Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 857 Evolution Visible To The Naked Eye

Xiao Heavenly Emperor stunned the world.

No one in the cultivation world would have imagined that Xiao Yun had just become a different kind of Taoist, and he had defeated a great emperor head-on. Although it was only the emperor's divine residence, it was also a powerhouse at the level of an emperor.

With such a mighty battle, the entire Jiuxiao Continent was boiling.

Xiao Heavenly Emperor's popularity reached its peak for a while.

After this battle, there were more Sacred Lands and great families who came to Chaos Sacred Land to congratulate them. Chaos Sacred Land has become the undisputed strongest force in Jiuxiao Continent.


Heavenly Emperor City.

Xiao Yun's clone sat here, with the Chaos Clock hanging above his head, the Imperial Soldier Immortal sword suspended beside him, and there were chaotic air currents hanging down around him, and the atmosphere was amazing.

At this moment, on Xiao Yun's body, every inch of flesh and blood is blooming with splendid light, flesh and blood, acupoint(s) Meridians, internal organs, Divine Sense... all of them are shining brightly, absorbing the power of the law, and then returning to chaos.

Every moment, the power of law is sucked from the surrounding world, constantly filling Xiao Yun's body. His body is like a bottomless pit, constantly containing more power of law.

"The consumption of the previous battle has been fully recovered, but this is not the limit of my physical body, and I can still absorb more power of the law."

Xiao Yun felt his own body and found that his own body was extremely powerful.

He has just stepped into the Zhundi Ninth Stage, which is regarded as the early stage of the Zhundi Ninth Stage, far from reaching the limit, and can continue to climb upwards.

Therefore, after Xiao Yun finished the battle, he immediately began to practice in Heavenly Empire City Closed Door Training.

"This guy's strength is very strong. The luck I won last time was due to the location... and his pride and carelessness."

Xiao Yun raised his head, staring at the void in front of him, towards the gate of The Netherworld outside Heavenly Emperor.

The King of Netherworld is very domineering and proud, and he put the gate of The Netherworld in front of the gate of Heavenly Emperor City, showing his own strong attitude.

Obviously, he is not reconciled with the previous defeat, and may soon retake Heavenly Emperor City again.

This is also normal.

Great emperors have always been accustomed to follow the law, Wudi, who would be willing to be beaten and leave?

Besides, Xiao Yun was only a junior, not even the Great Emperor Realm.

The dignity of the King of the Underworld must not tolerate him being driven out of Heavenly Emperor City like this.

"This time, he was careless and underestimated my strength. Next time, if he makes a comeback, he will definitely bring more powerful strength." Xiao Yun's eyes were solemn.

Although he defeated the god of the king of the sky, he did not underestimate the other party at all. This great emperor who walked the space avenue is definitely not an ordinary emperor. Even if it is not Heavenly Emperor, he is also the peak powerhouse among the emperors.

Most of the opponent's strength is supporting the gate of The Netherworld, and the deity cannot cross the border, so he can only urge the god's residence to cross the border.

Even so, the strength of the opponent's mansion was greatly weakened when it crossed the border.

Therefore, Xiao Yun's ability to defeat the opponent's divine mansion was nothing to be proud of.

You must know that in the last battle, Xiao Yun's strength had already exploded, and the powerful imperial soldiers such as Chaos Bell and Immortal Sword were also used.

If the next time the King of the Underworld strikes again, Xiao Yun will not be sure, unless the deity leaves the border.

Therefore, Xiao Yun is also continuing the Ascension strength.


At the time of Xiao Yun Ascension's strength, some strange things began to appear in the cultivation world of Jiuxiao Continent.

That is, the practitioners feel that the breakthrough bottleneck has become much easier. The bottleneck of every Realm is easier to break through than before.

There are many old men and grandmothers who are trapped at the peak of the Transcendent realm. When their lifespan arrives, they are about to enter the earth, but they suddenly step into the heaven, adding another thousand years of lifespan.

There are also some who are trapped at the peak of the heavens, and they have all broken through and become holy one by one.

This is just an ordinary cultivator. For those genius cultivators, the breakthrough is even simpler.

Many geniuses with special physique, now the cultivation speed is the same as riding a rocket, Ascension is sharp Ascension.

In Chaos Sacred Land, Xiao Tianci, Liu Jie, and Xing Yueling, the three supreme bodies, have already accumulated a lot and have been promoted to the cave realm, and they are still in the extreme realm, and they will soon advance to the spiritual sacrifice realm.

Wu Hao is even faster. He did not pursue the extreme realm. He has already advanced to the Nirvana realm, and has already traveled, preparing to overcome the catastrophe of the Nirvana realm and step into the Transcendent realm.

Not only the genius of Chaos Sacred Land is advancing by leaps and bounds, but also the genius of other sect forces.

Everyone found that Jiuxiao Continent had changed. The change was huge, and even ordinary people felt it.

Because some ordinary mortals found that some black hair appeared on their own white hair, and found that some of their old scars gradually recovered.

Even some of the big trees are getting taller and more apparent, some Demonic Beasts are getting stronger, and some beasts are speeding up to become Demonic Beasts.

The entire Jiuxiao Continent is evolving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this time, every practitioner has felt that Spiritual Qi recovery is coming soon.

"I've been waiting for this day for a long time."

Heavenly Emperor Mountain, Ye Qilin stood up abruptly, and ten caves were revealed behind him.

Ten caves formed a circle, bursting with awe-inspiring power.

Ye Bufan, the next emperor of the Ye family, said with a look of admiration: "Qilin, you are too powerful. You have stepped into the extreme realm in Dongtian again. You are more powerful than those supreme bodies. Ye Fei was far behind you back then."

"There's nothing to be proud of. I have the accumulation of my previous life. It's naturally a lot easier to step into the extreme realm. The key is to get out of the second path. This is my biggest difficulty." Ye Qilin said flatly, without the slightest pride. color.

At this time, his ten major caves began to merge into one, turning into the only cave, forming the inner world.

In his inner world, there is a blazing light group, it is a powerful figure, exuding a strong Sage breath.

"This is your Sage Dao Fruit, the Dao of your past life? Aren't you going to give up the Dao of your previous life?" Ye Bufan wondered.

He knew that this Sage was the Cultivation Base that Ye Qilin cut off before. After all, Ye Qilin was a Sage when he was born, but this shocking Cultivation Base was cut off by Ye Qilin.

"I didn't give up on the Tao in my previous life. I wanted to give up originally, but seeing Xiao Yun's body and the way of his clones gave me some inspiration." Ye Qilin squinted and looked in the direction of Heavenly Emperor City.

"Xiao Yun's main body walks the Chaos Dao, and his clone follows the Sword Dao. He has great ambitions. He walks the two strongest avenues at the same time. Once combined, he will definitely surpass those Heavenly Emperors."

Ye Qilin's eyes couldn't help showing a hint of surprise and admiration.

Immediately, Ye Qilin's eyes narrowed and his eyes blazingly said: "So, I decided to keep the fruit of the previous life, and then cultivate a new one. Then it will become one, and it is not a problem to be promoted to Heavenly Emperor."

This is the inspiration he got from Xiao Yun, instead of throwing away the Dao fruit of the previous life, it is better to integrate it into the new Dao.

Ye Bufan was surprised when he heard this. If there was another Heavenly Emperor in their Ye family, it would be a double Heavenly Emperor, and he was very excited when he thought about it.

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