Can you open the door to be considered the strongest genius in the world?

When everyone heard Chu Yidao's words, they all showed a thoughtful look.

Those who can stand here are all contemporary geniuses of the human race.

The 'first generation' of the eight royal families were all present.

But they have never heard of the existence of the 'door'.

"Brother Xiao, I don't know much about the 'door', I just got some information from the emperor."

Chu Yidao looked at Xiao Yun with a splendid conflict in his eyes. He had been exhausting all means to open the door, but could not find the 'way'.

But now, the young man in front of him has already opened the 'door' one step ahead of him.

Chu Yidao was a little excited, which meant that what the emperor 'Chu' said to him was true, and besides Heavenly Emperor, someone actually opened the 'door'.

Chu Yidao suppressed the excitement in his heart and continued: "These three gates are different, according to the emperor, opening the 'Heaven Gate' can communicate with all the heavens and the world. If you open it to the extreme, you can even ignore the endless void. into another world."

When everyone heard this, their eyes widened.

Xiao Yun's eyes shrank, and his heart was also shocked.

Communicate with the heavens and the world? into another world?

This is too arrogant.

"Brother Chu, what's so magical about the other two gates?" Zhao Qiang couldn't help asking.

The others also looked at Chu Yidao, their eyes full of curiosity.

Chu Yidao didn't give up, and said directly: "Open the 'underground door' to obtain endless power. It is said that this portal is connected to the source of power in the heavens and the world, and it is almost inexhaustible."

After a slight pause, Chu Yidao looked at Xiao Yun with a clear look in his eyes, he speculated: "Brother Xiao must have opened the 'underground door', with the help of the endless power in the "underground door", you can make your The power of the sword soul is Ascension to a terrifying level. Of course, such a huge power also requires Brother Xiao's strong physical body to support it."

Xiao Yun was stunned when he heard the words, but he did not refute. Although he did not rely on the power of the 'underground door', the 'door' he opened did possess inexhaustible power. Perhaps Really is the 'Gate of the Earth'.

"Finally, it is the 'human gate', which can also be called the 'dao gate'."

Chu Yidao's eyes suddenly shot a blazing divine light, and he said with a frenzy on his face: "In my opinion, among the three gates, the 'people's gate' is the most precious. Because opening the 'people's gate' can communicate with the supreme avenue. , listening to the sound of the avenue, not only can Ascension Cultivation Base, break through the border, but also accelerate the cultivation Cultivation Technique and supernatural powers.”

"In addition, sacrifice some Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, all living beings, can get feedback from the Dao, and enter the 'Epiphany' Realm that our cultivators dream of."

"Think about it, if we can enter the Epiphany Realm at any time, wouldn't it be a million times easier to cultivate all the way?"

Chu Yidao said excitedly.

Everyone was completely shocked when they heard it.

When you open the 'human door', you can actually enter the 'Epiphany' Realm anytime, anywhere?

Holy crap, this is just a hoax.

Many of the human geniuses present have stepped into the 'Epiphany' Realm, or have stepped into the 'Epiphany' Realm with the help of some treasures.

So, they are very aware of the preciousness of this Realm.

And if you can step into this Realm anytime, anywhere, it is simply a matter of hooking up. Cultivation is as simple as eating and drinking.

All of the geniuses were instantly excited, and everyone's eyes were full of desire for the "human door".

Xiao Yun was also in shock at the moment.

"Human Gate" actually has this ability? No, how is this "human door" somewhat similar to the Epiphany System?

Could it be that his epiphany system is the human door?

No, the Epiphany System doesn't need to sacrifice anything, just pretend to force it.

And when he didn't open the "door" in his body, he had already obtained the epiphany system, which he brought from crossing into this world, and it should have nothing to do with the "human door".

"Listening to Brother Chu's words is really eye-opening."

After a long time, Xiao Yun said with a look of emotion.

It was only now that he really understood the meaning of the 'door' opened in his body.

It is a pity that what he opened was the 'Gate of Earth', not the 'Gate of Heaven' and the 'Gate of Humans'.

In Xiao Yun's view, the Heaven Gate and the Human Gate should be the most precious and the most helpful to the practitioners.

Of course, maybe he hasn't really discovered the ability to 'underground'.

"Brother Xiao, how did you open the 'underground door', can you give me some pointers?" Chu Yidao stared at Xiao Yun with fiery eyes, as if he was looking at a peerless jewel, he couldn't help but eagerly asked .

Everyone else also looked at Xiao Yun, their eyes filled with longing.

Knowing the magic of the three doors, who doesn't want to open the 'door'?

Xiao Yun met everyone's gaze, but had a wry smile on his face.

"Everyone, it's not that I deliberately concealed it. In fact, I don't know how to open the 'door'. I opened it unintentionally."

Xiao Yun sighed.

Everyone was a little disappointed when they heard this, but Xiao Yun was not to blame.

Chu Yidao also shook his head and said, "Brother Xiao doesn't have to do this, there is no shortcut to open the 'door', otherwise Heavenly Emperor and Brother Xiao would not be the only ones to open it. I just don't know what Brother Xiao was when he opened the 'door'. state?"

Xiao Yun pondered for a moment when he heard the words, he was able to open the 'door', which surpassed the realm, the taboo of gods and demons, and reached a new level.

He didn't hide it, and told everyone how he opened the "door".

Everyone was speechless.

Zhou Nine Heavens said with a wry smile: "If that's the case, it's no wonder I can't open the 'door'."

The human race in this era is very powerful, with geniuses coming out in large numbers, the 'first generation' is the roost, and even the Supreme Body cannot look down on the world.

The young geniuses present are all geniuses from the inner courtyard of the three royal academies, and each of them has stepped into at least the seven-ban Realm.

And the 'first generation' of the eight human king families are the super geniuses of the Nine Forbidden Realm. With the help of the blood of the human king in their bodies, they can even be comparable to the geniuses of the Gods and Demons Taboo Realm.

This was a Realm that neither Zhao Wuji nor Li Chengdi had achieved. In Xiao Yun's era, there was probably only one Gu Tianyi, who could rival the 'first generation' of the royal family of these people.

As for people like Chu Yidao, the 'first generation' of the royal family, although he is also in the Realm where the gods and demons are forbidden, he is estimated to have reached the limit in this Realm, which is equivalent to Xiao Yun before he opened the 'door'.

However, the further Talent gets to the end, the harder it gets every step of the way.

This is not an Ascension Cultivation Base, it can be accumulated over time.

Talent is a person's potential, comprehension, and aptitude, not something that can be learned with time.

Xiao Yun was able to get to where he is today because of the help of the Epiphany System.

"One day, I will also open the 'door'." Chu Yidao gave Xiao Yun a deep look, then turned around and continued to turn his back to the crowd.

He suddenly felt that having someone who surpassed his own in front would actually stimulate his motivation.

"Brother Chu, do you know how to open the other two 'doors'? Or can one person only open one 'door'?"

Xiao Yun flew forward and continued to ask.

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