Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

800 And 60 Chapters Former Ancestors

Feeling the golden word 'emperor' between his eyebrows, Xiao Yun's face became ugly. This thing has no attack power at all, and it's no wonder he couldn't stop it just now. This should be a positioning mark, which can let the Heavenly Emperor know at any time his position.

Dammit, isn't that just destroying an unwanted imperial soldier? Do you need to be so angry? not dying...

Xiao Yun was very depressed and inexplicably provoked a powerful enemy.

This emperor Heavenly Emperor is not ordinary. When he was in Jiuxiao Continent, he was Heavenly Emperor. He went to Immortal Road for many years. Who knows how far he has reached.

However, Xiao Yun is not afraid, after all, the other party can't come to Jiuxiao Continent now.

"You kid has provoked several great emperors before you have become an emperor. You can really cause trouble." The indestructible ancestor on the side was speechless.

Xiao Yun smiled bitterly and said, "It's all because of the trouble to find the door."

Speaking of which, there are really many enemies of his Great Emperor.

Not to mention Tianwaitian and The Netherworld, just the great emperors of Jiuxiao Continent, there are quite a few.

Like Heavenly Emperor of Sacred Land in the very beginning, Xiaoyao Emperor of the Jun family, and this emperor Heavenly Emperor, maybe there is also an emperor on the demon clan who hates him.

"It's still not enough..." Soon after, Chaos Clock digested the Supreme Crown and said with some regret.

Apparently, one imperial pawn is not enough for him to advance to the Heavenly Emperor pawn.

Xiao Yun is not in a hurry, waiting for the indestructible ancestor to repair the remaining imperial soldiers, maybe Chaos Bell can be promoted.


The Netherworld.

The Underworld on the eighteenth floor of the Underworld.

Seven figures walked out from the dark door.

Each of them was seriously injured, as if they had just experienced a tragic battle, and their breath was extremely weak.

However, their eyes were very shining, blazing like the sun in the sky.

Their spirit, their supreme will, is like a fiery rainbow, penetrating the void above The Netherworld.


Suddenly, a huge breath swept across.

The space in front of him shattered, and a stalwart figure emerged. He was like a dark sun in the sky, exuding a glorious and vast aura, and the unparalleled imperial power swept the entire The Netherworld like a vast sea.

"Meet the third Hades!"

The seven figures who came out of The Underworld on the eighteenth floor of the Emperor Ming hurriedly bowed respectfully and saluted the people who came.

The person in front of him is the third Hades of The Netherworld. His Cultivation Base is unfathomable. He is a very strong existence among the great emperors. Some people even say that he has achieved Heavenly Emperor.

In The Netherworld, there are a total of 18 Plutos, of which the first Pluto, the second Pluto and the third Pluto are extremely special existences.

They have all lived so long that everyone has forgotten their names and can only honor them as first, second and third.

In fact, there are rumors that they have made Heavenly Emperor.

"Three hundred and ninety-two peerless geniuses, all of them are the quasi-emperor Seventh Stage, and the quasi-emperor Eighth Stage. In the end, only the seven of you survived. The Underworld on the eighteenth floor of the Underworld is still as cruel as ever."

The third Hades opened his dark eyes, glanced at the seven people in front of him, and then locked his gaze on Li Chengdi among them.

"Emperor Li Cheng, you are the youngest among these people. I didn't expect you to survive, but you did not live up to the cultivation of the Emperor Pluto." The third Pluto said with a smile.

Li Chengdi quickly said respectfully, "Junior was only able to survive by luck."

There was no humility in his words.

Because he is very miserable now, there are traces of swords all over his body, both arms have been cut off, and there is a large wound that has been pierced through his chest. It looks bloody and very terrifying.

It can be said that Li Chengdi had only his last breath left, gritted his teeth and insisted on walking out of The Underworld on the 18th floor of the Underworld Emperor.

"To be able to walk out of The Underworld on the eighteenth floor of the Underworld is a victory!" The third Hades waved his hand, and then said to the seven people in front of him: "You go to the Underworld to repair your injuries first, and after the Realm is stabilized, pass through The Netherworld immediately. Go to Jiuxiao Continent and kill a man named 'Xiao Yun'."

Li Chengdi was surprised when he heard the words, beheading Xiao Yun? What big thing did this guy Xiao Yun do?

However, he did not dare to ask the third Hades, even though the third Hades was cheerful and very kind, but that was just an appearance.

None of the Hades of The Netherworld are good people, they are all killed from the sea of ​​corpses and blood.


The seven people of Li Chengdi left The Underworld on the 18th floor of the Underworld Emperor and went to the Underworld.

This is the place where all beings in The Netherworld were born, and it is also the place where the dead souls of Jiuxiao Continent were born. Countless skeletons were born here, and then they killed each other and evolved.

There are very few who can actually reach the top.

Even if the quasi-emperor powerhouses recover with a part of their memories, they may not be able to walk out of the sea of ​​​​underworld alive.

Because there are too many undead skeletons here, even if you have memories of previous lives, you can quickly become stronger, but too many ants can kill an elephant, and once you are besieged by countless undead, you will still fall.

Unless he is lucky, like Li Chengdi, he gets the attention of the big figures in The Netherworld and is led away from the sea of ​​​​Netherworld in advance.

"Li Chengdi, you are the youngest among us. You have only recovered for less than a thousand years. You should know the identity of the 'Xiao Yun' mentioned by the third Hades?" Suddenly, a sharp voice came.

Li Chengdi turned his head to look, there was a lonely man with a long sword in his sight, his pupils could not help shrinking: "Dugu sword!"

Once the first genius of Jiuxiao Continent, he swept many Sacred Land and the sons and gods of the great family. He was known as the strongest swordsman genius in history, but unfortunately he died without becoming a saint.

But this person was introduced by a Pluto, and now his strength is unfathomable, which makes Li Chengdi feel very jealous.

Because the seven people who also walked out of The Underworld on the 18th floor of the Underworld, only Dugu Jian did not have many injuries, which shows that his strength is extremely powerful.

"Dugu Jian, Xiao Yun has something to do with you. He got your kendo inheritance and is the strongest kendo genius in Jiuxiao Continent after you. No, it should be said that he has surpassed you in kendo." Li Chengdi looked at Dugu Jian and said lightly.

When Dugu Jian heard the words, his eyes suddenly froze, and a strong fighting intent burst out from his eyes.

"My successor? He surpassed me in kendo?" The corner of Dugujian's mouth rose slightly, and the fighting intent in his eyes became stronger and stronger.

"By the way, Xiao Yun is still the strongest son of Chaos Sacred Land, because he created the Chaos Body." Li Chengdi said, looking at the five people behind him.

When the words fell, among the five people, three of them instantly shone brightly.

Li Chengdi knew them, and he knew that these three were from Chaos Sacred Land.

"The strongest god? Chaos Sacred Land has only one strongest god, and that's me." The Five Elements god child sneered.

In the history of Chaos Sacred Land, he is the strongest son of God.

"I once cultivated the "Chaos Sutra" to the 107th floor, and was stuck at the last level. I thought this Emperor Sutra was a lie, but I didn't expect that someone actually created the Chaos Body." Chaos Venerable said sharply. .

This is the peak era of Chaos Sacred Land, an extremely terrifying character who cultivated the "Chaos Sutra" to the 107th floor, and only one step away, he created the Chaos Body.

"Our Chaos Sacred Land is really talented. In this case, let's send him to The Netherworld for recovery." The third person came out, covered with dark blue lightning, and once had the 'Thor God' ' title.

Li Chengdi was secretly startled, the former Chaos Sacred Land was really scary, and powerful geniuses emerged one after another.

Xiao Yun, this time your opponent is not only me, but also your ancestors of Chaos Sacred Land, are you ready?

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