Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 864: Spiritual Qi Recovery Comes

More than a month has passed, and according to Xiao Yun's induction, there are only ten days left before Spiritual Qi's recovery.

At this moment, Jiuxiao Continent has begun to undergo amazing changes.

This change made Xiao Yun feel a little familiar.

Heavenly Emperor City.

Xiao Yun opened Double Pupils and observed the entire Jiuxiao Continent.

His eyes turned to Nanling Wuzhikeng, the million-dollar mountain of the demon race, which had been smashed into a basin by the full blow of The Netherworld Emperor.

However, at this moment, a spectacular mirage appeared in the sky above this basin.

And the scene reflected by the mirage made Xiao Yun feel a little familiar.

Because the mirage is reflected in the majestic and majestic huge mountains, it is the hundreds of millions of mountains in the ancient times.

No, it's even bigger than the Hundred-Billion Mountains in the Primordial Age, and it looks more like a Ten-Billion Mountain.

The combination of the huge mountains is so shocking that it makes people stunned.

In fact, not only is Nanling changing, but majestic mirages have appeared all over the Jiuxiao Continent.

In Eastern Wasteland, a huge mountain body is reflected over Jianshen Mountain, as if the entire Jianshen Mountain has been raised by a million meters, like a peerless sword, piercing the sky.

There is also the Heavenly Emperor Mountain of the Ye family, which shows a huge mountain range in the sky, surrounded by various rare birds and beasts, just like the famous mountain of the Immortal family.

A mirage also appeared near Heavenly Emperor City. Not far from Heavenly Emperor City, a familiar battlefield appeared in Xiao Yun's line of sight.

That is the five clan battlefield.

Moreover, it is wider than the five clan battlefield, as if the area has increased a hundred times.

There is also the chaotic Sacred Land in Middle-earth, the mountain in the beginning, as long as it is a variety of famous mountains and rivers, there are spectacular mirages in the sky.

"The ancient times reappeared, and the real Jiuxiao Continent began to appear in the eyes of the world."

Xiao Yun has some experience.

He has been to the Primordial Era, where the Jiuxiao Continent was many times larger than the current Jiuxiao Continent.

It is more like the Endless Continent, and the area is extremely huge, but the Jiuxiao Continent in this era has shrunk many times.

Xiao Yun had always been puzzled before, but now he has some feelings.

The Heavenly Dao of Jiuxiao Continent was weakened, resulting in many parts of Jiuxiao Continent being hidden and sealed. Now that the recovery of Spiritual Qi is coming, the origin of Heavenly Dao has been strengthened, and the sealed area of ​​Jiuxiao Continent is gradually revealed.

Even, because the origin of the Heavenly Dao in the Nine Heavens Continent has become stronger, the area of ​​the Nine Heavens Continent is even larger than the Nine Heavens Continent in the Primordial Era.

"The spatial binding force is also getting stronger!"

Xiao Yun perceives the void around him, and he finds that even the surrounding space is changing.

If we talk about the previous space, in Xiao Yun's eyes, it is like glass, which can be broken easily.

Now, the space has become hard granite, and it is much more difficult to break it again.

Of course, for a strong man like Xiao Yun, it was easy to break the space.

However, for cultivation practitioners whose Cultivation Base is lower than the Zhundi Realm, it will become more difficult to break the space in the future.

In the past, any Transcendent realm cultivator could easily hit the Shattering Void.

But now, even Sage is hard to beat Shattering Void, and the Great Sage needs a full blow to shatter the void.

"Such a stable space is also good for Jiuxiao Continent." Xiao Yun thought to himself.

The space in the past was too fragile, so that a few Transcendent realm powerhouses could shatter a large space if they fought in a crowded place.

Well now, the space has become solid, and the destructive power of the powerful cultivator has been weakened, and it will no longer destroy the world at every turn.

Of course, the changes in Jiuxiao Continent are not just that.

Xiao Yun continued to observe Double Pupils. This time, he looked at the mortals with a huge base. He found that many old mortals were beginning to rejuvenate. Some white-haired old people still had black hair on their heads and skin All became rosy.

Some old people who were about to end their lifespan and were lying in bed waiting to die, suddenly regained their energy and could go to work in the fields in a few days.

There are also people who are seriously injured, and his injury recovery speed has also accelerated.

"This is the world of Immortal!"

Xiao Yun was overwhelmed with emotion.

The transformation of Jiuxiao Continent this time is too terrifying, as if it has evolved from the mortal world to the Immortal world.

Because even mortals have an increased lifespan.

Originally, mortals in Jiuxiao Continent could only live to be about 150 years old. In fact, most of them could only live to 90 to 100 years old, which was considered an advanced age.

But this transformation directly tripled the lifespan of these mortals.

In other words, even the lifespan of mortals has reached a few hundred years old, which is comparable to the previous cultivators.

The cultivator is even more terrifying.

In the past, the cultivator of the Transcendent realm only had a thousand-year lifespan, but now it has been directly enhanced tenfold, and it has become a ten-thousand-year lifespan.

Sage can live for more than 100,000 years, and Emperor Zhun can live for more than a million years.

An alternative enlightenment like Xiao Yun feels almost immortal, at least his life span is more than 100 million years.

Once the Dao Dao Emperor, then he is truly immortal and immortal, and he will live with the heaven and the earth.

"Our Jiuxiao Continent's world rank is approaching the prehistoric world!" Xiao Yun thought.

The ordinary Immortal people in the prehistoric world are only Sage-level, but they can live for millions of years. Now they are starting to catch up with the Nine Heavens Continent, which means that the Heavenly Dao gap between the two worlds is narrowing.

"This time, the recovery of Spiritual Qi is more powerful than I thought!"

Xiao Yun began to transmit voice to remind the people of Chaos Sacred Land to prepare them for the recovery of Spiritual Qi, and they should not miss this great opportunity.

In Jiuxiao Continent, only Xiao Yun knew the exact time when Spiritual Qi's recovery came.

Therefore, on this day, the Chaos Sacred Land disciples who were reminded all stayed at home Closed Door Training and entered the cultivation state.

They didn't go out to watch the fun like others, after all, there are many mirages now, causing many cultivators to go out to watch the fun.

"The Chaos Sacred Land actually ordered all the disciples to return. It seems that the recovery of Spiritual Qi is about to come." Wu Hao, who had experienced abroad, also returned. He successfully survived the Nirvana catastrophe and was promoted to the Transcendent realm.

At this time, he was very much looking forward to the coming of Spiritual Qi's recovery, so that he could quickly become sanctified, and even become a quasi-emperor.

Zao Wou-Ki, Di Tian and Lei Zu are all in Closed Door Training cultivation.

When Spiritual Qi revival comes, if you are in cultivation state, you will get more benefits.

With Xiao Yun's reminder, everyone in Chaos Sacred Land has entered a cultivation state.

Of course, other sects are not idiots either. The ancient Sacred Land, who has a good relationship with Chaos Sacred Land, sees all the Closed Door Training cultivation of Chaos Sacred Land, and there are some vague guesses.

In short, many people entered the cultivation state on this day.

One day...two days...three days...

The Spiritual Qi recovery has finally arrived.

Heavenly Emperor City, Xiao Yun looked up at the sky, in his Double Pupils eyes, the Dao Law of the entire Jiuxiao Continent was completely boiling.

The concentration of Spiritual Qi is increasing rapidly!

Xiao Yun just took a breath, and the huge power of the law was converted, filling the whole body.

The immortal ancestor next to him couldn't suppress the Cultivation Base. He was directly promoted from the quasi-emperor Ninth Stage to the pinnacle of the quasi-emperor Ninth Stage, and he continued to attack, and it seemed that he was about to step into the alternative Realm of enlightenment.


A huge black ghost suddenly came from the long river of time and space, and gradually merged with the indestructible ancestor.

Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed.

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