Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 500 And 96 Another Master

Five clan battlefield, near the demon clan station.

Xiao Yun's Immortal slammed into the blood-colored mask on the body of the Shura general, and immediately there were dense cracks on the mask, and the blood-colored lotus pedestal under his feet was dimmed by a burst of light.

Obviously, this quasi-emperor soldier could not resist the terrifying power of the Jidao Emperor.

The blood-colored mask shrank and trembled sharply, and was about to collapse.

"This is not your own power!"

The Shura warlord's pupils shrank suddenly, and his eyes were full of fear when he looked at Xiao Yun. He never imagined that a mortal man could wield such a powerful force.

This phenomenon was beyond his comprehension.


No matter how anxious General Shura was, he could only watch helplessly as the peerless sword light in front of him shattered the blood-colored mask and fell on his body.

The next moment, the body of Shura, the proud body of the Shura warlord, was instantly torn apart by the sword glow like tofu.

The Sword Qi that escaped from the sword beam also destroyed the body of the Shura general.

In the end, when Sword Ray dissipated, a long gap was left in place, and there was a dull blood-colored lotus platform in the gap, and there was no more figure of the Shura general.

"Sure enough, Tianwaifei Immortal is still as powerful as ever!" Xiao Yun in the distance saw this scene, and immediately heaved a sigh of relief.

The current 'Immortal' is simply a bug to him.

Of course, this move was not so powerful, and it was not even comparable to the god-tier god-tier pass of Chaos Fist and Sword Soul.

But who gave Xiao Yun a powerful perverted past.

Immortal's three bodies are in one, and the focus of its power is the past body and the future body.

Xiao Yun's future will definitely be strong, but his time mystery ability is limited, and he cannot summon a longer future body.

Therefore, the future body that Xiao Yun can summon will not be too strong.

But Xiao Yun once obtained a part of the power of Chaos Great Emperor, which made his past body very powerful, so that the power of Immortal's magical power has reached a terrifying level, completely surpassing his own Cultivation Base.

"It's a pity that I can't control this move perfectly, it's better not to use it until it's critical!" Xiao Yun felt his own physical condition and suddenly smiled bitterly.

The power of the emperor level is not so easy to control, even though his physical body is already very strong, but after the explosion of Immortal, it still caused damage to his physical body.

Although this kind of damage did not make him completely lose his fighting power, his strength has also dropped a lot. I am afraid that any human genius in the field can defeat him now.

Therefore, this is a lose-lose trick. Once there are too many enemies, it is almost no different from courting death.

Xiao Yun also dared to use this trick when he saw that the genius of the human race completely controlled the situation and destroyed the demon camp.

"Dage, are you alright!"


Wu Chaozu and Wu Jingshan seemed to have discovered Xiao Yun's situation and flew over quickly.

Others also gathered around, looking around with vigilance.

They could also vaguely guess that Xiao Yun's move had great side effects. After all, Xiao Yun had already used it once before.

"It's okay, I'll recover soon!" Xiao Yun waved his hand, smiled at everyone, and began to activate the divine body of life to absorb the life energy and Magic power that Shura had dissipated.

Unfortunately, as the body of the general Shura was directly destroyed, there was not much life energy and magic power around, and it was not very helpful to Xiao Yun.

"dammit, it's really a big loss this time!" Xiao Yun was very depressed.

After finally waiting for them to summon a Shura general, they thought they could take this opportunity to advance to the extreme realm of the sky, but they were still destroyed by Immortal.

Right now, the remaining Magic power around him can't make his profound meaning Ascension much, and the remaining life energy is not much.

Fortunately, when Xiao Yun destroyed the ghost clan and Immortal clan before, he still saved some life energy, which was just used to repair the injury at this moment.

"By the way, I almost forgot about this."

Xiao Yun suddenly remembered something, hurriedly flew down, and found a dull, blood-colored lotus pedestal from a gap on the ground.

A group of geniuses from all ethnic groups also followed.

Wu Chaozu looked curiously at the blood-colored lotus platform in Xiao Yun's hand, and said in surprise, "Just this little thing, the defense is so abnormal."

The other people next to them also looked at this blood-colored lotus platform with curiosity. They had seen the defensive power of this thing before.

If it weren't for Xiao Yun's Immortal flying out of the sky, even if the Shura generals stood there and let them attack, they would not be able to break through the Shura generals' defense.

"This thing is much stronger than ordinary quasi-emperor soldiers." Zhou Nine Heavens praised.

"Congratulations, Brother Xiao, this weapon already has the potential to be promoted to an imperial soldier. In the future, if you can prove the Dao Great Emperor, it will definitely become a powerful imperial soldier." Zhao Qiang said with a smile.

Wu Chaozu was a little unhappy when he heard it, and said, "What if? My Dage must be able to prove the Dao Emperor."

Zhao Qiang was speechless, but he couldn't refute Xiao Yun. After all, he had come all the way and had already seen Xiao Yun's perverted talent.

If Xiao Yun can't prove Dao Emperor, then who can prove Dao Dao Emperor?

Xiao Yun is also looking at the blood-colored lotus platform in his hand at the moment. He is more aware of the defensive power of this thing than Wu Chaozu and others. Just now, it barely lasted under the Immortal for a second.

Although it was only for one second, that was the attack power of the Great Emperor. Who could last a second under the attack power of the Great Emperor?

It can be seen how amazing the defensive power of this blood-colored lotus platform is.

What's more, this thing has the potential to be promoted to the emperor, it is simply a treasure.

"I have enough attack power now. With this thing, defense power is no longer a shortcoming." A look of surprise appeared in Xiao Yun's eyes.

Such a powerful quasi-emperor soldier is of great help to him now, and he can continue to use it after the Emperor Zheng Dao.

And this blood-colored lotus platform is not only amazing in defense, but also increases its strength.

Xiao Yun had seen before that Shura warlord had gained a lot of power after activating the blood-colored lotus dais.

Such a good quasi-emperor soldier is simply a priceless treasure.

Immediately, Xiao Yun began to refine the blood-colored lotus platform.

But soon, Xiao Yun found that he couldn't refine this blood-colored lotus platform at all, and there was a powerful primordial spirit in it that resisted his invasion.

"what happened?"

"General Shura is dead, why does this thing still have an owner?"

Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed, showing a puzzled look.

Zhou Nine Heavens and others also showed doubts when they saw Xiao Yun's refining failure.

"Could it be that the devil is not dead yet?" Wu Chaozu wondered, but he saw with his own eyes that the general Shura was instantly killed by Xiao Yun's sword.

Zhou Nine Heavens' eyes flashed, and he said, "Brother Xiao, this thing may not be the devil, but another owner."

Xiao Yun was shocked when he heard the words.

Yes, with the rank of this lotus platform, that Shura general should not be qualified to have it. It should have been given to Shura generals by other great powerhouses.

But in this way, he can't refine the blood-colored lotus platform. After all, the owner of this blood-colored lotus platform is obviously more than one level stronger than him.

"Dage, don't worry, with your Talent, you will definitely be chosen as a direct disciple by Heavenly Emperor, then you can ask Heavenly Emperor to help you erase the imprint of the blood-colored lotus platform." Wu Chaozu looked at the silent Xiao Yun and suggested .

Xiao Yun nodded and put away the blood-colored lotus platform first. He also felt that Heavenly Emperor should be able to erase the mark on it.

After all, even if the owner of this blood-colored lotus platform is very powerful, but the other party is far away in the prehistoric world, how much power can he exert with such a distance?

And Heavenly Emperor is the strongest in this world, isn't it easy to erase its mark?

Perhaps the emperor 'Chu' can do it.

So Xiao Yun was not in a hurry.

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