Not far away, a familiar figure appeared, it was Gu Tianyi.

In order not to irritate Long Yi, Gu Tianyi stopped in the distance, indicating that he was not malicious.

"Hehe, Brother Long Yi is joking. What I want to devour is the Supreme Body. Although you are powerful, you are not the Supreme Body and are useless to me." Gu Tianyi smiled lightly.

Long Yi sneered: "It sounds nice, Lei Zhan is not a supreme body, wasn't he swallowed by you?"

"That's a piece of trash, how can it be compared to Brother Long Yi?" Gu Tianyi said disdainfully, he swallowed Lei Zhan because Lei Zhan was no longer useful to him.

Those who are useless are devoured.

Gu Tianyi can even attack his own son, let alone Lei Zhan.

Useless rubbish should be cleaned up.

Gu Tianyi looked at the vigilant Long Yi opposite, and said with a smile: "Brother Long Yi, the Avengers should be having a meeting at this time, why did you leave?"

"It's not because of you. I was suspected by them and was kicked out of the Avengers." Long Yi sneered.

Gu Tianyi sneered and said: "Sorry, I didn't expect it to affect you, but it's boring to keep a rubbish alliance like this. That Ye Fei has some skills, as for Wuhan Iron and Steel? Hehe, there is Xiao Yun as a great enemy. , he also competes with Ye Fei for power, with such a brainless person, the Avengers will be destroyed by Xiao Yun sooner or later, Brother Long Yi, it is a blessing for you to leave early."

Long Yi couldn't deny the words, he also had the same idea.

Just being implicated by Gu Tianyi, Long Yi felt very unhappy in his heart, and always felt that he was being used by Gu Tianyi all the time.

"Stop talking nonsense, what's the matter with you looking for me this time? Are you planning to use me again?" Long Yi snorted.

Gu Tianyi smiled bitterly and said: "Brother Long Yi is joking, we are in a cooperative relationship, in fact, our cooperation is still very good, this time it was also disturbed by Li Chengdi, otherwise I would be able to devour those Supreme Beings. , Brother Long can also get one or two pieces of imperial soldiers."

"Haha, you are so kind?" Long Yi looked at Gu Tianyi with a sneer.

Gu Tianyi smiled lightly: "Long Yi, you and I have cooperated for so long, have I ever deceived you? To tell you the truth, I came to you this time to continue to cooperate with you. What you need is the emperor. Soldiers, and I will devour those supreme bodies, we have common interests, it is a match made in heaven."

"Go away, who is the perfect match for you, and you are not a female dragon." Long Yi snorted coldly.

Gu Tianyi: "..."

Gu Tianyi was silent for a moment, and then continued: "This time, in order to show my sincerity, I can first capture an imperial soldier for you, and then you can help me devour those supreme bodies, how about it?"

He was in the same situation as Xiao Yun. It was easy to defeat the Supreme Beings, but it was difficult to kill them, so he had to find help.

Long Yi raised his brows when he heard the words, and he looked at Gu Tianyi in surprise, not daring to believe: "Are you serious? However, who did you choose to target? Is it those Supreme Beings? Not really. Use me, hum!"

Gu Tian hurriedly shook his head and said, "Don't worry, the targets I chose this time are not those supreme bodies, they are absolutely foolproof."

"Which imperial soldier is it?" Long Yi asked directly.

Gu Tianyi pointed in one direction, his eyes faintly said: "It's the Heavenly Sword Sacred Land, they only have one quasi-emperor, we two can join forces, we can still get in. With our strength, we can destroy them and snatch the emperor's soldiers. Absolutely not difficult."

Long Yi was moved for a while when he heard the words, as long as the target is not the Supreme Body, it means that Gu Tianyi is very sincere.

After all, the rubbish quasi emperor who devoured the Heavenly Sword Sacred Land was of little help to Gu Tianyi.

This shows that Gu Tianyi really wants to capture an imperial weapon for him.

"The Heavenly Sword Sacred Land is not easy to attack. They are guarded by imperial soldiers and imperial formations, and the Heavenly Sword Sacred Land is also a member of the Avengers. Once we attack the Heavenly Sword Sacred Land, Ye Fei and the others will definitely come to the rescue." Long Yi said calmly.

As soon as Gu Tian heard the words, he said to himself: "You can rest assured, I have had an adventure, and I have obtained a great formation that deceives the sky, which can cover up the fighting atmosphere of the Emperor. As long as it is placed around the Heavenly Sword Sacred Land, It can prevent any information from leaking out.”

Long Yi was shocked when he heard the words, and then took a deep look at Gu Tianyi. This guy actually has such a formation, which can cover up the movement of the Emperor Zhundi's battle. This is simply a weapon for killing people at home.

I'm afraid Gu Tianyi is going to use it to deal with those supreme bodies.

As long as you find a single Supreme Body, and then use the bullying array to cover it, you can harvest the Supreme Body unscrupulously.

A good Gu Tianyi, he is really powerful, no wonder even Xiao Yun couldn't kill him.

Long Yi took a breath, looked at Gu Tianyi on the opposite side, and said solemnly: "Okay, as long as you help me win a piece of Imperial Armament, I will assist you in swallowing those Supreme Body."

He thought about it for a while, and it was his best choice to cooperate with Gu Tianyi.

In this era of strong people everywhere, if he doesn't have an imperial soldier in his hand, let alone Xiao Yun, Kunpeng ancestor, Gu Tianyi and others in the first rank, even if the second rank of Zao Wuji, Ye Fei, Wuhan Iron and Steel, they are much stronger than him.

Therefore, he must win an imperial soldier.

As long as there is an imperial soldier, even in the face of such a strong man as Gu Tianyi, he at least has the confidence to protect himself.

"Hahaha, Brother Long Yi, you made the right choice. I need to devour the Supreme Body, and you need the Imperial Soldier. We are the happiest to cooperate."

When Gu Tian heard Long Yi's promise, he immediately laughed and said, "And I can also promise you. In the future, when you help me devour a few other supreme bodies, their imperial soldiers, I can let you choose another one."

"By then, you will have two imperial soldiers."

The gleaming light in the dragon's eyes was a tempting plan, provided it succeeded this time.


Ancient Sacred Land.

Zao Wou-Ki and Zhao Changge, the quasi-Emperor of Sacred Land, were sitting in a pavilion.

The two of them have a very close relationship, because they are both from the Zhao family, and Zao Wou-Ki is still Zhao Changge's descendant. Although they are not directly related, they still have some relatives.

So the two have a good relationship.

Therefore, after arriving at the ancient Sacred Land, Zao Wou-Ki directly explained his purpose.

"You want to integrate the ancient Sacred Body of those ancestors?" Zhao Changge fell silent after hearing this.

To be honest, he was not so angry when he suddenly heard that Zhao Wuji was going to dig a grave.

After all, he was also surnamed Zhao and belonged to the Yang family.

Although there are ancestors of their Zhao family in the ancestral tomb, there are more people from their Yang family.

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