Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 575 Immortal Sword And Heavenly Tribulation

The spirit of the sword was so radiant that the majestic Wudi Sword intent caused the Immortal people on the opposite side to avoid the edge for a while. He looked at Xiao Yun with a look of shock in his eyes: "Giant Spirit God, what they said is really right, you people in this world are right. Although people are not good at Cultivation Base, they are often able to leapfrog and fight."

If the Great Master Honghuang is prepared for formation, I am afraid that he will be able to kill the enemy by leaps and bounds.

But Xiao Yun is different.

"Yi, wait for my Demon Killing Array to be deployed, you won't be able to fly!" The Immortal man controlled the Immortal sword to attack Xiao Yun, while setting up the formation. Although Xiao Yun had talent heaven-defying, he was still in front of the huge Cultivation Base gap. It is certain that Xiao Yun can be killed.

"It seems that I still have to use the Heavenly Tribulation!"

"Giant God? It's just a vanguard general of Heaven Court, it's almost the same as the Four Heavenly Kings!" Xiao Yun snorted coldly, and the Chaos Realm suddenly enveloped the entire city.

However, the opponent's Cultivation Base is much stronger than him, and the Magic Treasures are much stronger than him, so he really can't help it.

"Yi, the laws of time and space you control are limited, so I don't believe you can teleport forever." The Immortal man couldn't hit Xiao Yun for a long time, but he was not in a hurry. He sneered and began to set up formations around him.

Xiao Yun's expression changed, although he didn't know this formation, but because of his understanding of the prehistoric world, he knew very well that in addition to Magic Treasures, the prehistoric power was a formation.

Therefore, there was no resistance in the thoughts of the Immortals, only escape.

It's crazy, just a lunatic.

After all, he has always swept away the enemy, when was he forced to flee in such an embarrassing manner?

The Immortal people were so frightened that their scalps went numb. The cultivation practitioners in the wild world were most afraid of Heavenly Tribulation, and they were especially sensitive to the breath of Heavenly Tribulation.

He looked back and saw that Xiao Yun had always kept the same distance from him, and the robbery clouds above his head had gathered more and more, and their power continued to grow stronger.

The speed of the Immortal sword was too fast, almost like teleportation, and it was extremely powerful. After a flash, it pierced through the space and shot Xiao Yun with a sharp edge.

"No, you also mastered the power of the law of chaos. It's unbelievable that you are involved in these three laws of heaven-defying."

Xiao Yun was forced to have no choice but to give up fighting the Immortals. After all, with his current Cultivation Base, it was still too much for him to compete with a great sage-level powerhouse.

If it weren't for teleportation, he would not be the opponent's opponent at all.


What's more, the prehistoric world is vast and rich, and the Heavenly and Mortal Treasures and refining materials they have are not comparable to them.

"You actually have a trace of the law of time and space!"

Such terrifying three laws of heaven-defying, he actually saw it in an ant without Immortal Ascension today, which is unbelievable.

Xiao Yun's thoughts flashed, and the Immortal man on the opposite side had once again urged the Immortal sword to kill.

But being chased by the Immortal sword and dodging everywhere made Xiao Yun very embarrassed, and at the same time very depressed.

Not to mention the power of the Law of Chaos, how powerful Pangu was in those days, it also turned into a prehistoric world after splitting the chaos.

He has seen too many seniors stronger than him die under Heavenly Tribulation, whether it is Immortal Dao, Devil Dao, or Ghost Dao, all of them are afraid of Heavenly Tribulation.

Immortal looked at Xiao Yun's face completely dignified, he did not expect that a small ant would actually involve the power of three heaven-defying laws, it was unbelievable.

This is also in line with his understanding of the great powers of the prehistoric wilderness. The strength of these great powers cannot be determined by their Cultivation Base, but by the opponent's Magic Treasures. Cultivation Base is insufficient, Magic Treasures come to make up.

After that, the two ancestral witches in the witch clan who mastered the laws of time and space, both surpassed ordinary quasi-sages and were close to the terrifying existence of Sage.

The majestic robbery cloud suddenly descended, and the terrifying power of heaven and earth shrouded in an instant.

"call out!"

Comparing the formation of Jiuxiao Continent with the formation of Honghuang World, it is simply the gap between pistol and Gatling.

The killing intent in the Immortal man's eyes skyrocketed. He opened his mouth and spit out an Immortal sword. Immortal was filled with energy, and the divine light was blazing. In a flash, he appeared in front of Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun's expression changed, and he quickly teleported backwards to avoid the attack of the Immortal sword.

Immortal was instantly horrified.

Compared to the prehistoric world where countless Huiyuan already existed, the history of the world where Jiuxiao Continent was located was only tens of millions of years old, and it was naturally incomparable to the other party when it came to crafting.

Immortal's sword was clearly sharp, and in an instant, it shattered the holy soldier in Xiao Yun's hand.

"A mere spiritual weapon dares to compete with my Immortal weapon, I don't know whether to live or die!" The Immortal man sneered, his eyes full of mockery.

Xiao Yun looked at the broken holy soldier, it was 'Ye Dajian', which he transformed from the companion holy sword of the handsome Ye Dasao, and the quality was close to that of the great holy soldier. In front of him, he was so vulnerable.


However, right at The next moment, Immortal was shaking all over and couldn't help but look up at the sky.

Xiao Yun quickly took out a holy soldier to resist.

Xiao Yun has the ability to teleport, although his strength is not as strong as Immortal, but his speed is faster than Immortal.

If a big Luojin Immortal controls the Innate Treasure, he can sweep the Quasi-Saint.


Xiao Yun urged the sword soul to behead the Immortal man, and the fiery Sword Ray engulfed the world. Immortal man's eyes changed with horror, he resisted it with all his strength, and was bombarded by Xiao Yun and flew backwards.

Replace it with a normal Transcendent realm, no, even if it is replaced with a normal Sage, I am afraid that it will be instantly killed by this Immortal sword.

"Escape? Where are you escaping?" Xiao Yun's voice suddenly came from behind, making the Immortals tremble.

As soon as Xiao Yun's Heavenly Tribulation appeared, the Immortals were terrified.

In this city, both time and space were mobilized by Xiao Yun. When he moved, people seemed to see a mighty river of time and space. Countless time and space fragments were wrapped around his body, making him teleport directly to the Immortal people. before.

"If you have such potential, it will not let you live!"

Under the weakening of Chaos Realm, the speed of the Immortal sword was finally affected. In addition, Xiao Yun controlled a part of the power of time and space, and was able to move instantaneously in a short distance, so that he could avoid the attack of the Immortal sword.

"The quality of this Immortal sword is probably the top among the great holy soldiers!" Xiao Yun thought to himself.

Except for the powerhouses above Sage, no one is not afraid of Heavenly Tribulation.

"This ant actually attracted Heavenly Tribulation..." Immortal was terrified. He felt that the cultivators in this world were too crazy. In order to kill the enemy, he did not hesitate to attract Heavenly Tribulation. What if he killed the enemy? It's not like I'm going to die under Heavenly Tribulation.

After all, the cultivation practitioners in the prehistoric world have been living for too long. Whether it is the refining one or the formation one, they have almost reached the strongest Realm.

Now that his Chaos Realm has the blessing of the Time and Space Realm, its power is even stronger.

As long as he had the heart to pursue him, the Immortal man in front of him would not be able to escape.

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