Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 860 The Secret Of Heavenly Emperor

Speaking of which, the Immortal sword is older than the Chaos Bell, after all, it became an imperial soldier before the Chaos Emperor became enlightened.

Unfortunately, it was not a sword emperor who forged it, and there was not even a great emperor master to nurture him, so naturally it was far inferior to the Chaos Bell.

Moreover, the Chaos Clock is based on the Chaos Avenue, which contains everything, and can devour the origin of the imperial soldiers, which is also his special ability.

Although Immortal Sword was a little jealous, he could only stare at Chaos Bell and continue to grow stronger.

"Then I'm welcome. Since Emperor Chaos left, I haven't evolved for many years, alas."

Chaos Clock said excitedly.

The next moment, a golden beam of light shrouded down, swallowing the three imperial soldiers of the Sealing Stone Seal, the Heavenly Asking Mirror and the Tianshui Bottle.

These three imperial soldiers belonged to Xiao Yun and had his imprint, so when the Chaos Bell devoured the origin of these three imperial soldiers, he even heard the whine of the three imperial soldiers.

It's a pity that you have no intelligence, so I don't treat you as human beings.

Xiao Yun didn't feel distressed.

These imperial soldiers do not have any artifact, so he naturally doesn't feel anything, and he won't feel distressed and reluctant.

The only imperial soldiers he really cared about were the Scarlet Lotus Terrace, the Immortal Sword and the Chaos Bell.

As for the other pieces of Imperial Armament, the Tianjing mirror was relatively more useful, but it was snatched from Jun's family, so Xiao Yun naturally had no feelings for it.

It seems that the seal stone seal was also stolen.

The Tianshui bottle was bestowed on the holy road. Seriously, these three imperial soldiers were not taken seriously by Xiao Yun.


As the Chaos Clock devoured the origins of the three pieces of imperial soldiers, its radiance became more and more dazzling, and its own aura continued to grow stronger.

Xiao Yun narrowed his eyes, the evolution of imperial soldiers was more simple and crude, and it was enough to devour the same kind directly.

It's just like the ancient days.

Although Xiao Yun devoured Demon Seeds very quickly, there was a limit, he could only devour the same Realm.

He was the Emperor Zhun before, so he could only devour the powerhouse of the Emperor, unlike Gu Tianyi, who could devour the entire Heavenly Sword Sacred Land.

And now, Xiao Yun has transformed all the energy in his body into the power of law, he has become an alternative enlightenment, equivalent to the great emperor.

Therefore, Xiao Yun can't even swallow the Emperor Zhun now, he can only swallow the powerhouse of the Emperor level.

Or swallowing Gu Tianyi, an equally different kind of powerhouse.

Speaking of which, Xiao Yun still has a lot of magic seeds that he hasn't harvested in the cultivation world, but unfortunately they can't be harvested anymore.

Even Long Yi, Golden-winged Great Peng, and Vermillion Bird, Xiao Yun can't harvest them now.

Fortunately, the three mythical beasts are now hiding in the true dragon's nest. When Spiritual Qi recovers, maybe they can also become enlightened. Xiao Yun now hopes that they can become stronger so that he can continue to harvest.


The breath of the Chaos Clock rose into the sky, and a dazzling golden light filled the entire Heavenly Emperor city.

The terrifying Emperor's mighty might, swept in all directions.

At the gate of The Netherworld opposite Heavenly Emperor City, he felt a sudden sensation and began to gather evil energy to resist the invasion of the golden light of the Chaos Bell.

"Xiao Yun, do you want to fight again? You can't destroy the gate of The Netherworld at all, don't waste your efforts."

The gloomy voice of the King of the Netherworld came from the door of The Netherworld.

Feeling the powerful aura bursting out from the Chaos Bell, he was a little shocked. It had only been a few months, and Xiao Yun actually became stronger again.

He didn't know that Chaos Bell could become stronger, and thought that Xiao Yun had become stronger, so he urged Chaos Bell to explode with more powerful power.

After all, even in their Realm, it is not easy for imperial soldiers to evolve and become stronger.

Their great emperor of The Netherworld would not allow the imperial soldiers to give birth to weapon spirits. Even if they were born, they would be wiped out directly, because they felt that it would be easier to control the imperial soldiers.

"King Kongming, don't make a fuss, you are too timid, I just made a breakthrough in cultivation. A peerless genius like me is getting stronger every moment. When your body can cross the border, I've been promoted to Heavenly Emperor Realm."

Xiao Yun's voice came out of Heavenly Emperor city with a mighty voice.

He knew that the King of Kongming had misunderstood, but he did not explain it, instead, he was happy that the King of Kongming continued to misunderstand.

In this way, the King of Kongming will be more afraid of him, and he will not shoot casually. He will definitely accumulate stronger power before shooting again.

At that time, Spiritual Qi's recovery has come, his deity has also been released, and he has become stronger.

Xiao Yun is also happy to procrastinate a little longer now.

"Hmph, what a shame, do you think Heavenly Emperor Realm is so easy to step into? I have been cultivating for 800,000 years, and I am still trapped in the ultimate Emperor Realm. If you want to step into Heavenly Emperor Realm, you must To understand the origin law of the Dao, and also to have the strongest Dao of cultivation, how difficult is it that you can create it overnight." The King of the Underworld sneered.

Eight hundred thousand years?

What a waste!

Xiao Yun cursed inwardly, but said with a smile: "King of Kongming, you just said the strongest avenue, my chaos avenue should be the strongest avenue, so is your space avenue?"

"Of course!"

The King of the Underworld said proudly: "Chaos, space, time, time and space, and Samsara are all the strongest avenues. Once the Dao is successfully proven, the worst is the ultimate powerhouse of the emperor, and promotion to Heavenly Emperor is just around the corner."

"Just around the corner?" Xiao Yun was almost amused. You've been cultivating for 800,000 years, and it's just around the corner... It's really long.

It can only be said that the Talent of the King of the Underworld is too wasteful.

However, Xiao Yun did not ridicule the King of Kongming, and it was rare to chat with the King of Kongming about cultivation. He also hoped to learn more about the emperor from the mouth of this old fellow.

"King of the Underworld, as far as I know, many Heavenly Emperors have been born in our Jiuxiao Continent in history, are they all the strongest avenues of cultivation? Why do I feel that some of them are not the strongest avenues of cultivation. " Xiao Yun continued.

"That's your short-sightedness!" The King of the Underworld laughed, he seemed to have found a sense of superiority, and sneered: "In addition to taking the strongest path, you can achieve Heavenly Emperor, cultivate various paths, and you can also be promoted to Heavenly Emperor. For example, water and fire. , life and death, light and darkness, etc., these diametrically opposed avenues, once the cultivation is successful and merged with each other, you can step into Heavenly Emperor Realm.”

"Three thousand avenues, there are far more Taos in this world than you can imagine. As long as the combination is perfect, two or three or four, after the fusion becomes strong enough, you can be promoted to Heavenly Emperor Realm."

The King of the Netherworld said with a smile: "In our The Netherworld, there are many Hades who take various paths to integrate this path. Our Heavenly Emperor in The Netherworld is not only the Hades, I tell you, just to make you feel Despair, even if you become Heavenly Emperor, you can't escape death."

"Haha!" After Xiao Yun got the information, he didn't bother to pay attention to the King of the Underworld, and he began to observe the evolved Chaos Clock.

There are some mysterious lines on Chaos Bell's body, and the powerful aura surprised Xiao Yun, which is obviously much stronger than other imperial soldiers.

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