Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 500 And 77 Slaughter Immortal

The Heavenly Tribulation of the Great Sage level is very terrifying. The vast and unparalleled lightning beams descended one after another, submerging the mountains and plains.

The Immortal people screamed again and again, very embarrassed.

Although he has a Cultivation Base comparable to the Great Sage level, it does not mean that he can fight the Heavenly Tribulation of the Great Sage level, because most of his strength is on the Immortal sword, but the Immortal sword is only an offensive Magic Treasures, not a defensive Magic Treasures. He doesn't have any great defensive Magic Treasures either, so that's sad for now.

You can't attack Heavenly Tribulation with Immortal sword, it will only attract Heavenly Tribulation's firepower.

So it can be seen that the Immortal light that envelops the Immortal people is beginning to dim.

On the other hand, Xiao Yun's side, he did not resist the bombardment of Tianlei at all, but urged the 'Nine Cycles Thunder Body' to sharpen his own body.

Every thunderbolt struck down Xiao Yun's entire body, and terrifying electric snakes wandered among the Meridians in his body.

In every cell of Xiao Yun, the light of lightning flashed.

The whole person was covered by a sea of ​​thunder.

"Heavenly Tribulation at the level of the Great Sage is still too reluctant. Fortunately, the Immortal people have no time to come and kill me now." Xiao Yun was also a little nervous and uneasy at the moment.

He played a bit big this time, and he created the Heavenly Tribulation at the level of the Great Sage. Even if he tried his best to push the 'Nine Cycles Thunder Body' to sharpen his body, he could only barely reach a state of balance.

If the power of Tianlei was stronger, he would probably turn into fly ash in an instant.

Moreover, now Xiao Yun can't move at all, his whole body is paralyzed by lightning, and the Heavenly Tribulation will not end, he probably won't be able to get rid of this state.

If the Immortals were to kill him at this time, Xiao Yun would definitely die.

However, looking at the situation over there, the Immortals were unable to protect themselves, and they didn't have time to kill Xiao Yun at all.

"Boom boom boom..."

Tianlei bombarded down one after another, and the void of heaven and earth was torn to pieces by the power of thunder and lightning.

The endless sea of ​​thunder and lightning drowned Xiao Yun and the Immortal people. The sky and the earth were filled with purple light, as if it had become a purple world. Electric lights were flickering everywhere, extremely terrifying.

Thunder is like a tide, shattering all voids, and the deafening thunder makes this world seem to have entered the end.

The Heavenly Tribulation at the level of the Great Sage is too terrifying. Countless sky thunders and those who don't need money fall down, and dazzling lightning fills every inch of space.

Immortal's face was pale, and the shirt on his chest was dyed red by the blood he spit out, and there were some fragments of Magic Treasures around.

He had already used seven defensive Magic Treasures, all of which were shattered by the thunder.

Now he can only rely on himself to resist the Heavenly Tribulation. Unfortunately, although his Magic power is powerful, he doesn't have the perverted body like Xiao Yun, and he was quickly hit by the thunder.

On Xiao Yun's side, it was still in balance.

After the baptism of endless thunder, Xiao Yun felt that his physical body was about to be promoted to the Sage level. At that time, even if he did not use Spirit Power, he could kill Sage by leaps and bounds with only the power of his physical body.

It can be said that he made a lot of money this time.

"I wonder if the sword soul can be sharpened by Tianlei?" Xiao Yun was observing the condition of his body, and when he saw the sword soul in his body, he couldn't help but move.

Although Tianlei has the power of destruction, as long as it withstands the test of Tianlei, it will become stronger.

Just like Xiao Yun's body.

Therefore, if Sword Soul can also be tested by Tianlei, it will also become stronger.

Xiao Yun decided to give it a try.

He began to release the sword soul, but instead of completely exposing the sword soul to the bombardment of the sky, he let the sword soul hide behind him, and arranged many Spirit Power shields, and slowly released some of the power of the sky to fall on the sword. above the soul.


The sword soul was attacked by the thunder, and the surface suddenly flickered, and a trace of electric snake entered the sword soul and was absorbed by the sword soul.

Xiao Yun's eyes lit up when he saw this scene.

It was the swordsmanship of thunder that he once realized that was absorbing the power of the thunder. The swordsmanship of thunder was only a swordsmanship in the soul of the sword, and it was not originally the strongest.

But after absorbing the power of Tianlei, Xiao Yun felt that the swordsmanship of his own thunder was rapidly becoming stronger.

If this continues, I am afraid that the strongest swordsmanship in the sword soul will become the swordsmanship of thunder.

"In the future, my sword soul will carry the power of heaven and thunder, and its lethality will be even stronger." Xiao Yun was a little excited, this was an unexpected gain.

Tianlei is terrible, just look at the miserable Immortal not far away, if his sword soul also has the power of Tianlei, the attack power will definitely increase greatly.

In particular, people from the Demon Race, Ghost Race, and Demon Race will naturally be restrained once they face the power of thunder.

The more Xiao Yun thought about it, the more excited he began to gradually increase the 'amount' of Tianlei, so that the sword soul could absorb it faster.


Another wave of thunderstorms came, and the whole world was shaking. The ten thousand zhang purple awns covered his world, and the entire void was penetrated.

Such a vast vision can be seen far away from the battlefield of the five clans.


"It seems to be the residence of the Immortal clan!"

Zhao Qiang looked at the purple beam of light that penetrated the sky and the ground in the distance, his eyes condensed, and his face became solemn.

Next to him, there were Zhou Nine Heavens, Zhang Xiaofan and others. After entering the battlefield of the five clans, they were not very far apart and soon gathered together.

"It seems to be Heavenly Tribulation. Is it possible that other than us, other people are using Heavenly Tribulation to attack the Immortal tribe?" Zhou Nine Heavens was a little surprised. He couldn't remember who else among the Terran was about to use Transcends Tribulation.

Is it a demon clan?


"Has Zhao Qiang started?"

In another place, Chu Yidao also looked at the direction of the Immortal clan station from a distance, his expression changed, and he immediately accelerated to the Immortal clan station.

He thought that Zhao Qiang had already started.


"No, there is something wrong with the Immortal station!"

At the same time, some Immortal gods favored on the battlefield of the five tribes also sensed the huge movement at the Immortal station, and their expressions suddenly changed, and they rushed towards the Immortal station.


In the entire five clan battlefield, many strong people were attracted by the huge movement at the Immortal clan station, but all the strong people who had confidence in themselves rushed towards the Immortal clan station.

At this moment, Xiao Yun's Heavenly Tribulation also came to an end.


The last wave of thunder came, and the blazing light made the whole world bright as day, and the dazzling thunder, like a raging flame, burned the whole world.

After that, the thunder light gradually dimmed, and the robbery clouds in the sky slowly dissipated.


Xiao Yun shook his body lightly, and a cracking sound came from the surface of his body. The skin on his surface was cracked, and a layer of charred old skin fell off, revealing a new body, flashing with various colors.

The body that was reborn from the thunder calamity flickered, full of powerful power, making Xiao Yun look like a supreme god's mansion.

Even the sword soul beside Xiao Yun was full of rich purple, which was the surging power of Tianlei.

At this time, in this sword soul, the power of Thunder Swordsmanship has surpassed other swordsmanships, and is even stronger than the other swordsmanships combined.

"Let's go—"

Xiao Yun's thoughts moved, and he moved his sword soul to kill the Immortal people not far away.

The Immortal people have been severely injured at this moment. He escaped from death, and he didn't dare to fight Xiao Yun at all. Just as he was thinking of running away, he saw a wave of fiery Sword Rays tearing through the space.

The vast and unparalleled sword beams cut through the layers of void.

The Immortal screamed in agony, and was directly vomited by the sword and flew upside down. The power of the thunder that erupted from the sword soul made him suffer the taste of Heavenly Tribulation again.

"Today I will slaughter Immortal!"

Xiao Yun teleported in front of the Immortal. At this time, the Immortal had lost his breath and could not stop his strength. He shattered his head with a punch.

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