Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 594: Scarlet Lotus Terrace

The power of the Five Elements sword formation is very powerful. After all, the five weapons that make up the Five Elements sword formation are holy swords, especially the Immortal sword, which is comparable to the top holy soldiers.

Xiao Yun naturally didn't want to waste it.

The Shura general in front of him is indeed very powerful, and it is very difficult to deal with the opponent.

Combined with Xiao Yun's current Cultivation Base and Profound Truth, the power is naturally a thousand times stronger than in the past.

The enchanting lotus platform suddenly grew larger, wrapping Shura's entire body in it.

And with the help of the 'first generation' of the Wang family, the power of the Five Elements sword formation will naturally be stronger. After all, the ability of these 'tool people' is much stronger than that of a single holy soldier.

"Mortals, playing with you ants until now, it should be over."

The Shura warlord rushed out with the blood-colored lotus platform, and the sword in his hand swept out, and the fiery blood-colored sword light blasted all the 'first generations' of the eight royal families to vomit blood and fly away.

Xiao Yun glanced at the battlefield, knowing that the occupation had stabilized, and couldn't help but move in his heart.

"How is that possible!" Zhou Nine Heavens, Zhao Qiang and others couldn't help but widen their eyes when they saw this scene.

This was not the result Xiao Yun wanted to see.

Countless Sword Qi continuously shot at the Shura warlord, causing the Shura warlord to be in a state of embarrassment.

Then he slashed at Xiao Yun with a knife, and collided with the Immortal sword in Xiao Yun's hand.

It is worthy of being a powerhouse in the prehistoric world. Any Shura general, who is not famous in the prehistoric world, actually possesses such Magic Treasures that are close to imperial soldiers.

After Xiao Yun made the decision, he transmitted voice transmission to Zhao Qiang, Wu Chaozu and others, and passed on the magical power of the Five Elements sword array to them.

They have already killed those Demon Sages. After all, these Demon Sages have been severely damaged after the summoning ceremony, and naturally they are not the opponents of the "first generation" of the royal family.

But it doesn't matter, Xiao Yun holds the Immortal sword, supports the profound meaning of the earth, and controls the entire Five Elements sword formation.

However, combining the strength of these people into Xiao Yun will allow Xiao Yun to exert more power.

After all, it was Xiao Yun who really controlled the formation, not the 'first generation' of the Wang family.

The Shura general did not dodge and looked at Xiao Yun contemptuously, his eyes full of ridicule and disdain.

"Forget it, listen to me, form a formation, and deal with him together!"

After General Shura finished speaking, he slowly raised his left hand, and a blood-colored lotus flower appeared in his palm, emitting an eerie red light.

No, it can even be said that this blood-colored lotus platform is already very close to the imperial soldiers, and it is only the last crucial step.

Immediately, the flowers bloom, and the lotus is born step by step.

"Dage, this guy is very powerful, should we join forces to deal with him?" Wu Chaozu approached Xiao Yun and said loudly.

Xiao Yun held the Immortal sword himself, and the sword cut through the void and slashed at the Shura general.

"Zhao Qiang, the profound meaning of gold that you understand is standing in the east!"

If you use Immortal, it can be solved, but in that case, I am afraid that it will kill the Shura warrior directly, and even destroy the body of the Shura warrior, and then there will be very little Magic power that can be harvested.

In the sound of explosions, the colorful swords collapsed.

What he wants is Magic power.

"Others give them power separately!"

"You are a mortal. It's a pity that this sword formation is too bad. If it were replaced by the Innate Five Elements sword formation, the war general might be planted here today."

Zhou Nine Heavens, Zhao Qiang and others also came.

"Wang Heng, what you understand is the profound meaning of fire, stand in the south!"

This is much better than teaming up with them.

"Junior Sister Sun Feifei, what you understand is the profound meaning of wood, standing in the north."


No, you can even be promoted directly to Sage Realm.


This Shura general is close to the peak powerhouse of the Great Sage, and has a strong movement technique. If he gets all these Magic powers, it will not be a problem to be promoted to the extreme realm of heaven.



The vast and unparalleled sword light burst out with fiery divine light, carrying majestic power, and bombarded the Shura warlord fiercely.

The Shura warrior was trapped in the Five Elements sword formation, and it was difficult for him to rush out for a while, and was overwhelmed by countless Sword Qi.

Xiao Yun's pupils also shrank. He didn't expect that there was such a level of treasure on General Shura's body. Although this blood-colored lotus platform was not an imperial soldier, it was already a quasi-emperor soldier.

"Junior Sister Zheng Xue, what you understand is the profound meaning of water, stand in the west!"

The general Shura stood above the blood-colored lotus pedestal and glanced at him. His face was full of disdain, and he didn't put Xiao Yun and the others to put in one's eyes.

"If I can get this bloody lotus platform, it will be a real imperial soldier after the Transcends Tribulation preaching in the future!"

In this way, Xiao Yun can use the Five Elements sword array to combine the power of the "first generation" of the eight human king families into one.


Xiao Yun arranged for the 'first generation' of the royal family one by one. Among these eight people, they had come up with the four profound meanings of gold, wood, water and fire, and only one of the profound meanings of earth was missing.

After all, at the level of Xiao Yun and Shura warriors, although the strength of the "first generation" of the eight people's royal family is good, they are no longer able to get involved.

From Xiao Yun's point of view, the 'first generation' of these people's royal family exist as 'tool people' just like the five swords of their own.

Seeing the power displayed by the Shura generals, Zhao Qiang, Wu Chaozu and others were a little palpitated. This guy is much stronger than the black dragon.

Xiao Yun and others mobilized the Five Elements sword formation with all their strength, and countless Sword Qi gathered together to form a multicolored divine sword that was a thousand feet long, blooming a thousand feet of Sword Ray.

Battle General Shura was blasted by Xiao Yun and vomited blood, and the demonic energy on his body dissipated a lot, but he was not afraid, but looked at Xiao Yun with a grim smile.

With the help of the 'first generation' of the eight human king families, the power of the Five Elements sword formation suddenly increased to a higher level.

There was a trace of fire in Xiao Yun's eyes.

The multi-colored divine sword fell, and the vast and unparalleled sword light slashed on the mask of the blood-colored lotus platform.

As for the demon cultivators in the city, most of them were killed by the geniuses of the human race and fled.

Perhaps after the black dragon becomes holy, he can fight this guy.

The real imperial soldiers need to accompany the emperor to preach the Transcends Tribulation, and this blood-colored lotus platform is one step away from the last Transcends Tribulation.

"Join us?"


Xiao Yun shouted loudly, mobilized the multicolored divine sword, and slashed down towards the Shura general.

The occupation has stabilized, and only Xiao Yun's side against Shura has yet to decide the outcome.

However, the mask was only slightly dented, so that the multicolored sword could no longer advance an inch.

Although it is impossible for them to learn in a short period of time, as long as they know a little bit, and under his control, they can preside over the formation.

And these people already have holy soldiers.

Sword Qi in the Five Elements sword formation bombarded over, but he couldn't shake the blood-colored lotus platform at all, and he couldn't hurt the Shura general.

The defense of this blood-colored lotus platform is so powerful?

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