Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 833 The Cooperation Of The Enemies

Seeing Ye Fei, Wu Gang, and their murderous auras, Long Yi was not nervous at all. Anyway, he just sent the Taoist body this time, not the deity.

In fact, he has always been very vigilant about the Avengers. When he was still in the Avengers, he sent a Taoist body to a meeting. The deity did not dare to enter Heavenly Emperor Mountain.

"Whether you are willing to cooperate, you might as well wait for me to finish before deciding." Long Yi said indifferently.

Jun Xiaoyao sarcastically said: "You really are with Gu Tianyi, I'm just curious, you are a monster, why are you so close to Gu Tianyi?"

Of course it's for the Emperor!

Long Yi thought in his heart that this time he finally got the Imperial Armament, and he had settled one of his worries and completely relaxed.

The Golden-winged Great Peng and Vermillion Bird next to him are also staring at Long Yi at the moment. In fact, he also secretly contacted Long Yi and asked him to return to the demon clan.

However, Long Yi would not go back at all.

There is no one in the dragon clan, and he is the only one left. His home is in the real dragon's nest, so why go to the demon clan?

To be the boss, are people willing to obey him?

Long Yi was unwilling to be a thug.

"Hehe, this has nothing to do with you. I came here this time to bring you good news."

After Long Yi finished speaking, he looked towards Ye Fei and Wu Gang, and said solemnly, "I'm afraid you don't know yet, Xiao Yun is about to attack the ancestor Kunpeng."


"how come?"

Golden-winged Great Peng and Vermillion Bird were surprised.

Ye Fei and Wuhan Gang were also a little surprised, but they were not idiots, so they couldn't just listen to what Long said.

"Why do you say that?" Vermillion Bird asked, staring at Long Yi.

Long Yi said lightly: "The Chaos Sacred Land has an emperor scripture called "Undead Demon Art", which is the emperor scripture of the cultivation of the immortal ancestors. By planting devil seeds and harvesting them, they can obtain all the cultivation of the enemy. Base and Talent, this is a very scary Devil Dao Cultivation Technique."

"When Xiao Yun first appeared, the Cultivation Base was not very high, but then he rushed all the way to the peak of the Eighth Stage, the quasi-emperor. Do you think he really came up through his own cultivation?"

Ye Fei, Wu Gang, Jun Xiaoyao and the others all had different expressions when they heard the words.

Long Yi continued to say to them: "You are also the Seventh Stage of the Emperor Zhundi. You should know how difficult it is to want the Ascension Cultivation Base after you arrive at the Emperor Zhundi Realm."

"Xiao Yun is able to achieve such a rapid rate of progress by harvesting the demon seed. Last time he fought with the Kunpeng ancestor, I think he has secretly planted a demon seed for the Kunpeng ancestor, and even on you, as long as you fight with him Anyone who has played against each other may be planted by him."

Good guy, as soon as these words came out, everyone present who had played against Xiao Yun checked their own situation.

But it's useless, the Demon Seed is almost difficult to be found in the latent stage.

Because the demon species in the latent stage will not pose any threat to the body, and even help the body.

A non-threatening thing, yet lurking so deep, is of course hard to find.

In fact, being planted with demons is really not a bad thing, because as long as they can kill Xiao Yun, they can also harvest Xiao Yun in turn.

Because of this, "Undead Magic" is not something that anyone can use. If you don't have enough talent, you are not as good as the enemy in the same Realm. Even if you cultivate it, it is useless.

Only people like Xiao Yun who are with Realm Wudi can go and harvest enemies everywhere.

"Don't do useless work, the devil is not so easy to detect, unless you arrive at the Great Emperor Realm. Moreover, it has already been integrated with your flesh and blood, and it can't be removed at all." Long Yi looked at the person who was examining his body. Everyone shook their heads and laughed.

Ye Fei, Wu Gang, and Jun Xiaoyao all had gloomy expressions on their faces, because they had all fought against Xiao Yun, and they were likely to be secretly planted with demons.

"Don't worry too much, the Demon Seed is not a bad thing. As long as we join forces to kill Xiao Yun, all of Xiao Yun's Talent and Cultivation Base will be fed back to us through the Demon Seed, which will allow us to gain a lot of benefits." Long Yi continue to explain.

Of course, this is what Gu Tianyi told him.

Gu Tianyi has been lurking in the dark for some time ago, studying Xiao Yun, the archenemy, every day. Naturally, he found traces of Xiao Yun's cultivation of "Undead Magic" from some clues.

For example, his apprentice's Double Pupils was obtained by Xiao Yun.

With Gu Tianyi's ability and wisdom, as long as he searches, he can find the traces of Xiao Yun's harvest of demon seeds.

And Xiao Yun is now trapped at the peak of Zhundi Eighth Stage, and if it was him Gu Tianyi, it is estimated that he would also think about harvesting the ancestor of Kunpeng.

It's almost obvious.

"Hmph, it's easy to say, we all want to kill Xiao Yun, but even Gu Tianyi doesn't have that ability." Wu Gang sneered at this moment.

Long Yi smiled and said, "We definitely can't do it alone, but what if we join forces? When I was in the Avengers, didn't we make a plan to bring out Xiao Yun and gather everyone's strength to kill Xiao Yun?"

"Only at that time, because of the incompetence of the Wen family Qilin, this plan could not be successful. But now it is possible, and now there is a good opportunity before us."

These words made it a little embarrassing to ask Heavenly Dao not far away.

But he is only the peak of the great sage, and he is not qualified to intervene in the conversation of the quasi emperors.

Just listen to Long Yi continue: "Xiao Yun actually wants to harvest the Kunpeng ancestor, it is not easy, because once he makes a move, you will go to save him."


Ye Fei snorted coldly and said sternly: "Of course, the ancestor Kunpeng is also a member of our Avengers. If something happens to him, of course we have to rush to rescue him in time."

This made Golden-winged Great Peng and Vermillion Bird feel better, but they were still a little worried.

After all, Xiao Yun is just too strong.

"So, Xiao Yun needs a formation that can cover up the fluctuations of Emperor Zhundi's battle, so that he can quietly lead people to harvest the ancestors of Kunpeng." Long Yi said with a smile.

Wu Gang sneered: "How can there be such a formation? Unless it is an imperial formation, no matter how powerful Xiao Yun is, he is not an emperor and cannot set up an imperial formation."

"The Heavenly Sword Sacred Land was destroyed. It was Gu Tianyi's hand." Long Yi said faintly.

Ye Fei's pupils shrank, his face full of shock and said: "Yes, the Heavenly Sword Sacred Land was destroyed, but no movement was reported. Gu Tianyi has a formation to cover up the battle fluctuations of the Emperor Zhun?"

"In that 'deception formation', Gu Tianyi deliberately stayed in the Heavenly Sword Sacred Land, and now it is estimated that Xiao Yun has learned it. What do you think he will do next?" Long Yi asked back with a smile.

Vermillion Bird and Golden-winged Great Peng immediately exploded.

What else can be done, of course, to go to the monster clan to set up a formation, and then harvest the Kunpeng ancestor.

If it wasn't for Long Yi's reminder, they would still be trapped in their bones when the ancestor Kunpeng died and Xiao Yun was promoted to the quasi-emperor Ninth Stage.

Ye Fei and the others also turned serious. Once Xiao Yun was promoted to the quasi-emperor Ninth Stage, how could they still fight with others?

It is estimated that Xiao Yun will call directly at the door by then.

"Since it's cooperation, let Gu Tianyi come over in person. If he doesn't have the guts, he can send Dao Body over."

Ye Fei looked at Long Yi with a gloomy expression.

Whether it's to rescue Kunpeng's ancestors, or to besiege Xiao Yun, it's all in their favor for the Avengers.

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