Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

800 And 30 8 Chapters Distribution Of Imperial Soldiers

Zhao Heavenly Emperor took a beating, and finally stopped showing off, sitting beside him with a bruised face and drinking.

Xiao Yun felt refreshed for a while, and looked at Zao Wou-Ki with satisfaction. He smiled and said to Di Tian and the others: "Old Zhao's strength is still good, this time harvesting the Kunpeng ancestor is absolutely foolproof."

Di Tian and the others looked at Zao Wou-Ki, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face next to him. They were all speechless. They thought Xiao Yun was boasting.

If Zhao Heavenly Emperor is powerful, how could you be beaten like this? Doesn't this make you more powerful?

In fact, they misunderstood, Xiao Yun really has no modesty.

Zao Wou-Ki has indeed become a lot stronger this time, his Cultivation Base has reached the Quasi-Emperor Eighth Stage, but he has integrated more than ten ancient Sacred Body, making his Talent much stronger, and his combat power is comparable to The ancestor of Kunpeng, who was at the peak of the Ninth Stage of the quasi-emperor.

That's why Xiao Yun Cultivation Base is higher than him and Talent is stronger than him, so he overwhelms him.

If it was Gu Tianyi, it would not be so easy. Even if he could defeat Zao Wuji, he would have to pay a huge price.

This time, it was just a bare-handed sparring. If God soldiers were all used, Xiao Yun would not be able to easily subdue Zao Wou-Ki. At most, it would be very difficult to kill Zao Wou-Ki just like the Kunpeng ancestor.

"Now that Zao Wou-Ki and Dugu Baitian are out, we just have to wait for the indestructible ancestor to go out."

After Di Tian finished speaking, he looked at Xiao Yun and said with a serious face, "Would you like to go to one or two of us? I am the fifth stage of the fifth stage of the Emperor Zhundi now, and with God soldiers, I can barely participate in this battle."

He knew his own strength. If there were no imperial soldiers, he would only be a drag on Xiao Yun, but with imperial soldiers, it would be different.

Emperor soldiers can often narrow the gap between each other. Even if they also have emperor soldiers, the weak can be relatively strengthened a lot, and the strong can be strengthened less.

Take Xiao Yun, for example, he is now using imperial soldiers, although he can also increase his strength, but the enhancement is much less.

This is because his body is already comparable to the strength of the emperor's soldiers, and his own strength is close to that of the emperor. Naturally, the emperor's soldiers do not have much bonus effect for him.

"Master, you should stay in Chaos Sacred Land. In case our news leaks, there is no guarantee that no one will come to Chaos Sacred Land to trouble you, so you can stay here." Xiao Yun shook his head and refused.

Zhao Wuji also came over and waved his hand: "Old man Di Tian, ​​your strength is too poor, just stay at home and retire."

Di Tian stared at him with rage, this bastard... he really needs to be beaten.

"Xiao Yun, Immortality, Dugu Baitian, Zao Wuji, four people are enough, Di Tian, ​​you can rest easy, let the four of them bring as many imperial soldiers as possible." Lei Zu said with a smile.

Zao Wou-Ki curled his lips and said, "Why put me last?" He felt very unhappy.

Lei Zu was speechless, so I just listed your names casually, you have to fight for this?

Xiao Yun took out his own imperial soldiers at this time. Before harvesting the Kunpeng ancestor, he was going to start distributing the imperial soldiers.

He now has an Immortal sword, a mirror to ask the sky, a bottle of water from the sky, a seal of seal, and a total of four imperial weapons.

There is also the blood-colored lotus platform, although it is not an imperial soldier, but with the combat power of Ascension Xiao Yun, he can be compared to the Supreme King of the Ancients, and he is actually no different from an imperial soldier.

By the way, there is also Lao Zhao's Black Dragon Spear, Chaos Sacred Land's Chaos Bell, and Indestructible Ancestor's Red and Black Immortal Armor.

Their chaotic Sacred Land now has seven imperial soldiers, which is terrifying.

"It's enough for Lao Zhao to have the Black Dragon Spear."

Xiao Yun glanced at Zao Wuji, then looked at Dugu Baitian.

Zao Wou-Ki's strength has increased, and with the addition of the Black Dragon Spear, he is not inferior to Kunpeng's ancestor, so don't worry anymore.

As for Dugu Baitian, although this time he broke through to the Seventh Stage of the Quandi Emperor, his strength is relatively poor.

"Beatian, you are a little weaker. Immortal sword and Tianshui bottle are for you. One attack and one defense can make you invincible."

Xiao Yun pondered for a moment, and actually handed the Immortal sword and Tianshui bottle to Dugu Baitian.

Dugu Baitian looked shocked.

The others also looked at Xiao Yun in surprise, and Di Tian hurriedly said: "Xiao Yun, you are a strong swordsman. With the Immortal sword, your attack power will be stronger. Although Baitian is also a strong swordsman, But he uses the Immortal sword, after all, he can't compare to you."

"Yeah, Uncle, you should use the Immortal sword, just give me the seal." Dugu Baitian also said.

Xiao Yun shook his head and smiled and said, "No need, who told you that my kendo attack is the strongest? That was when I didn't create a chaotic body. Now that I have created a chaotic body, my Chaos Dao is not weaker than kendo at all. Besides—"

Speaking of this, Xiao Yun's temperament changed suddenly, like a divine sword, straight into the sky, the terrifying Sword intent rose into the sky, piercing the universe above the sky.

"I myself am a sword, a peerless divine sword!"

Xiao Yun said proudly.

His physical body is now extremely powerful, comparable to imperial soldiers, and he is indeed qualified to say such things.

The terrifying Sword intent quickly subsided, but the others were a little horrified. Xiao Yun's Sword intent was too terrifying. The sudden explosion made them seem to see a divine sword, slashing through the universe, leaving behind There was a trace of void that was comparable to the Milky Way.

"Damn Xiao Erniu!"

Zao Wou-Ki became more and more depressed, Xiao Yun was too strong, when would he be able to turn over.

Seeing this, the others no longer objected.

Xiao Yun continued to distribute the imperial soldiers, and there was still Feng Shiyin and Wen Tianjing left. The blood-colored lotus platform must be used by himself. With the blood-colored lotus platform, he could just use one of the emperor's soldiers.

In the end, Xiao Yun chose the Sky-Questioning Mirror, which could perform the 'Fixing Technique' and prevent the ancestor Kunpeng from escaping at a critical moment, and the most mysterious way of coordinating with his time.

As for the Sealing Stone Seal, Xiao Yun plans to leave it to the indestructible ancestor.

Although the indestructible ancestor has the red and black Immortal armor, his attack power is limited, and his talent is not comparable to Zao Wuji and Dugu Baitian, so it is best to use the seal of seal.

This imperial soldier was given to him by Wu Hao's filial piety. The emperor's soldier from the sky is still of good quality. It has a strong attack power and is more suitable for the indestructible ancestor.

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao will arrive.

When Xiao Yun was assigning the imperial soldiers, a terrifying demonic energy suddenly rose from the forbidden area.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw the indestructible ancestor with a smile on his face.

Xiao Yun saw the immortal ancestor, his pupils shrank, and then he smiled bitterly: "Ancestor, didn't you say you want to break through the Seventh Stage of the Emperor? How come you have reached the peak of the Eighth Stage of the Emperor?"

He felt fooled by the indestructible ancestor.

This old guy is obviously worried that he will drag them down, so all of a sudden Ascension has so many Cultivation Bases, this is taking a risk.

Don't kill the Kunpeng ancestor before that time, the indestructible ancestor will be harvested by the demon first.

"Indestructible, you are too impulsive." Lei Zu heard Xiao Yun's words, and his face was a little ugly.

The indestructible ancestor laughed indifferently and said: "I am not the lowest in combat power. I have a little more Ascension and Cultivation Base, and I will be able to help them at that time. Don't worry, I feel a little bit now, as long as I am stuck and can't be promoted. God, Ninth Stage, nothing should happen."

However, Xiao Yun and the others were not in a good mood. The immortal ancestor meant that as soon as he was promoted to the quasi-emperor Ninth Stage, something would definitely happen.

The point is, even if the immortal ancestor doesn't cultivate, he will continue to become stronger, and he won't be stuck for long in this bottleneck.

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