At this meeting, the Taoist bodies of Gu Tianyi and Long Yi also came.

Ye Fei, Wu Gang, and Jun Xiaoyao were staring at Gu Tianyi at the moment, but with just a Taoist body, they couldn't see the depth of Gu Tianyi at all.

"Gu Tianyi, what kind of Realm are you now?" Ye Fei asked directly.

Gu Tianyi didn't hide it either, and smiled lightly: "Emperor Zhundi Eighth Stage is at its peak, just like Xiao Yun. Of course, his strength is far inferior to Xiao Yun's. At most, he is not much different from the ancestor of Kunpeng."

Not far away, the Taoist body of the Kunpeng ancestor also came. Hearing Gu Tianyi's words, his eyelids twitched.

Dammit, daddy has been in bed scenes for 10,000 years, and finally got promoted to the top of the Ninth Stage of the quasi-emperor. I thought I would be the boss after coming out, but I was immediately slapped by Xiao Yun. Now I dare to talk to anyone I meet. The daddy is almost the same, it's really a daddy.

He was a little regretful. If he knew this, he should have attacked the Great Emperor Realm ten thousand years ago. Even if he failed and died, he would admit it. What if he succeeded?

Alas, I still didn't have the guts.

There is a stable and safe way to be promoted to the emperor. Of course, the ancestor of Kunpeng would not choose to take the risk of crossing the emperor's calamity.

Ancestor Kunpeng glanced at Gu Tianyi not far away, but he did not question Gu Tianyi's words. The other party had the Heavenly Demon body, the Heavenly Tyrant Body and the Ancient Sacred Body, and even the Innate Sacred Body of his own son. The body has been swallowed up, such a person, Talent is second only to Xiao Yun, even in the Eighth Stage, he is enough to be on par with him.

"The Emperor of the Eighth Stage is the pinnacle of the sky!"

Ye Fei, Wu Gang, Jun Xiaoyao and the others took a deep breath, and their gazes towards Gu Tianyi became more and more vigilant.

With such a Cultivation Base, coupled with Gu Tianyi's Talent, the opponent already has the capital to kill them.

To be honest, Ye Fei and WISCO are a little hesitant now, do they really want to cooperate with Gu Tianyi?

Would it be better if he chose to surrender to Xiao Yun?

Seemingly guessing what they were thinking, Gu Tian glanced at Ye Fei and the others, his eyes faintly said: "I can devour you, Xiao Yun can also harvest you by planting a demon seed on you, in fact, it is the same for you to choose. I'm relatively easy to deal with, so let's kill Xiao Yun together first."

Ye Fei, Wuhan Iron and the others did not say a word.

Indeed, Xiao Yun planted demon seeds on them, and he would also reap them, just like Gu Tianyi.

Moreover, Xiao Yun's potential is even greater, and he will be even more unstoppable when he proves it later.

Do they want to pray for Xiao Yun's kindness?

Do not make jokes.

As early as 500 years ago, Xiao Yun was able to hit the Sacred Land alone in the early days. When he returned after 500 years, he immediately robbed the Jun family's Wentian Mirror by conspiracy and trickery, causing the Jun family to almost be destroyed.

At the beginning of the Sacred Land, the former No. 1 Sacred Land, was also destroyed by Xiao Yun.

Such a person who is ruthless to the enemy, do you expect him to be kind to you?

Ye Fei and Wuhan Iron and Steel really didn't have that certainty in their hearts.

Relatively speaking, in the face of Gu Tianyi, although they are also afraid, at least they still have the confidence to fight against him. Together, they can even kill Gu Tianyi with confidence.

But facing Xiao Yun, they really had no confidence at all.

Because up to now, they have only been competing with Xiao Yun's clone, and they don't even know how strong Xiao Yun's main body is.

This high probability can only kill Xiao Yun's clone, make Xiao Yun lose an arm, and weaken Xiao Yun's strength.

In this way, they will be able to kill Xiao Yun's deity next time.

"Gu Tianyi, when do you think Xiao Yun will act?" Ye Fei asked immediately.

Now that he was determined to take action against Xiao Yun, he naturally had to ask Gu Tianyi for advice. This guy and Xiao Yun were mortal enemies, and he believed that Gu Tianyi would not have any reservations about dealing with Xiao Yun.

Gu Tianyi narrowed his eyes, pointed in the direction of Chaos Sacred Land, and sneered: "Chaos Sacred Land is very lively today, and now no one thinks Chaos Sacred Land will do a big thing at this time, so Xiao Yun and the others have Might do it today."

"What!" Golden-winged Great Peng and Vermillion Bird stood up immediately.

Ancestor Kunpeng's eyes turned cold, and then his body disappeared immediately and returned to his original body.

Ye Fei and Wuhan Steel also looked solemn.

"Are you sure?" Ye Fei stared at Gu Tianyi.

Gu Tianyi waved his hand and said: "Of course I can't be sure, but the probability is very high."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go quickly!" WISCO immediately said as he patted the table.

Ye Fei glared at him and snorted coldly, "Calm down!"

He wouldn't believe Gu Tianyi right away, what if this guy transferred them out and then secretly ambush them?

"Where are you and Long Yi's deity?" Ye Fei looked at Gu Tianyi and asked in a deep voice.

Gu Tianyi shrugged and said, "Long Yi and I are in Eastern Wasteland. If you believe me, then everyone will rush to the Nanling Million Mountain. If you doubt me, then leave separately. Everyone is here. Millions of mountains in Nanling meet."

Ye Fei stared at Gu Tianyi's eyes, as if to see what Gu Tianyi was thinking, he pondered for a moment, then snorted coldly: "Let's go together, there are so many of us, are we still afraid of you?"

Mainly because of the token given by the gatekeeper of The Netherworld, which could allow him to summon a quasi-Emperor Ninth Stage powerhouse at any time, and with so many of them, he believed that it was enough to deal with Gu Tianyi.

In the final analysis, Gu Tianyi's strength is not so terrible. When the war was fought in the Jun family, Gu Tianyi also made a full effort, and Ye Fei and the others could still see it.

And the unfathomable like Xiao Yun is the real most terrifying enemy.

"Leader Ye is courageous, but in order to avoid being discovered by Xiao Yun, we still have to be careful." Gu Tianyi reminded.

Ye Fei nodded, who knows if Chaos Sacred Land is monitoring them in Eastern Wasteland, they don't dare to gamble, it's better to be careful.

At the moment, several people dispersed directly.

Ye Fei, Wuhan Iron and Steel, Jun Xiaoyao, Golden-winged Great Peng, Vermillion Bird, their bodies are all in Heavenly Emperor Mountain and can leave at any time.

Wen Tianyu and Zhang Zewen haven't recovered from their injuries, so they couldn't make a move this time, but both of them came up with a hole card.

That is the life-saving means left by Wen Heavenly Emperor and Wu Heavenly Emperor. Together, they can be comparable to a quasi emperor of the Seventh Stage. After all, it is the Heavenly Emperor family, and there are still trump cards.


Not long after, the deities of Gu Tianyi and Long Yi also came and appeared not far away, not daring to enter Heavenly Emperor Mountain.

Ye Fei glanced at them and said coldly, "Let's go, I hope Xiao Yun can be resolved smoothly this time."

Several people tore apart the space and disappeared.

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