Looking at the ruins of the city in front of the river, everyone fell silent.

The sky suddenly darkened.

The demon powerhouses in the back were stunned, and then looked at Xiao Yun with a look of astonishment.

The first strong man to appear was a huge black dragon. He drilled out of the broken space. The huge body stretched and undulated like a majestic mountain range.

"You guys are here too!" Xiao Yun walked over, looked at the people in front of him and said with a smile: "I was lucky, I just happened to be teleported to the Immortal clan's station, and I happened to step into the Transcendent realm, so I used the help of The Heavenly Tribulation destroys the Immortal settlement."

Hei Longqiang was a little perverted, and the students of the Royal Academy around Xiao Yun were stunned. The two members of the "first generation" of the Wang family couldn't resist the power of the Black Dragon.

Although his voice was low, which one of those present was weak? Almost all heard.

Zheng Xue showed a dignified expression, and was about to withdraw to meet the enemy, but suddenly saw an Immortal lasing coming, piercing the Golden-winged Great Peng that was slaughtering towards her.

Hei Long stared at his huge eyes, and his dark eyes were suddenly filled with boiling killing intent, and he grabbed Xiao Yun with a single paw at a distance of tens of thousands of meters.

"It's the beast of the demon clan!"

Everyone looked at Xiao Yun speechlessly, what you said was so bland, killing a resident is like killing an ant.

Everyone looked at the figure on the opposite side, and their hearts were full of amazement. As expected of the genius ranked first in the Potential Monument, this Talent is much stronger than the 'first generation' of the royal family.

Even the black dragon who fought fiercely with Zhou Nine Heavens and the others looked at Xiao Yun in surprise, with a serious look in his eyes: "I didn't expect that there is a good blood food hidden among you, your body is very strong, and your strength is stronger than theirs. The 'first generation' of a few people's royal family is even stronger, it is a perfect blood food, as long as I devour you, I may evolve into a five-clawed golden dragon."

"Black Dragon, are you here to die?" Zhou Nine Heavens stepped into the air, the armor on his body released a blazing light, and a powerful aura swept across the sky.

Heavenly Tribulation, he hasn't gone through it yet, so why not go through it again?

Wu Chaozu said condensedly to Xiao Yun: "Dage, this black dragon is the 'first generation' of the dragon race, and its strength is very strong, not inferior to Chu Yidao."

Zhou Nine Heavens looked extremely dignified, and made all-out shots to join forces with Zhao Qiang to fight against the Black Dragon, but he was still at a disadvantage.

Heilong casually raised his head and glanced at the robbery cloud brewing above his head. He didn't care at all, he directly waved his huge tail and smashed it towards Zhao Qiang.

Obviously, it was Xiao Yun who shot just now.

Beside Xiao Yun, the practitioners of the Royal Academy clamored one after another, each with their murderous aura, and their fighting spirit boiled over.

That huge body is comparable to a mountain, with a fierce and domineering aura that makes people feel suffocated.

"Ouch..." The Golden-winged Great Peng screamed, and just as he was still in the sky, he turned into a dead bird in a blink of an eye, and the huge corpse fell to the ground, causing the surrounding mountains to tremble.

After Hei Long finished speaking, he wanted to get rid of Zhou Nine Heavens and slaughtered Xiao Yun.

It was a gigantic Golden-winged Great Peng bird, his wings spread out, at least several hundred meters, Shrouding the Heavens covered the entire void.

"Just one dragon clan 'first generation', if you and I join forces, we may not be able to fight with one!" Zhao Qiang snorted coldly, and flew out, and directly summoned Heavenly Tribulation, rushing towards the opposite monster clan powerhouse.

Immediately after him, there are powerful Demonic Beasts, exuding the ferocity of ferocity and blood.

The mere blood and food, he naturally did not pay attention to it.

It can only be said that Xiao Yun's Talent is too scary.

"Kill them!"

The wings fluttered, and the gust of wind it brought blew all over the sky, rolling endless momentum.

Zhao Qiang had a hard look on his face. He worked hard to suppress the Heavenly Tribulation in order to destroy the Immortal tribe, but Xiao Yun unexpectedly took the lead.

"Huh?" Xiao Yun suddenly turned to look at the distant sky.

Heilong dismissed it, even with one enemy against four, he still had the upper hand, and his divine might was invincible.

Everyone was not surprised. With such a big movement just now, someone will definitely be attracted.

But now, Xiao Yun actually wiped out the Immortal settlement by himself.

"Junior Sister Zheng, let's go too!" Wu Chaozu and Zheng Xue looked at each other and rushed over. The 'first generation' of the four kings' families joined forces to deal with the black dragon.

The black dragon's huge eyes narrowed slightly, and then he sneered: "It turns out that you have stepped into the extreme realm, Zhao Qiang, your strength is the strongest among the 'first generation' of the human king family, but compared with our dragon family, it is still too bad. Far."

At this time, the Immortal sword had turned into a white light and fell into Xiao Yun's hands.


The dragon's claws are extremely sharp, the cold light flashes, and it bursts with a forcing momentum, which makes people feel the pressure of suffocation.

Zhao Qiang, Zhou Nine Heavens, the "first generation" of the royal family, who often mingled in the battlefield of the five clans, still knew very well that even if the great sage came to attack, it was impossible to destroy the Immortal clan's station.

The Dragon Clan is the strongest race among the Monster Clan, and the Dragon Emperor is also the first powerhouse of the Monster Clan, second only to Heavenly Emperor in this era, so no one dares to underestimate any Dragon Clan powerhouse.

In this era, the human race and the demon race are mortal enemies.

Zhou Nine Heavens and others also discovered it long ago, but they were a little speechless in their hearts. How could they be so strong just after being promoted to the heavenly realm?

Xiao Yun nodded, and he also sensed that the black dragon not far away was very powerful, after all, it was a dragon clan. This is the first time he has seen the real dragon clan. Long Er, Long San, etc. he has seen before are only the descendants of the real dragon, and have not really evolved into the dragon clan.

"Do you human race want to bully the less with more, do you think we have no one in the monster race?" A loud and clear voice came.

Killed the divine beast Golden-winged Great Peng in one hit.

This is really shocking.

"Real dragon meat, I haven't tasted it yet!" Xiao Yun looked at the black dragon and whispered to himself.

Compared with the flesh, who can compare with their dragon race?

In his eyes, the Immortals, the Demons, and the Ghosts are all human beings, and they are the blood food of their demons.

"Jie Jie, the dignified Immortal clan's station was actually wiped out. You humans have some skills, you deserve to be the blood food of our demon clan!"

Zhou Nine Heavens, Zhao Qiang and others also turned their heads to look, and they all sensed a strong aura approaching here.

No matter who came, they were not afraid of a battle.


They are not afraid, after all, they are numerous and powerful, not to mention the unfathomable Xiao Yun.

How strong is the Immortal station?

If they hadn't seen Xiao Yun standing above the Immortal garrison with their own eyes, I'm afraid no one would believe it.

"It turned out to be the 'first generation' of a few people's royal family, Zhou Nine Heavens, I remember you, I didn't expect that with your strength, you could also destroy the Immortal clan. The Immortal clan really disappointed me." Heilong's huge eyes It was full of contempt, and he glanced at the ruined Immortal settlement with a look of disdain.

Such a good opportunity to pretend... Zhao Qiang sighed in his heart, feeling a little regretful.

The divine beast Golden-winged Great Peng!

The black dragon didn't care about the Heavenly Tribulation at all. After smashing Zhao Qiang with its tail, it waved its huge dragon claws and probed towards Zhou Nine Heavens.

When Zhou Nine Heavens and the others saw these powerful monsters, they were instantly furious and their killing intent was overwhelming.

"Dage, it turns out that you have already stepped into the realm of heaven. No wonder you can destroy the entire Immortal clan." Wu Chaozu quickly discovered the changes in Xiao Yun's Cultivation Base, and couldn't help but look surprised.

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