Sword Canon" lacks two kinds of kendo meanings of time and space.

However, he hastily demonstrated that in such a short time, it is impossible for him to comprehend the profound meaning of time and space.

But this kind of universe kendo is only superficial, the outside is real and the inside is empty, it is just a face project of tofu scum.

"His 'kendo' is already perfect, but unfortunately time and space are too weak to form a balance with his Feng Shui Huo Lei. This is a perfect kendo that is forcibly combined. The success rate of Transcends Tribulation is very low." Ye Qilin sighed and shook his head.

Dugujian should be the most likely person in the kendo line to successfully prove the Tao, but unfortunately this time the demonstration was too hasty.

If Dugu Jian is given a period of time to gain more insight into the profound meaning of time and space, then his universe kendo will be more perfect.

"Chaowen Daoxi can die!" Xiao Yun sighed softly, seemingly understanding Dugujian's state of mind.

Chao Wendao... Xi can die!

After the emperor's robbery, Dugu Sword's primordial spirit dimmed, cracks appeared in his body again, and blood spurted from his mouth, but his eyes became brighter and brighter.

Because he saw the most perfect kendo.

That was his lifelong pursuit.

Why has he cultivated for so many years? Isn't it just for this moment?

What about Chengdi? How about being the strongest?

You don't understand me.

I just want to witness the most perfect kendo.

The primordial spirit of Dugu Sword burst into a blazing light, and the entire body almost exploded. His primordial spirit was like a star, and the explosion collapsed into the void of the world.

Only a powerful universe of kendo rose into the sky and penetrated the robbery cloud. The terrifying Sword intent filled the entire Jiuxiao Continent, making the swords in the hands of countless kendo practitioners tremble.

The swords of the entire Jiuxiao Continent are worshiping in the direction of Heavenly Emperor City.

Today, the Sword Emperor has fallen, and Wan Jian worships.

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